Anyone belong to Crossfit?



  • trianglemaster
    I like how people say that Crossfit isn't original. Nothing these days is original in a sense. Everything came from something. Even Kung Fu came from something. They just packaged it into a system. Crossfit took a whole lot of movements, excercises, and techniques. They package them in an intense, non stop workout. I like it do to the fact that I can walk into my gym do the WOD, a few other exercises and walk out in 30 minutes totally blasted. It is similar to P90x, insanity, Spartan 300. None are original, just packaged differently. Crossfit gives me a different workout everyday, that is random. They also have benchmarks that are very hard to do them in good time, hell sometimes just to finish them as Rx. Crossfit is not the only fitness, just different. As far as functional strength, it is a more strength endurance strength. Bodybuilders are fit, but they typically can't run a 5k,10k, or half marathon in a decent time. On the other side, marathoners, are skinny, scrawny and usually have no strength. Crossfit with training for a 10k is a good mix for me. I am getting the strength and body shape I want, plus I am becoming a better runner. Crossfit is a lifestyle, like martial arts, bodybuilding, long distance running. It is all in the perference of what kind of endurance/strength mixture you are looking for. Crossfit can be expensive and can be dangerous if the trainers are not good. There are website that show you to build many of the items at the house for cheap. The olympic lifts stuff is expensive, but you can still get a great workout with the things you can build at home. I just made a 20 lb medicine/wallball for about $10. This is my .02 cents for what its worth. I hope this helps some and I'm sure there will be haters out there. I enjoy crossfit and it is the kind of endurance/strength mixture that I want.