200+ group (week7)



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    If I get my Christmas wish and we upgrade to iphones, I will be on during the Holidays :bigsmile: I mentioned the new app e-mail to my husband and he said "we should get those." We'll see how the shopping goes and how much the plans really cost.

    The world is white and windy here. I am giving myself extra drive time today. At least my farthest client is only 20 miles away.

    akasullengal - good luck maintaining your weekend mysterious loss. By the way congrats on the pants fitting better. I feel like I have a new wardrobe and it's just because my clothes are fitting better :bigsmile:

    littlesister - sorry to here your weather is so bad and that you've been not feeling the best. Today is another day - put on a smile and hopefully it will be better.

    lovinglife - I will add your goal to our chart.

    jitterspork - thanks for the info on how to add to signature.

    Anyone else been missing Blombie? I hope she is enjoying that cruise...
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Er . . . (blush) . . . this morning I couldn't stand it and I sneaked a weigh-in. I lost a pound. I recorded it. Yeay! I'll officially update with the gang on Friday, too, but just had to weigh in with my weigh in! lol!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I was so excited to see the new iPhone App. I got on the phone and called my husband immediately to tell him. That has been his excuse lately about recording his calories.. He isnt online enough... I mentioned to him how it would be cool to have an app for our phones, and WahLah! There it is! Woot! I am absolutely crazily happy!

    So I had a nice dinner last night with hubby, but I went over on Calories.. I felt horrible.. This morning after the shower, I felt I needed to just check the scale to see what exactly I had done (kind of a self punishment) to find I lost 3.4 lbs.

    Can anyone clarify or explain this to me? I thought maybe I was messing the scale up, and not getting on in time or moving around.. so I did it about 14 times... (I know, but I had to double and triple check my double and triple check) I moved it in different places, but it said the same thing.. I even put my cat on the scale to make sure it wasnt stuck at that number, even if it is digital.

    So hair wet and all I still came in 3.4 lbs lighter. Maybe it was the reaction and horrible stomach ache that I had at 3am that did it.. I don't know, don't understand, and don't want to get excited about it.

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hey everyone, I hope your having a good day!!

    I found a scale i want to get thats pretty cheap so i just need to save some money lol! For lunch there is always a choice of pizza but i was happy I chose a salad insead and didnt even eat all of it :) yesterday. Today I am home for the day and will have to watch myself.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yay for random weight losses all around! haha!

    I realized again today why I never go out to eat. First of all, it's always more caloric. Second, it's a pain in the butt to log the calories.

    I planned to go to the rec center after work, and eat well tonight, but now it's all up in the air. A friend is randomly in Michigan for the day, and wants to get together, so I can't pass up the opportunity. So that will probably be TWO meals out today, and probably no rec center if it all pans out. Ugh! But, it will be worth it in the long run to see him and spend time together. The scale just will not be friendly come Friday.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    PINBOT: I haven't the slightest idea as to why I am STILL 238! But I am depressed now (big issues with my lil sister) and its affecting my eating. yesterday I ate 2 cheese danishs and 6 mini donuts AFTER my dinner. Way over on cals, but the depressed Nikki doesn't care.. and the happy Nikki is having a hard time eating healthy.. I need to get outta this funk
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    PINBOT: I haven't the slightest idea as to why I am STILL 238! But I am depressed now (big issues with my lil sister) and its affecting my eating. yesterday I ate 2 cheese danishs and 6 mini donuts AFTER my dinner. Way over on cals, but the depressed Nikki doesn't care.. and the happy Nikki is having a hard time eating healthy.. I need to get outta this funk

    Poor Nikki. It's hard when you get to that place where you're like "To hell with it, I want the danishes, and that's that." I spend a lot of time in that zone too. When I'm not in a good mood, and when I try to talk myself out of the food I really want, I get angry, even if it's at myself. I can have that food if I want it, and don't argue with me, because I'm SO not in the mood.

    I don't have any advice because I'm still new at this. However, I've experienced moderate success chomping on crunchy things when I'm mad, like raw carrots. I usually go after what I really wanted after I've eaten the carrots, but I figure at least I got some nutrients and fiber in me first.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    jitterspork - I love that you weighed the cat. Did you have any alcohol last night? It is a diuretic and can cause you to dehydrate and loose water weight. If not - hope and pray that the loss stays... Some weeks I lose 4 pounds and some weeks 0. Who knows why it happens as long as the numbers overall are headed down. By the way, how are those jumping jack coming. I did 225 yesterday. I plan to do 250 today and 275 tomorrow. Friday we will have to start a new challenge - it's my turn to think of one - be prepared :wink:

    akasullengal - life is more important than weight loss. Do the best you can with eating out and enjoy your friend. Did you ever get the HRM to work? I had trouble with mine until someone else told me the Woot Pro-form HRM came with "low batteries". It works great - at least it shows I am alive and have a heart rate since I put a fresh battery in... I plan to test it out later today and will let you know on actual calories vs MFP...

    Heather - great job on choosing the salad. Save those pennies and get your own scale - sooner rather than later.

    Nikki - Your food choices and stress may be why the scale is still up. How do we get rid of the depressed Nikki? Is your sister having medical issues and in poor health or just making stupid choices in her life? Is anything you do going to change your sister? If not - you have to let it go. Who do YOU want to be? You wont make changes in YOU until you start to take care of yourself and really want to change. List 10 things that you have to live for. List 10 reasons why you want to lose weight. List 10 things that will happen if you lose weight. List 10 things that you can do to lose weight. List 10 things that make you happy. Set a short term goal - for example if I lose 5 pounds or If I do 45 min of exercise everyday this week then something positive will happen - some alone time for you, a call to a friend, a date with someone, or let your self have a cheat meal... We know you love your sister but you have to take care of you first - maybe you need to step back from her problems and realize that only she can change herself (assuming her problems not medical issues). She is responsible for what she does and you will be there for her when she is ready to change. In the mean time, try to take things one day at a time. Put the scale away for 2 weeks. If you are stressing over numbers on the scale, you won't lose weight. I have a friend that went 4 weeks without losing weight on MFP - she finally broke up with her husband and the next week lost 8 pounds. She felt stress from her marriage was stopping her from losing weight. Forgive yourself for your screw-ups and do some extra "punishment" exercise. This what my husband calls it when I realize I'm over on calories and dance or jog or just move around the living room as we watch TV trying to burn a few extra calories before bed. I hope this is helpful. We are here for you if you need to vent. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    My JJ's are great. I am getting slower which is ok with me because as they get harder the better the workout, but I am enjoying them. I am prepared for your challenge lady!

    P.S. No alcohol... I am praying they stay gone but I am not holding my breath!!! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Round 1 with the HRM vs MFP estimate - HRM 262 and MFP 547 for 45 min of snow shoeing. That's quite a difference. I will keep everyone posted on my workouts for the next few days. I wonder if MFP takes into account that your heart rate stays elevated for a time and you burn a few more calories even after you stop exercising? It's kinda cool to wear the HRM around the house - the calories don't move as I sit and type but earlier went up quit a bit as I took laundry to the upstairs and cleaned up the kitchen - what more proof do I need that I should get up and do more.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nikki and everyone, I just read this great post from awhile ago and wanted to make sure all caught it... Its the success that keep me motivated and think that I really can do this.

  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    PINBOT: I haven't the slightest idea as to why I am STILL 238! But I am depressed now (big issues with my lil sister) and its affecting my eating. yesterday I ate 2 cheese danishs and 6 mini donuts AFTER my dinner. Way over on cals, but the depressed Nikki doesn't care.. and the happy Nikki is having a hard time eating healthy.. I need to get outta this funk

    Poor Nikki. It's hard when you get to that place where you're like "To hell with it, I want the danishes, and that's that." I spend a lot of time in that zone too. When I'm not in a good mood, and when I try to talk myself out of the food I really want, I get angry, even if it's at myself. I can have that food if I want it, and don't argue with me, because I'm SO not in the mood.

    I don't have any advice because I'm still new at this. However, I've experienced moderate success chomping on crunchy things when I'm mad, like raw carrots. I usually go after what I really wanted after I've eaten the carrots, but I figure at least I got some nutrients and fiber in me first.

    I should have taken my own advice. I tromped down to the food area on the 1st floor of my building and bought crappy crap. I posted about it here, if anyone's interested in how sucky I am at taking my own advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/72893-blyeah-what-have-i-done
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    LittleSister, we all have slip ups! You recognized what you were doing. I liked the link that pinbot posted, especially the part of what you were feeling when you were eating. I know my eating is very much tied up in my emotions.

    As for today, no surprise.. didn't go to the rec center. I could of, after my friend came into town significantly later than planned (frustrating!), and so 2 meals out. Had a veggie sandwich (and fries ugh) for lunch, and for dinner an artichoke pizza (so good... shouldn't have eaten all of it). It's the most calories I've had in a day probably since I started (other than Thanksgiving). I just need to get back on track tomorrow!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    btw, pinbot, thanks for the heads up on the woot HRM. Were you actually getting a low battery signal on it? I'm going to try again this weekend with it.. if it doesn't work, will replace the battery, and see if it works.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay everyone - The worst of the week is over and it's time for all of us to get back on track. It's last chance Thursday - eat well and exercise. Don' t forget the water. Today WILL be a good day for me (some self motivation). My official weigh-in day for MFP is Thursdays and I hope it holds for our group weigh-in tomorrow - even with TOM starting later today I hope to have a good week. So with 11 weeks of exercise, TOM symptoms seem to be improving. I actually feel pretty good today when normally I would be a cranky crab - LOL. I don't feel as swollen as normal :bigsmile:

    akasullengal - the HRM didn't show signs of low battery except it was not monitoring my heart rate at all. Now when I put it on, it constantly reads the HR.

    littlesister - stay away from the bad section of the cafeteria. Congrats on losing the pound. Have you thought about why you did self sabotage? Next time think about getting a massage or buy some clothes as the reward for your hard work.

    See you all tomorrow for the weigh-in.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Well ladies, I got my period, so I am assuming that atleast HALF of the 7lbs I gained last weekend is period weight, yuck! I'm not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow, cause its that TOM.. But I willll.. Hopefully I atleast maintained. I am trying to eat more healthy though even though I'm depressed...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    jitterspork - I love that you weighed the cat. Did you have any alcohol last night? It is a diuretic and can cause you to dehydrate and loose water weight. If not - hope and pray that the loss stays... Some weeks I lose 4 pounds and some weeks 0. Who knows why it happens as long as the numbers overall are headed down. By the way, how are those jumping jack coming. I did 225 yesterday. I plan to do 250 today and 275 tomorrow. Friday we will have to start a new challenge - it's my turn to think of one - be prepared :wink:

    akasullengal - life is more important than weight loss. Do the best you can with eating out and enjoy your friend. Did you ever get the HRM to work? I had trouble with mine until someone else told me the Woot Pro-form HRM came with "low batteries". It works great - at least it shows I am alive and have a heart rate since I put a fresh battery in... I plan to test it out later today and will let you know on actual calories vs MFP...

    Heather - great job on choosing the salad. Save those pennies and get your own scale - sooner rather than later.

    Nikki - Your food choices and stress may be why the scale is still up. How do we get rid of the depressed Nikki? Is your sister having medical issues and in poor health or just making stupid choices in her life? Is anything you do going to change your sister? If not - you have to let it go. Who do YOU want to be? You wont make changes in YOU until you start to take care of yourself and really want to change. List 10 things that you have to live for. List 10 reasons why you want to lose weight. List 10 things that will happen if you lose weight. List 10 things that you can do to lose weight. List 10 things that make you happy. Set a short term goal - for example if I lose 5 pounds or If I do 45 min of exercise everyday this week then something positive will happen - some alone time for you, a call to a friend, a date with someone, or let your self have a cheat meal... We know you love your sister but you have to take care of you first - maybe you need to step back from her problems and realize that only she can change herself (assuming her problems not medical issues). She is responsible for what she does and you will be there for her when she is ready to change. In the mean time, try to take things one day at a time. Put the scale away for 2 weeks. If you are stressing over numbers on the scale, you won't lose weight. I have a friend that went 4 weeks without losing weight on MFP - she finally broke up with her husband and the next week lost 8 pounds. She felt stress from her marriage was stopping her from losing weight. Forgive yourself for your screw-ups and do some extra "punishment" exercise. This what my husband calls it when I realize I'm over on calories and dance or jog or just move around the living room as we watch TV trying to burn a few extra calories before bed. I hope this is helpful. We are here for you if you need to vent. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    tHANK YOU pINBOT! I just found out that my sister is addicted to heroin, and its ruining me inside, although it was her own descision.. You are correct. I do have to let go and just worry about me. I haven't weighed today, I will weigh tomorrow just to be accountable.. and you know somewthing else? I feel like my BD is preventing me from loosing the weight.. Like not physically or verbally, but he makes it so hard for me to stay motivated.. cause he's obese too, and doesn't want to loose weight. He doesn't want me to loose weight, so he harrass' me about some food choices.. hopefully when my period clears up my mood will too.. I hope.. Thanks Pinbot!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    nikki, it's hard when you don't have that social support at home to help you along your journey. I hope that changes as time progresses. Remember, you can always come here and vent it out!

    As for today, it's definitely last chance eating/work out day for the week. I think I'll eat okay (though today is cake day, and as my birthday was this month, I should attend... I might need to see a patient during that time though, so that'll work out well as an excuse not to eat). Will definitely go to the rec center tonight to work off all that food from yesterday, and am chugging water like whoa today in hopes that it helps with the higher sodium intake yesterday. I don't expect the weigh-in to be fab tomorrow, but i'm hoping I've at least kept off the couple of pounds that seemed to vanish over the weekend.

    Good luck gals!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    cake day fallout:

    my patient didn't show up, so I made an appearance at cake day. instead of a whole piece of cheesecake, I did half a slice (still highly caloric), and a pumpkin (mmm) bite. Could have been worse OR better. Bad for the day before weigh-in. Oh well!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    cake day fallout:

    my patient didn't show up, so I made an appearance at cake day. instead of a whole piece of cheesecake, I did half a slice (still highly caloric), and a pumpkin (mmm) bite. Could have been worse OR better. Bad for the day before weigh-in. Oh well!
    tHank you! And don't worry.. You didn't go overboard, you seem really good at staying on top of your journey! Wish I was as good as you! lol:flowerforyou: