Why do my parents not support me being healthy?



    MFPBONNIE Posts: 94 Member
    I think she has given up on this post.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I found what worked with my mom was simply writing down the calories of the food. If I were you, I'd go print out nutrition menu's and show your mom how many calories a simple meal from a fast food restaurant puts together and actually show her the quantity you're allowed to eat and make her see the difference. It's a matter of they really have no understanding. I had a similar (yet less confrontational meeting of minds) with my family at first when they said "but it's healthy" and then I put each item down one by one and pointed out the exact calorie counts. My mom was sorta stunned on seeing it. Sometimes there is a lack of knowledge out there. People really think that these meals aren't that bad. Heck, I told my mom the number of calories for my day and pointed out the calories in a sweet potato and she definitely was surprised. She watches me measure everything out and I even made her a cheat cheat for her fruit and cottage cheese salads. We sorta discovered she doesn't eat enough at times which is funny. Knowledge is power....put together something and make them see what you are doing and then you may get some different results.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Only problem is.. this is how they have been my whole life.
    Calling me every name under the moon, plus everything is always my fault.

    I recently heard of this book that you might be interested in checking out: Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Dr. Susan Forward.


    It sounds like your parents are definitely toxic and this book might be helpful for you to identify this behavior in them and reduce it's impact on your life. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. Parents shouldn't call their children names, unless they are names that make them feel good about themselves.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    you have a very common malady. dont be offended...many people have it. Its called pleasefeelsorryforme

    i prefer to think of it as "this is a social forum, and I want to connect with people who can relate to what I'm going through"
    I would have phrased it more sarcastically to keep with the tone, but I'm actually serious.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    OP...I may have missed it, but what is your age?
    I agree with most that your parents' behavior is beyond just sabotage of your efforts. It IS abusive. If you are of legal age, consider moving into your own place, even with some friends who WILL be supportive. If you are not of legal age, seek some assistance to see what your options are (move to a relative's home, emancipation, etc) based on the abuse you are facing at home.
    It sucks because they are your parents, and they should truly have your best interests at heart. This doesn't seem to be the case. As much as it might break your heart, you may want to consider severing ties with them until they see and realize that you won't stand for it. I didn't go through anything like this with my parents, but with a smaller issue. I decided to remove myself from them for a few months, to let them know that I was asserting my independence, and while I love them, it was what I had to do for ME to get through what I was going through.
    Best wishes to you, and I do hope things work out for you!!

    I'm 20, I have moved out once before but moved back when my guardian passed away and couldn't afford to live by myself. Now that I am back at school I am only earning 500ish a fortnight, that's all I have time for.. I am going to talk to centrelink today though..
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I think she has given up on this post.

    I live in Australia, it was 2:40am at the time that you wrote this post... I was sleeping?
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member

    you have a very common malady. dont be offended...many people have it. Its called pleasefeelsorryforme

    often associated with dontdisagreewithmeiamwhining syndrome.

    take some control and get on with it

    Seriously Beauty. I took a few weeks off the forums, I went overseas, got engaged, became a qualified Group Exercise Leader, got a promotion and had a life. I'm sitting on the couch after running the 10km this morning at the Canberra Fun Run and wow, I can still smell your posts a mile away. Nothing has changed. You're still whining about the emotional abuse you get, still claiming your being bullied and still not doing anything about it. It's time you either did something, or acknowledged your stories are just lies. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get on with things. We've all got stories to tell, we've all gone through things to get to where we are today but do you see us sitting here crying foul week in, week out?! No.

    Time to find another forum. Stop with the lies (the latest i saw - at my university my three professors worked out my BF% for example... You go to tafe which is not taught by professors, half the Australian universities aren't taught by professors..., but I'll never forget the one where you tried to tell everyone there was three inductions this month in your street!!!!.) Get a grip on reality! And if you can't do that, find another website with another forum to pedal your misery. I think most of us are over it.

    Alternatively, you could just try changing your attitude and looking for the good in things, opportunities and people and if you can't, distance yourself from those situations.

    Or not. Your call, we can't make it happen.