~*Highs & Lows*~ Anything Goes!



  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Mindovermatter: I get a cheese substitute called Veggie Shreds. It looks like regular shredded cheese and has very similar consistancy but it's made with soy and just trace amounts of lactose. I LOVE cheese (I'm a Wisconsinite, what can I say :laugh: ) and this comes very close to the real thing without making my stomach get angry at me. I'm somewhat lactose intolerant, but that usually doesn't stop me from eating dairy then hating myself later for it! Glad to hear your grandfather is doing better!

    Highs: getting homework done, cleaning house (a little at least) sunshine
    Lows: really slow delivery on my Wii, not enough sleep, scale loving me then hating me, friend's health is declining rapidly.
  • cc_campbell81
    hi everyone. sorry for the absence.

    I need some help. I posted a topic about this elsewhere but talking to you guys is more like asking friends for advice. I am having trouble toning my stomach and thighs. I have lost 23 pounds and only lost about 1.5" in my waist. It is so frustrating. I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant with my daughter yet my waist is still large. I mix cardio, strength, and weights. I eat pretty good and only have moderately bad food days a few days a month. I have read in Women's Healthy about doing really low carb for 4 weeks to burn fat. I just don't know what to do. I have felt really down the last few days. I am only a couple lbs from my goal of 130. I thought at this weight I'd be more toned. I don't expect a 6 pack but would like to get rid of the "pouch". Now I am wondering if I need to go down to 120. I have always had a muscular toned figure at about 135. By the way I am 5' 3" tall. Any advice?

    Pinbot this will be a duplicate to you. I figure the more people I ask the more info I may get.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    cc - I am used to double posts don't worry. Here is a quote from SHBoss that I read on another post

    As you approach optimal weight and body fat % this formula tends to break down a little as, what little fat you DO have left is usually stored in places that are relatively far from blood supply, therefore more difficult to use metabolically. When people ask questions like "How come I'm losing fat everywhere but the place I want too?" This is the answer to that question 9 times out of 10. Fat is metabolized based on it's proximity to the blood supply, fat can't be mobilized if it's not close enough to blood to be transported, therefore, "old" fat cells that have been compressed and "shoved" away from the blood are far more difficult to remove, and will take a little extra persistence.
  • cc_campbell81
    Thanks pinbot:>
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Highs this week - I've gotten in lots of exercise and the scale likes me. If I keep this up, I hope to finally be in the 100 club in the next 2 weeks (at 202 this week:bigsmile:)... My Zumba DVDs came in and it's a blast - highly recommended. We got a 3 foot Subway sub for the game and it's delicious. Yeah - we couldn't wait to dig in. It's been nice enough out that we've been walking in the woods - winter can be so beautiful. Lows - had PMS last week and was pretty cranky for a few days.
  • cc_campbell81
    Hi everyone. I started a blog to document a 4 week challenge I am trying. Check it out.

  • mpogo
    mpogo Posts: 20
    Happy Valentine's Day to all!! (Or, if you're like me, Happy Single Awareness Day!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: )

    It's been pretty chaotic at work so my household chores and homework have been pushed aside. Though everyday I work up a sweat using my Wii. And that has paid off since I'm down 5 pounds! Little victory! It's just a small step in the long journey.

    Highs: family, friends, Wii, orange juice and most definetly sleep!
    Lows: cranky from work and not enough time off!

    Have a good one!
  • cc_campbell81
    I am sick with an upper respiratory infection. So I am going to take a break and focus on getting better this week. also my husband is suffering from recurring headaches, probably not migraines, and no medicine is helping. So things are a little crazy right now. i hope you all are dong well.
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello! How has everyone been?