For Those Who Believe in Heaven...



  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    One thing to remember is the modern bible has been translated edited and messed with.

    Not to mention it was written to keep pesents in line.

    I mean if murdering non virgins and gays is your bag crack on but remember the bible is based on nothing but stuff people wrote down 100s of years after it happend.

    Faith is simply taking something as fact because it seems nice, nothing more it has no special power.

    Keep the search for god personal.
    Yes, the question of where we are going (after death) leads to discussing origins (where did we come from) and the authority of the bible (because it claims to know).
    It was a while before I learned and understood that the bible can be trusted as the authority ( on all topics, for that matter).
    Have you read it?
    In the area of religion (as well as any other area) there can be liars and hypocrites, and people who generally misrepresent....even in issues of health and fitness!
    Josh McDowell and CS Lewis are examples of men who went in to discredit the authority of God's word....and came away believers!
    Well, I might express my faith this way:
    Ultimately, even though I can see God's word lines up with God's world, it's a personal's the way He works in my life.
    If you can completely wrap your mind around God and understand Him completely, you don't have the true God in mind! You have a god in mind that you created.
    The real One is too big to fit there.

    Ive dabbled lol

    I think any person who has a brain can understand the bible is just a tool of fear and control.

    Any person who lives a good life based on the fear of hell and not by there own morals is no better than an animal begging for a treat.

    If god exists and turns out to be the petty child he comes across as in the bible murdering his followers just to prove a point ect it really is a sad world we live in.

    Just a point for op have you ever considerd enternal life? I get bored, Think forever what would you do
    Hell is real place, and there is reason to fear it!
    Boredom is not the worst thing about hell, nor does it exist in heaven.

    If you set your own moral standards, and then you feel/or get offended by someone else who has violated your standards, then now you are the one setting the standards.
    And I would like to say that you are not GOD. Just my point is that you don't have the authority to set those standards.:wink:
    But He does.

    His word says He created us separately from the animals, in His image. The animals He created, and they were alive and living their lives. But man He created with His own hands from the dust (which He also created), and breathed life into him, and he became a living being. We are different from animals.

    And you are falsely accusing Him, which is how He was crucified to begin with.
    He died on the cross. BUT he OVERCAME death, resurrected by His own power, and is with the Father in heaven.
    Which is where He wants to take each and every person.
    So He is all-powerful, has all authority, and has PRESEVED His word and you can read it!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I really hate to state the obvious... 'cause, you know, how much fun is that? But I'll bite...

    Has anyone considered that my question really had nothing to do with Heaven (or whatever you choose to believe)

    or Hell (again, whatever you choose to believe, if at all),

    but if the afterlife has cable?
    Well, that's still going to give you afterlife discussions, and all the related topics. And you can still weigh-in....
    Have fun!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    One thing to remember is the modern bible has been translated edited and messed with.

    Not to mention it was written to keep pesents in line.

    I mean if murdering non virgins and gays is your bag crack on but remember the bible is based on nothing but stuff people wrote down 100s of years after it happend.

    Faith is simply taking something as fact because it seems nice, nothing more it has no special power.

    Keep the search for god personal.
    Yes, the question of where we are going (after death) leads to discussing origins (where did we come from) and the authority of the bible (because it claims to know).
    It was a while before I learned and understood that the bible can be trusted as the authority ( on all topics, for that matter).
    Have you read it?
    In the area of religion (as well as any other area) there can be liars and hypocrites, and people who generally misrepresent....even in issues of health and fitness!
    Josh McDowell and CS Lewis are examples of men who went in to discredit the authority of God's word....and came away believers!
    Well, I might express my faith this way:
    Ultimately, even though I can see God's word lines up with God's world, it's a personal's the way He works in my life.
    If you can completely wrap your mind around God and understand Him completely, you don't have the true God in mind! You have a god in mind that you created.
    The real One is too big to fit there.

    Ive dabbled lol

    I think any person who has a brain can understand the bible is just a tool of fear and control.

    Any person who lives a good life based on the fear of hell and not by there own morals is no better than an animal begging for a treat.

    If god exists and turns out to be the petty child he comes across as in the bible murdering his followers just to prove a point ect it really is a sad world we live in.

    Just a point for op have you ever considerd enternal life? I get bored, Think forever what would you do
    Hell is real place, and there is reason to fear it!
    Boredom is not the worst thing about hell, nor does it exist in heaven.

    If you set your own moral standards, and then you feel/or get offended by someone else who has violated your standards, then now you are the one setting the standards.
    And I would like to say that you are not GOD. Just my point is that you don't have the authority to set those standards.:wink:
    But He does.

    His word says He created us separately from the animals, in His image. The animals He created, and they were alive and living their lives. But man He created with His own hands from the dust (which He also created), and breathed life into him, and he became a living being. We are different from animals.

    And you are falsely accusing Him, which is how He was crucified to begin with.
    He died on the cross. BUT he OVERCAME death, resurrected by His own power, and is with the Father in heaven.
    Which is where He wants to take each and every person.
    So He is all-powerful, has all authority, and has PRESEVED His word and you can read it!

    ^^ I completely agree with her. I couldn't put it better. You need to respect other people views and not go falsely accusing the Lord Almighty. Is it because you might be scared that there is a high power then yourself? Because it is awe inspiring and it is wonderful that there is someone who is so good and so merciful. You maybe should read more of the Bible, reflect, and then come back. (P.S be more respectful of others)
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm not touching this one :laugh:
  • fraser112
    One thing to remember is the modern bible has been translated edited and messed with.

    Not to mention it was written to keep pesents in line.

    I mean if murdering non virgins and gays is your bag crack on but remember the bible is based on nothing but stuff people wrote down 100s of years after it happend.

    Faith is simply taking something as fact because it seems nice, nothing more it has no special power.

    Keep the search for god personal.
    Yes, the question of where we are going (after death) leads to discussing origins (where did we come from) and the authority of the bible (because it claims to know).
    It was a while before I learned and understood that the bible can be trusted as the authority ( on all topics, for that matter).
    Have you read it?
    In the area of religion (as well as any other area) there can be liars and hypocrites, and people who generally misrepresent....even in issues of health and fitness!
    Josh McDowell and CS Lewis are examples of men who went in to discredit the authority of God's word....and came away believers!
    Well, I might express my faith this way:
    Ultimately, even though I can see God's word lines up with God's world, it's a personal's the way He works in my life.
    If you can completely wrap your mind around God and understand Him completely, you don't have the true God in mind! You have a god in mind that you created.
    The real One is too big to fit there.

    Ive dabbled lol

    I think any person who has a brain can understand the bible is just a tool of fear and control.

    Any person who lives a good life based on the fear of hell and not by there own morals is no better than an animal begging for a treat.

    If god exists and turns out to be the petty child he comes across as in the bible murdering his followers just to prove a point ect it really is a sad world we live in.

    Just a point for op have you ever considerd enternal life? I get bored, Think forever what would you do
    Hell is real place, and there is reason to fear it!
    Boredom is not the worst thing about hell, nor does it exist in heaven.

    If you set your own moral standards, and then you feel/or get offended by someone else who has violated your standards, then now you are the one setting the standards.
    And I would like to say that you are not GOD. Just my point is that you don't have the authority to set those standards.:wink:
    But He does.

    His word says He created us separately from the animals, in His image. The animals He created, and they were alive and living their lives. But man He created with His own hands from the dust (which He also created), and breathed life into him, and he became a living being. We are different from animals.

    And you are falsely accusing Him, which is how He was crucified to begin with.
    He died on the cross. BUT he OVERCAME death, resurrected by His own power, and is with the Father in heaven.
    Which is where He wants to take each and every person.
    So He is all-powerful, has all authority, and has PRESEVED His word and you can read it!

    ^^ I completely agree with her. I couldn't put it better. You need to respect other people views and not go falsely accusing the Lord Almighty. Is it because you might be scared that there is a high power then yourself? Because it is awe inspiring and it is wonderful that there is someone who is so good and so merciful. You maybe should read more of the Bible, reflect, and then come back. (P.S be more respectful of others)

    I find it hard to trust any god who says a man must pay a fine to the father of a rapew victim then marry her.

    Or any non virgin bride should be stoned

    or that wonderful little story about the fella that sent his 2 daughters out to get raped by an angry mob

    Or when adam and eve ate the apple before god created any concept of right and wrong.

    Or the rape he allows in the catholic church

    He sounds real devine lol
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    once, about a year after my grammy died, i could smell her perfume. I was having a bad time, and "smelling" her perfume made me feel as if she was with me.. made me feel comforted...

    Looking back, idk if she was "there" or not, but it got me through it.. so who cares?? Whatever you believe, if it helps you.. so be it! <3
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    There is so much more to the Bible than just the Old Testament. There is also the New Testament. I think it's too bad when people get fixated on certain things taken out of the Old Testament without studying and reading the whole Bible. I don't understand everything that happened in the Bible either but I do know that God sent His only Son to die on a cross for me. Jesus, who never sinned, left Heaven to come into this world and died an agonizing death as payment for my sins so if I give my life to Him I can end up in Heaven with Him. Trying to live by His rules is a small price for me to pay for what He did for me.

    I'm sure I'll get plenty of ridicule for my post but I don't care. I'm secure in the knowledge of where I will spend eternity and who I'll spend it with. I just wish everyone had that same assurance.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    One thing to remember is the modern bible has been translated edited and messed with.

    Not to mention it was written to keep pesents in line.

    I mean if murdering non virgins and gays is your bag crack on but remember the bible is based on nothing but stuff people wrote down 100s of years after it happend.

    Faith is simply taking something as fact because it seems nice, nothing more it has no special power.

    Keep the search for god personal.
    Yes, the question of where we are going (after death) leads to discussing origins (where did we come from) and the authority of the bible (because it claims to know).
    It was a while before I learned and understood that the bible can be trusted as the authority ( on all topics, for that matter).
    Have you read it?
    In the area of religion (as well as any other area) there can be liars and hypocrites, and people who generally misrepresent....even in issues of health and fitness!
    Josh McDowell and CS Lewis are examples of men who went in to discredit the authority of God's word....and came away believers!
    Well, I might express my faith this way:
    Ultimately, even though I can see God's word lines up with God's world, it's a personal's the way He works in my life.
    If you can completely wrap your mind around God and understand Him completely, you don't have the true God in mind! You have a god in mind that you created.
    The real One is too big to fit there.

    Ive dabbled lol

    I think any person who has a brain can understand the bible is just a tool of fear and control.

    Any person who lives a good life based on the fear of hell and not by there own morals is no better than an animal begging for a treat.

    If god exists and turns out to be the petty child he comes across as in the bible murdering his followers just to prove a point ect it really is a sad world we live in.

    Just a point for op have you ever considerd enternal life? I get bored, Think forever what would you do
    Hell is real place, and there is reason to fear it!
    Boredom is not the worst thing about hell, nor does it exist in heaven.

    If you set your own moral standards, and then you feel/or get offended by someone else who has violated your standards, then now you are the one setting the standards.
    And I would like to say that you are not GOD. Just my point is that you don't have the authority to set those standards.:wink:
    But He does.

    His word says He created us separately from the animals, in His image. The animals He created, and they were alive and living their lives. But man He created with His own hands from the dust (which He also created), and breathed life into him, and he became a living being. We are different from animals.

    And you are falsely accusing Him, which is how He was crucified to begin with.
    He died on the cross. BUT he OVERCAME death, resurrected by His own power, and is with the Father in heaven.
    Which is where He wants to take each and every person.
    So He is all-powerful, has all authority, and has PRESEVED His word and you can read it!

    ^^ I completely agree with her. I couldn't put it better. You need to respect other people views and not go falsely accusing the Lord Almighty. Is it because you might be scared that there is a high power then yourself? Because it is awe inspiring and it is wonderful that there is someone who is so good and so merciful. You maybe should read more of the Bible, reflect, and then come back. (P.S be more respectful of others)

    I find it hard to trust any god who says a man must pay a fine to the father of a rapew victim then marry her.

    Or any non virgin bride should be stoned

    or that wonderful little story about the fella that sent his 2 daughters out to get raped by an angry mob

    Or when adam and eve ate the apple before god created any concept of right and wrong.

    Or the rape he allows in the catholic church

    He sounds real devine lol
    All great questions.
    And you are still falsely accusing Him.
    You are putting God on trial.
    And He will win.
    And when you finish searching Him out, You will find He is good, all good!
    And He is not a liar, or a hypocrite, or a murderer...
    And you are also a recipient of His grace (grace---His unmerited favor of us), as I am sure only you and He know how imperfect you have been:wink: we all have been.
    And that He hasn't put the stops on this planet:explode: and sent us all to our respective destinations right now!
    But He is giving us all time to repent. I have...will you?

    And are you offended because, you say, God has violated YOUR standards?
    There you go again, thinking you set the standards, getting offended at God and falsely accusing Him, when He is perfect, and you are not!
    So that is hypocrisy.

    I need His grace everyday...but the gift He gave heavenly destination... was free and irrevocable,.... I get to have that just because I asked Him to give it to me, even though I still blow it, violate His standards.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    One thing to remember is the modern bible has been translated edited and messed with.

    Not to mention it was written to keep pesents in line.

    I mean if murdering non virgins and gays is your bag crack on but remember the bible is based on nothing but stuff people wrote down 100s of years after it happend.

    Faith is simply taking something as fact because it seems nice, nothing more it has no special power.

    Keep the search for god personal.
    Yes, the question of where we are going (after death) leads to discussing origins (where did we come from) and the authority of the bible (because it claims to know).
    It was a while before I learned and understood that the bible can be trusted as the authority ( on all topics, for that matter).
    Have you read it?
    In the area of religion (as well as any other area) there can be liars and hypocrites, and people who generally misrepresent....even in issues of health and fitness!
    Josh McDowell and CS Lewis are examples of men who went in to discredit the authority of God's word....and came away believers!
    Well, I might express my faith this way:
    Ultimately, even though I can see God's word lines up with God's world, it's a personal's the way He works in my life.
    If you can completely wrap your mind around God and understand Him completely, you don't have the true God in mind! You have a god in mind that you created.
    The real One is too big to fit there.

    Ive dabbled lol

    I think any person who has a brain can understand the bible is just a tool of fear and control.

    Any person who lives a good life based on the fear of hell and not by there own morals is no better than an animal begging for a treat.

    If god exists and turns out to be the petty child he comes across as in the bible murdering his followers just to prove a point ect it really is a sad world we live in.

    Just a point for op have you ever considerd enternal life? I get bored, Think forever what would you do
    Hell is real place, and there is reason to fear it!
    Boredom is not the worst thing about hell, nor does it exist in heaven.

    If you set your own moral standards, and then you feel/or get offended by someone else who has violated your standards, then now you are the one setting the standards.
    And I would like to say that you are not GOD. Just my point is that you don't have the authority to set those standards.:wink:
    But He does.

    His word says He created us separately from the animals, in His image. The animals He created, and they were alive and living their lives. But man He created with His own hands from the dust (which He also created), and breathed life into him, and he became a living being. We are different from animals.

    And you are falsely accusing Him, which is how He was crucified to begin with.
    He died on the cross. BUT he OVERCAME death, resurrected by His own power, and is with the Father in heaven.
    Which is where He wants to take each and every person.
    So He is all-powerful, has all authority, and has PRESEVED His word and you can read it!

    ^^ I completely agree with her. I couldn't put it better. You need to respect other people views and not go falsely accusing the Lord Almighty. Is it because you might be scared that there is a high power then yourself? Because it is awe inspiring and it is wonderful that there is someone who is so good and so merciful. You maybe should read more of the Bible, reflect, and then come back. (P.S be more respectful of others)

    I find it hard to trust any god who says a man must pay a fine to the father of a rapew victim then marry her.

    Or any non virgin bride should be stoned

    or that wonderful little story about the fella that sent his 2 daughters out to get raped by an angry mob

    Or when adam and eve ate the apple before god created any concept of right and wrong.

    Or the rape he allows in the catholic church

    He sounds real devine lol
    All great questions.
    And you are still falsely accusing Him.
    You are putting God on trial.
    And He will win.
    And when you finish searching Him out, You will find He is good, all good!
    And He is not a liar, or a hypocrite, or a murderer...
    And you are also a recipient of His grace (grace---His unmerited favor of us), as I am sure only you and He know how imperfect you have been:wink: we all have been.
    And that He hasn't put the stops on this planet:explode: and sent us all to our respective destinations right now!
    But He is giving us all time to repent. I have...will you?

    And are you offended because, you say, God has violated YOUR standards?
    There you go again, thinking you set the standards, getting offended at God and falsely accusing Him, when He is perfect, and you are not!
    So that is hypocrisy.

    I need His grace everyday...but the gift He gave heavenly destination... was free and irrevocable,.... I get to have that just because I asked Him to give it to me, even though I still blow it, violate His standards.

    Very well said.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    What's your thoughts on heaven?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I believe in Heaven but I also believe in Hell. I do not think everyone goes to heaven... But meah that's just how I believe I know not everyone agrees so be it. I do not believe everyone I have ever known that has died is in heaven, I'd like to hope so but I don't know if any of them are because I did not know their heart.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Night, all.
    It's late.
    Start a thread tomorrow.
    Sleep well.
    You are all amazing
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    If there is a God, I believe he would be a loving God and that love would be a thread shared by all living beings. I have a connection to family that is always there, no matter how annoying or what baggage, or how often we communicate. They are family. If there is a spirit world, I would hope they would experience a spiritual evolution of pure love and greater wisdom . The connection they would have would be without their human imperfect love as we knew them. They would be connected to our soul and be there to give the highest encouragement and most positive energy, like channeling to bring out our best selves. I think their presence would always be felt, but they are no longer concerned with the physical; it is not relevent to them now.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Last I heard they were getting Direct Tv up there.
  • dlbinin
    dlbinin Posts: 66 Member
    I don't think they watch us. They're in heaven, after all. They're with God in a place of no pain or suffering. I just see them worshiping God and experiencing what real love/joy/peace ect. is really like.

    This ^^^
    If the ones who are in heaven looked down, I believe there would be lots of tears...don't you think. The Bible says that in heaven there are no tears, no sadness. That would be impossible if those that are there seen what was happening down here.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    My uncle died when he was 17, and he's been around to visit me when things got really hard. He's also saved the life of both me, my dad and my brother (twice). He's played with my daughter and checked in on my sister in law when my brother was away for the military. I don't think he's here all the time, just when he's needed. My aunt checked in on my kids a couple times after she died and we moved into her old house. My great grandma visited us at Christmas one year and watched us open presents, it was the Christmas after she died. My best friend's grandma sat with her and me at her own funeral, and made sure I told my Bff how proud of her she was. One of my friends died in a car accident at 16, and he came to me in a dream to let me know he was okay. I think they just visit when they're needed and go when we're better. I'm not sure how or why, but that's just my belief.
  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    I believe that Heaven is a place where you can eat back your exercise calories.

    YES!!!! Finally!!!! An answer worth saying LIKE!!!!!!!! hahaha

    What makes us think we're alive? What if we're really dead and looking in on tuning the 'living' up in 'heaven'? Ever think of THAT!??!?!