Secret Eaters?

I've been watching a series called Secret Eaters, its really quite eye opening, with tips on how to control your eating habits, here's the link to the full season...



  • Blayzn10Tiffers
    I cant YouTube, whats the scoop on this???"
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    It's a series that was run but either BBC or ITV where they take a family who say they CAN'T lose weight, must be medical etc etc and then secretly film them to find out what they have been eating.
    Normally each person keeps a diary before hand where they think they're eating about 1800 cals a day, but in reality they're normally eating more like 3500. All those extra bits they didn't count soon add up!
    Then they get put on a proper diet plan, and guess what? Suddenly they're not medical miracles after all and they lose weight when they're eating less!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Oh I do want to watch this sounds good .
  • Blayzn10Tiffers
    It's a series that was run but either BBC or ITV where they take a family who say they CAN'T lose weight, must be medical etc etc and then secretly film them to find out what they have been eating.
    Normally each person keeps a diary before hand where they think they're eating about 1800 cals a day, but in reality they're normally eating more like 3500. All those extra bits they didn't count soon add up!
    Then they get put on a proper diet plan, and guess what? Suddenly they're not medical miracles after all and they lose weight when they're eating less!

    Interesting. I think this is typical of about everyone that is overweight. We find EXCUSES why we cant do what we NEED to do. Being overweight is embarrassing and not really socially acceptable. Its a tough thing to accept when you havent paid attention for years and all of a sudden you are in an uncomfortable place. I have to say I speak from experience on this one...
  • apocalypsepwnie
    bump for watching laters. I LOVE the sound of this.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Its really informative, for instance, the people who "think" they eat well during the week, will splurge on the weekend saying they deserve it, but they dont realize that they eat upwards of 5000 cals each weekend day. They really believe they do well, and when faced with the evidence, they are overwhelmed. Thats part of the show also, they set up cameras in their house with their permission to record their eating habits at home, but they dont know that they are also being followed by PI's 24/7, recording everything they eat and drink.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I think think this is often the case for people who are underweight too, though the other way around, of course.

    For instance my old flat mate would say "but I eat loads and don't put on weight; I just had a whole large bar of chocolate to myself" for instance. And sure, he did; but he skipped an entire meal too, where I'd have easily had it along with a much larger meal.
  • michay
    michay Posts: 37 Member
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    I think think this is often the case for people who are underweight too, though the other way around, of course.

    For instance my old flat mate would say "but I eat loads and don't put on weight; I just had a whole large bar of chocolate to myself" for instance. And sure, he did; but he skipped an entire meal too, where I'd have easily had it along with a much larger meal.

    Exactly! There is another series called Supersized VS Superskinny, it shows both sides of the story. Really good series too.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    It's a series that was run but either BBC or ITV where they take a family who say they CAN'T lose weight, must be medical etc etc and then secretly film them to find out what they have been eating.
    Normally each person keeps a diary before hand where they think they're eating about 1800 cals a day, but in reality they're normally eating more like 3500. All those extra bits they didn't count soon add up!
    Then they get put on a proper diet plan, and guess what? Suddenly they're not medical miracles after all and they lose weight when they're eating less!

    Interesting. I think this is typical of about everyone that is overweight. We find EXCUSES why we cant do what we NEED to do. Being overweight is embarrassing and not really socially acceptable. Its a tough thing to accept when you havent paid attention for years and all of a sudden you are in an uncomfortable place. I have to say I speak from experience on this one...

    I wouldn't say your speaking for everyone else though. There are lots of reason people are overweight or ways they have gotten there.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Arrghh wish I had an Internet connection so I could watch this, I only have my phone ATM .
  • Alice_in_Wndrlnd
    Alice_in_Wndrlnd Posts: 47 Member
    Bump to watch later.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I had a wake up call to myself this year... and I was doing this.
    Yep, I eat like a champion... infront of others. Always chosing the best thing when I go out to eat, when I pack my lunch for work... but then get me at home and I'm standing infront of the fridge eating cake off the cake plate that SHOULD BE THROWN AWAY picking off the crusty bits. Or getting to the bottom of a box of crackers and being surprised and then dissapointed there wasn't more.
    I always say 'Oh I play derby so it's ok'... yeah along with chips and gravy for lunch, the bag of chips I ate after that followed by the chocolate and the MASSIVE serve of pasta and cheap fatty meat for dinner. Pfft yeah right. Derby keeps me on maintenance technically for the cals I was eating but oh lord my poor organs.

    It brought back memories of the time my mum took me to the doctor at 18 as she was worried I'd die in my sleep. I was overweight at 75kg/165 lbs but no where near the 'die in my sleep stage' however the doctor asked me to keep a food diary. When I returned it he flat out told me I was lying and I swore at him and left. Truth was, I was lying. Well, I was eating fabulously for that week as I just couldn't bear writing down what I was actually eating or lying about it on paper.

    Any time I've lost weight without fad/crash dieting is because there's nothing in the fridge to snack on. I don't have a job where I can shovel food endlessly into my mouth or hide at the end of a shift making myself a staff lunch when noone is around, scoffing half and taking the other half home and pretending it's all I'd had (wow THAT really hurt writing that!)

    I on and off watch The Biggest Loser but when those 'we follow them on secret cams and see what they really eat' eps are on I have to turn them off. I just feel so bad for them when they try so hard and they don't really know they are being watched. And it triggered that feeling I had when I did it and KNEW what I was doing. It was like an all day binge.

    However, I've addressed that now. Anything I eat gets logged. I carry my phone on me most of the time so I'll check MFP before putting it in my mouth. If it's not going to work, it doesn't go in. Mostly, it doesn't. I also don't keep the crap in the house that I used to. Bye bye crackers. See you later cakes. Adios chippies!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I was a secret eater at my worst, I'd eat a healthy meal at my parents. Then on the way home I'd hit anywhere between 1 and 3 fast food places bringing home a bunch of food. I'd get some for right then and some to have later that night too. I was terrible and even now fight that feeling as I drive past places. One place I'd hit a lot closes for the season and closed yesterday and for the first time in many years I didn't stop there at all.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Thanks! Sounds like an interesting show. I bet many of these people are totally underestimating their portions when they are keeping their diaries. I never realized what proper serving sizes were until I started MFP and got a food scale. It's amazing the difference between reality and perception. I'm pretty good at judging now, but I've been doing this for a couple of years... Logging food on MFP is less effective for people who guesstimate instead of measuring and weighing. :flowerforyou:
  • Tixxie
    It's a series that was run but either BBC or ITV where they take a family who say they CAN'T lose weight, must be medical etc etc and then secretly film them to find out what they have been eating.

    It was Channel 4 so if you're in the UK it's still available on 4oD - not sure if people outside UK can view it, soz.

    Definitely worth a watch.
  • Blayzn10Tiffers
    It's a series that was run but either BBC or ITV where they take a family who say they CAN'T lose weight, must be medical etc etc and then secretly film them to find out what they have been eating.
    Normally each person keeps a diary before hand where they think they're eating about 1800 cals a day, but in reality they're normally eating more like 3500. All those extra bits they didn't count soon add up!
    Then they get put on a proper diet plan, and guess what? Suddenly they're not medical miracles after all and they lose weight when they're eating less!

    Interesting. I think this is typical of about everyone that is overweight. We find EXCUSES why we cant do what we NEED to do. Being overweight is embarrassing and not really socially acceptable. Its a tough thing to accept when you havent paid attention for years and all of a sudden you are in an uncomfortable place. I have to say I speak from experience on this one...

    I wouldn't say your speaking for everyone else though. There are lots of reason people are overweight or ways they have gotten there.

    Please quit taking things people say to heart, this is the internet and Im not slandering anyone so theres not need for a rude rebuttal.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    No idea what I was eating prior to logging since now even when I go quite a bit over a day or two I still lose weight, instead of gaining like before. Even when I was lifting weights and jogging I just ate more prior to logging.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Unless of course this site sounds out signels that burn calories.
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for posting this! It's a good reminder of how calories can sneak into our lives without us even realizing it....before I started MFP I would go to Starbucks and get a Venti Frappuccino with whipped cream, the works. Thanks to MFP I realized that was a huge hunk of calories right there. Needless to say, I don't have those anymore.