is he trying to sabotage me?

I think my husband is trying to sabotage my weight loss. I could be wrong, but it's starting to look like it. He keeps wanting to go out to eat instead of me cooking something healthy and he keeps telling me I need to rest. I went to go do a workout and he tells me that I don't need to and I should just rest. I've only lost 45lbs and I still have almost 60 lbs more to go. I've been trying to focus on "inches" instead of weight the past month because I really want to fit into a new size of jeans instead of being in between sizes.

Is anyone else having this problem with their spouse/significant other? I asked him about it and he just shrugs his shoulders and says I look great. In the past few months he's said that he needs to kick it into gear and lose some weight himself but he keeps making excuses. Could he just be jealous that I'm getting in shape and he's not? Or could it be something else? I need some male perspective here. Lol.


  • Ok, I'm not a male, BUT I no someone in a very similar situation and after a while it turned out to be jealousy. only he can tell you what's really going on but you have to persevere and keep going. Put your foot down girl and fight for you don't let someone else control your weight loss! If you HAVE to go out for dinner plan ahead and eat out wisely xxx all the best x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    lots of people have this problem with their partners. they get insecure... just make sure you tell him you love him and this you can have a happy healthy life together so you need his support... my partner goes through stages where I can tell he's struggling with it and gets insecure. very frustrating! x
  • CantonMan1234
    CantonMan1234 Posts: 142 Member
    Male perspective # 1 ... He could truly enjoy being with a full-figured woman. If the two of you have been together 45 lbs ago, then that could be who he fell in love with and who he wants.

    Male perspective # 2 ... He could be nervous that once you are down to the weight you want he may not be "good enough" for you and you will leave him behind.

    Male perspective # 3 ... You are doing this without him. This could lead to jealousy or sarcasm or any number of things.

    These are the main ones that come to my mind. Don't nag him but tell him the truth of how you feel now vs 45 lbs ago. Let him know he is not in competition with your change in lifestyle and let him know that you don't mind cooking. Which brings up

    Male perspective # 4 ... He may not like what you are cooking now. It may be that simple.

    You are in this for you. Others benefit, but this is your journey.

    Better is always possible.
  • Bolthouse26
    Bolthouse26 Posts: 70 Member
    OKAY ... I thought I was the only one thinking this and thought that I was going bonkers thinking about all this rubbish. My boyfriend is pretty active, he plays golf 3-4 times a week and eats remotely healthy (umm ... misses meals, eats a lot in one meal, etc) but sometimes he just keeps telling me that we need to save money so I started cooking at home but then sometimes he keeps telling me to go out and eat with him. I asked him to pick up food and we can bring it home but he doesn't wanna do that and get all upset on me. Lately, he has been very irritated. I wasn't sure what was going on but I think it's a mix of us sharing a small living space and him thinking that I'm a failure in my life AND now that i'm trying to lose some inches, he has gone crazy.
    Please tell me what to do :( Its really making me mad and I'm constantly unhappy.
  • Shayleah05
    Shayleah05 Posts: 17 Member
    You ONLY have lost 45lbs?! That is a great job you should be proud! Talk to your husband let him know what you are feeling. You need to keep the communication open.
  • CLShrader2
    CLShrader2 Posts: 46 Member
    I make sure I tell him that I love him all the time. I even tell him he looks great, because I think he does. :D He maybe has 20-30 lbs to lose, but its not anything like what I had and still have to lose. I try to get him involved with working out with me and he even bought the Insanity 20 min workout for himself, but has only used it once.

    I did my workout and plan to keep it up. He knows how badly I want to be healthy and that I won't let anything get in my way. I just hope he can deal with it. Maybe I should just make him talk to me about it.and
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm having a similar problem, I actually just posted a topic regarding it lol. Men are idiots. Period.

    No, they aren't. That was a horrible thing to say.
  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    Playing devils advocate and this is not how I feel about women, It might be he believes that you should do as the master of the house commands or even that a woman needs to be thin and attractive while single but need not stay thin and attractive after she has caught a man but should let herself go and settle for being a wife and mother and just looking how ever she turns out after she slides into married life. I know a lot of men who look at it this way.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I don't think it is jealousy as much as it is guilt for not getting fit himself. My hubby used to feel sorry for me when I worked out, sweated and tried so hard. He thought I needed a "reward" of donuts every week. I would end up in a viciuos cycle until I broke the habit. He realized I was serious. After he saw my progress and how happy I was with myself, he got on the bandwagon and started to exercise.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Maybe he doesn't like your cooking?
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    LOL I have this problem as well, in fact I posted a weight loss picture up on here and got like 15 pages worth of comments....I went to go look for the page to see if anyone else said anything and it has been removed...I was like wait whhhha?? So I contacted my fitness pal...and sure enough someone from my end removed it. So I asked my husband about it and he told me to not show off my *kitten* so he deleted it. -_-" Mind you I was fully clothed!! I would just let it fall to the wayside and do what makes you happy....reassure him that you are doing it just to be healthy and not so you can look good because guys usually see that statement as a threat. Good job on the 45 lbs by the way!!!
  • Mine is just... well not as motivated as I am. You can't count on other people to push you in your direction. You're going to have to stand your ground and make the best choices you can for yourself.
  • CLShrader2
    CLShrader2 Posts: 46 Member
    Male perspective # 1 ... He could truly enjoy being with a full-figured woman. If the two of you have been together 45 lbs ago, then that could be who he fell in love with and who he wants.

    Male perspective # 2 ... He could be nervous that once you are down to the weight you want he may not be "good enough" for you and you will leave him behind.

    Male perspective # 3 ... You are doing this without him. This could lead to jealousy or sarcasm or any number of things.

    These are the main ones that come to my mind. Don't nag him but tell him the truth of how you feel now vs 45 lbs ago. Let him know he is not in competition with your change in lifestyle and let him know that you don't mind cooking. Which brings up

    Male perspective # 4 ... He may not like what you are cooking now. It may be that simple.

    You are in this for you. Others benefit, but this is your journey.

    Better is always possible.

    #1 We've been together for close to 7 years. He was with me when I was much smaller than I am now. So I don't think that could be it.

    #2 I don't think that could be it. We are very comfortable with our relationship and we know that we're in it for the long haul. No matter what. "Til death do you part" deal. :D

    #3 That could be true. I try to get him involved with me but he won't do it. I try to get him to walk with me, but he won't.

    #4 I'm cooking a lot of the same things but I've made cuts to cut calories out of the recipes. I have been cooking new things and he tells me when he doesn't like something I make.
  • my bf does this all the time... when he's being careful and I want to go out for dinner, or share some sweets watching a DVD, he'll say no and then get grumpy if I ask again.... If I'm being careful and he wants to go out for dinner, or share some sweeties he'll get into a mood if say no and make me feel guilty... men 'ay!

    But from reading what you wrote, I'd say he is prob a little jealous and insecure... maybe reassure him you still love him and think he's gorgoeus :)
  • CLShrader2
    CLShrader2 Posts: 46 Member
    You ONLY have lost 45lbs?! That is a great job you should be proud! Talk to your husband let him know what you are feeling. You need to keep the communication open.

    I am very proud of my accomplishment so far. I just know that I have a long way to go. lol
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    When i first started to try and lose weight my DH would still bring home ice cream, chips and other junk food even after I asked him to stop buying those things. I explained that it was hard for me to get started losing the weight and at this point I was still fighting cravings. He just kept buying the junk. So I finally sat him down for a serious talk. I said listen you work all day walking to deliver mail. You burn off what you eat easily. YOu just blink and lose 10 pounds. I on the other hand just look at ice cream and gain 10! So please please help me out here. I really want to do this. I made him a deal that if I can lose the weight I'll be a sex kitten for him again. But at my current weight I was not happy with myself and didn't feel like having sex. I didn't even want to see myself naked let alone have him see me naked. I also went over all the health issues I had and how we would save a lot of money on meds etc. I got a tattoo on my lower back (tramp stamp) that he helped me design and he's never been happier and hasn't tried to sabotage my WL efforts since. I can now handle junk food being in the house without being tempted to dive into the bag but you know what? No one wants that stuff anymore anyway. Everyone loves eating healthier now. Even our son says he has more energy when he eats healthier. He doesn't feel like going straight to bed in the middle of the day after a healthy meal He used to want to come home when his friends were playing ball because he was too tired and couldn't keep up. He's a stick skinny lanky kid by the way. not an oz of fat on that kid.
  • CLShrader2
    CLShrader2 Posts: 46 Member
    Playing devils advocate and this is not how I feel about women, It might be he believes that you should do as the master of the house commands or even that a woman needs to be thin and attractive while single but need not stay thin and attractive after she has caught a man but should let herself go and settle for being a wife and mother and just looking how ever she turns out after she slides into married life. I know a lot of men who look at it this way.

    Lol!!! This is definitely NOT it. lol!
  • IzzyBmydog
    IzzyBmydog Posts: 58 Member
    yep just stay strong and keep on your path...
  • CLShrader2
    CLShrader2 Posts: 46 Member
    I don't think it is jealousy as much as it is guilt for not getting fit himself. My hubby used to feel sorry for me when I worked out, sweated and tried so hard. He thought I needed a "reward" of donuts every week. I would end up in a viciuos cycle until I broke the habit. He realized I was serious. After he saw my progress and how happy I was with myself, he got on the bandwagon and started to exercise.

    This is so what he's doing!! He brought me home a candy bar last week and said you're doing great here's a treat. Needless to say it's still sitting in the candy basket until he eats it. lol
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Keep doin' your thing sweetie. It's probably nothing to do with sabotage... he just truthfully wants you to be able to enjoy life and relax a bit.
    My fiance says "I'd rather have you weigh more and be rested and eating what you'd like" and it truthfully comes out of concern.
    Keep doing as you are and show you can handle it. He's proud of you I'm sure.

    And if it IS insecurity, he'll get there. Just prove to him that in your old body you loved him, as you do in the new you.