Secret Eaters?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Sounds good. I'll watch it!
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Before I started MFP, I thought I had a pretty decent diet, picking whole grains, lowfat dairy, lean meats, making sure I eat plenty of veggies. Sounds good, right? Well, I logged my food for 2 days before I started my nutrition change, I was even trying to make wise choices about what I ate, and I had 3700 cals one day and 4300 the next, no wonder I put on 45 lbs in the past year alone, tipping the scales at 257 lbs when I committed to my nutrition change. I havnt been under 200 lbs in over 10 years. My weight gain is due 100% to overeating and undermoving.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    when i logged my meals before i started i wasnt too surprised with what i got, in fact i thought i was eating more.

    but this sounds like a good program. i know a few people like this who are supposedly trying to lose weight but they are completely against logging their food which is fine BUT everyday they are "rewarding" themselves with some high calorie treat because they went to that one boot class on Sunday and maybe took a spin class on thursday and think they need the extra calories. then a month later it's like " i don't understand why i'm not losing weight. nothing i do works".

    i've stopped giving them advice and just started shrugging my shoulders and going "yeah i can't imagine why either"
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    It's a series that was run but either BBC or ITV where they take a family who say they CAN'T lose weight, must be medical etc etc and then secretly film them to find out what they have been eating.
    Normally each person keeps a diary before hand where they think they're eating about 1800 cals a day, but in reality they're normally eating more like 3500. All those extra bits they didn't count soon add up!
    Then they get put on a proper diet plan, and guess what? Suddenly they're not medical miracles after all and they lose weight when they're eating less!

    Interesting. I think this is typical of about everyone that is overweight. We find EXCUSES why we cant do what we NEED to do. Being overweight is embarrassing and not really socially acceptable. Its a tough thing to accept when you havent paid attention for years and all of a sudden you are in an uncomfortable place. I have to say I speak from experience on this one...

    I wouldn't say your speaking for everyone else though. There are lots of reason people are overweight or ways they have gotten there.

    Please quit taking things people say to heart, this is the internet and Im not slandering anyone so theres not need for a rude rebuttal.

    I'm sorry I didnt think I was being rude at all, just point out that as much as this is a huge issue, there are a lot of varied stories behind people weight gain. Not everyone fits in the same category.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    It's a series that was run but either BBC or ITV where they take a family who say they CAN'T lose weight, must be medical etc etc and then secretly film them to find out what they have been eating.
    Normally each person keeps a diary before hand where they think they're eating about 1800 cals a day, but in reality they're normally eating more like 3500. All those extra bits they didn't count soon add up!
    Then they get put on a proper diet plan, and guess what? Suddenly they're not medical miracles after all and they lose weight when they're eating less!

    Interesting. I think this is typical of about everyone that is overweight. We find EXCUSES why we cant do what we NEED to do. Being overweight is embarrassing and not really socially acceptable. Its a tough thing to accept when you havent paid attention for years and all of a sudden you are in an uncomfortable place. I have to say I speak from experience on this one...

    I wouldn't say your speaking for everyone else though. There are lots of reason people are overweight or ways they have gotten there.

    Please quit taking things people say to heart, this is the internet and Im not slandering anyone so theres not need for a rude rebuttal.

    I think its pretty typical too, because I'm heavy and I know it, and the only way I got like this is making excuses for overeating (my fav excuse to use since last December was the death of my MIL, helping to care for her during her last couple months battling cancer was very emotional, so I turned to food to help comfort me), sure its a good excuse, but an EXCUSE it still is! The only thing I would add is KNOWLEDGE of portion sizes. Its not enough to guesstimate the portion size of what your eating, you have to weigh and measure.
  • mandys65
    mandys65 Posts: 36 Member
    I had a wake up call to myself this year... and I was doing this.
    Yep, I eat like a champion... infront of others. Always chosing the best thing when I go out to eat, when I pack my lunch for work... but then get me at home and I'm standing infront of the fridge eating cake off the cake plate that SHOULD BE THROWN AWAY picking off the crusty bits. Or getting to the bottom of a box of crackers and being surprised and then dissapointed there wasn't more.
    I always say 'Oh I play derby so it's ok'... yeah along with chips and gravy for lunch, the bag of chips I ate after that followed by the chocolate and the MASSIVE serve of pasta and cheap fatty meat for dinner. Pfft yeah right. Derby keeps me on maintenance technically for the cals I was eating but oh lord my poor organs.

    It brought back memories of the time my mum took me to the doctor at 18 as she was worried I'd die in my sleep. I was overweight at 75kg/165 lbs but no where near the 'die in my sleep stage' however the doctor asked me to keep a food diary. When I returned it he flat out told me I was lying and I swore at him and left. Truth was, I was lying. Well, I was eating fabulously for that week as I just couldn't bear writing down what I was actually eating or lying about it on paper.

    Any time I've lost weight without fad/crash dieting is because there's nothing in the fridge to snack on. I don't have a job where I can shovel food endlessly into my mouth or hide at the end of a shift making myself a staff lunch when noone is around, scoffing half and taking the other half home and pretending it's all I'd had (wow THAT really hurt writing that!)

    I on and off watch The Biggest Loser but when those 'we follow them on secret cams and see what they really eat' eps are on I have to turn them off. I just feel so bad for them when they try so hard and they don't really know they are being watched. And it triggered that feeling I had when I did it and KNEW what I was doing. It was like an all day binge.

    However, I've addressed that now. Anything I eat gets logged. I carry my phone on me most of the time so I'll check MFP before putting it in my mouth. If it's not going to work, it doesn't go in. Mostly, it doesn't. I also don't keep the crap in the house that I used to. Bye bye crackers. See you later cakes. Adios chippies!

    Well done for admitting this, sometimes I personally feel once you admit this out load then this makes your weight loss so much easier, (if that makes sense), good luck for the rest of your weight loss journey
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Just watched the first episode, it was great. Makes me want to be really careful with my loging :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I thought that the people they chose were to the extreme end (not so much in how much they ate, but in that they didn't notice that they'd eaten whole meals). I think that for many of us, we're not somehow forgetting that we've eaten a hamburger and chips, but we might be forgetting little bits and pieces - a slightly too large portion, tasting things while cooking, underestimating "healthy" foods, etc.

    There was another TV programme a couple of years ago that claimed something similar, that people are just not aware of how much they eat. I remember one woman on the programme who lived mainly off fruit and couldn't lose weight. It turned out she really was eating a lot of fruit, enough to maintain her high weight. I know I've sometimes had it in the back of my mind that fruit doesn't "count", so I was in the habit of eating it as an extra - but five portions a day of fruit really stacks up the calories! I've become more aware since logging it on Mfp.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    I had a wake up call to myself this year... and I was doing this.
    Yep, I eat like a champion... infront of others. Always chosing the best thing when I go out to eat, when I pack my lunch for work... but then get me at home and I'm standing infront of the fridge eating cake off the cake plate that SHOULD BE THROWN AWAY picking off the crusty bits. Or getting to the bottom of a box of crackers and being surprised and then dissapointed there wasn't more.
    I always say 'Oh I play derby so it's ok'... yeah along with chips and gravy for lunch, the bag of chips I ate after that followed by the chocolate and the MASSIVE serve of pasta and cheap fatty meat for dinner. Pfft yeah right. Derby keeps me on maintenance technically for the cals I was eating but oh lord my poor organs.

    It brought back memories of the time my mum took me to the doctor at 18 as she was worried I'd die in my sleep. I was overweight at 75kg/165 lbs but no where near the 'die in my sleep stage' however the doctor asked me to keep a food diary. When I returned it he flat out told me I was lying and I swore at him and left. Truth was, I was lying. Well, I was eating fabulously for that week as I just couldn't bear writing down what I was actually eating or lying about it on paper.

    Any time I've lost weight without fad/crash dieting is because there's nothing in the fridge to snack on. I don't have a job where I can shovel food endlessly into my mouth or hide at the end of a shift making myself a staff lunch when noone is around, scoffing half and taking the other half home and pretending it's all I'd had (wow THAT really hurt writing that!)

    I on and off watch The Biggest Loser but when those 'we follow them on secret cams and see what they really eat' eps are on I have to turn them off. I just feel so bad for them when they try so hard and they don't really know they are being watched. And it triggered that feeling I had when I did it and KNEW what I was doing. It was like an all day binge.

    However, I've addressed that now. Anything I eat gets logged. I carry my phone on me most of the time so I'll check MFP before putting it in my mouth. If it's not going to work, it doesn't go in. Mostly, it doesn't. I also don't keep the crap in the house that I used to. Bye bye crackers. See you later cakes. Adios chippies!

    Well done for admitting this, sometimes I personally feel once you admit this out load then this makes your weight loss so much easier, (if that makes sense), good luck for the rest of your weight loss journey

    What she said! Very well done!
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    I've been watching it too, its great!
  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks for the heads-up on this.
    It's here -

    but not sure if US residents can see it.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Please quit taking things people say to heart, this is the internet and Im not slandering anyone so theres not need for a rude rebuttal.
    Perhaps you shouldn't have taken what the previous poster said to heart ;).
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Thanks for the heads-up on this.
    It's here -

    but not sure if US residents can see it.

    I'm in Australia and just watched the first episode on YouTube :)
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Thanks for the heads-up on this.
    It's here -

    but not sure if US residents can see it.

    I'm in the US, I only found it surfing YouTube, they have all the episodes there. I get the BBC on my TV programs, but I dont know if thats the same as Channel 4. One thing I DO know, is that after watching all the episodes, I'm highly curious as to what Yorkshire pudding is!

    I also think Anna Richardson should be my best-friend, she's quite amusing. lol.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    BBC is ostensibly the 'state' TV - no adverts as it's paid for by a Licence fee.
    Channel 4 is a separate independent TV channel.

    Yorkshire pudding is kind of like a pie-basin, but you put whatever you want in it.
    Unfortunately it's made from fat, eggs milk and flour mostly, which explains it's yumminess perhaps!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Thanks for the heads-up on this.
    It's here -

    but not sure if US residents can see it.

    I'm in the US, I only found it surfing YouTube, they have all the episodes there. I get the BBC on my TV programs, but I dont know if thats the same as Channel 4. One thing I DO know, is that after watching all the episodes, I'm highly curious as to what Yorkshire pudding is!

    Yes I want to know too!!!
    Most of my friends on mfp are not from aus like me and some of the things they eat I'm absolutely clueless about.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Thanks for the heads-up on this.
    It's here -

    but not sure if US residents can see it.

    I'm in the US, I only found it surfing YouTube, they have all the episodes there. I get the BBC on my TV programs, but I dont know if thats the same as Channel 4. One thing I DO know, is that after watching all the episodes, I'm highly curious as to what Yorkshire pudding is!

    Yes I want to know too!!!
    Most of my friends on mfp are not from aus like me and some of the things they eat I'm absolutely clueless about.

    A bit like a pancake / Waffle but savory, and in the shape of a bowl so you can fill it with meat / gravy etc. lovely but a calorie overload.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Thanks for the heads-up on this.
    It's here -

    but not sure if US residents can see it.

    I'm in the US, I only found it surfing YouTube, they have all the episodes there. I get the BBC on my TV programs, but I dont know if thats the same as Channel 4. One thing I DO know, is that after watching all the episodes, I'm highly curious as to what Yorkshire pudding is!

    Yes I want to know too!!!
    Most of my friends on mfp are not from aus like me and some of the things they eat I'm absolutely clueless about.

    A bit like a pancake / Waffle but savory, and in the shape of a bowl so you can fill it with meat / gravy etc. lovely but a calorie overload.

    They really need to bring these shows to the US, instead of the "Lose a Lot in a Little Time" types of reality contest shows we have, to me, these type of shows make people think that 1-2 lbs per week weight loss is bad, and you're not doing enough if you cant lose 15lbs per week.

    Edit: whoops, I hit quote instead of reply.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Thanks so much for posting about this show it's great.
    Really making me think about things :)
  • AnneM69
    If you have pay TV in Australia they have most of those shows on Lifestyle, or occasionally on UK TV. I've watched Supersize/Superskinny on there and I'm sure they'll have the other show on there as well, they have a lot of Channel 4 programs on pay TV in general - like Time Team, Jeremy Kyle, Don't tell the Bride, etc.