5'3 or 5'4 ladies. What is your goal weight?



  • hillary2424
    Im 129, my goal is 118. I am 5'4". My lowest weight ever was 122 so Im hoping to get there.
    I wear a size 0 or 2 jeans.
  • VeganZombie13
    around 140-135
  • GetFitCarly
    I'm going for 135... it's actually what I weighed when I graduated high school. That was with a lot of muscle, too... Lower than 130 and I think you can start looking a little sickly. I am right around 5'3. :)

    Im 125 and I still have A LOT of work to do. My stomach is still massive. I think it just depends on the individual.
  • GetFitCarly
    My goal is 119-121lbs (54-55kg)
  • letsdothis84
    letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
    I am currently UK 8 and 124 and would like to get to 118 then see how i feel. Lowest i have been is 122 but never been able to get those last few pounds off so im here :)
  • Gennacy
    Gennacy Posts: 27 Member
    I am 5'4" and currently weigh 169lbs I am in a uk size 16. I think i would like to be about 130lbs, i want to be in the "healthy weight" on the bmi scale. Dress size i would be happy with a 12

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Crazy_Diet_Mom
    I'm just shy of 5'4" and my goal is 140, I'm not sure where that will put me jeans size. I'm taking into account that I'm 44 yrs old and really the important part is to live healthy.
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    After reading a lot of y'alls replies I feel like my goal weight is too high. I do know that I have a large bone structure and I carry a lot of muscle in my arms and legs, especially my legs.I carry a lot of weight in my stomach area. Since I have lost 80 pounds I haven't lost any inches in my calfs, but I have lost 2 inches in my thighs. When I tell people that I am currently 235 they don't think I weigh that much. As an adult I have never been under 200 pounds. That is pathetic and sad, I know. So I don't know what I'm going to look like once I get under 200 pounds. I don't even know what I look like when I'm under 200 *Even Sadder!* Are there any other women that are 5'4'', large bones, and have a higher goal weight?

    *EDIT* I also saw a lot of you posting jean/pant size. That is one thing I am NOT concerned about. Jean sizes and wanting to fit into a certain size is actually one of my pet peeves. A size 0,2,4,6,8,10..... ect... at one store is sometimes not going to be the same size at another store... The size of the pant does not define how much fat I have or how thin I am. I just want to be able to find a pair of jeans/pants that are going to compliment my butt and legs and look nice on me. And to be completely honest I wish women's jeans were measured like men's pants.
  • eveejo
    eveejo Posts: 12 Member
    im 5'3" and a half. im currently 125lbs my goal is 110lbs ish. im a size 3. i want to be a 1.
  • dark_black
    I'm 5'4" with a large frame, my goal is to be 150lbs, which sounds really high compared to others on here but I have been down to 130 or so and I look like a stick figure, bones sticking out everywhere. I know what you mean about men's clothes too, I find no matter how skinny I got, ladies shirts just aren't big enough across the shoulders which got worse for me when I put weight back on when I was pregnant as plus sizes still have narrow shoulders but assume that all larger ladies have a large bust.

    Like you, I'm not so much worried about the number on the size I will fit into, just being able to buy clothes that fit will make me happy :)
  • kayellgee
    5'3, small frame
    115-120 :)

    Edited to include jeans sz:
    Right now I am 142-ish with a jean size of 4. I wear some 2s depending on the brand. I would like to fit comfortably in my 2s and 0s.
  • scotgirl63
    I'm a little under 5'3" and would love to be 120lb = 4-6 jeans. I'm stuck on 133 though and can't seem to budge! :cry:
  • babybird3
    117 lbs...3 lbs to go!!!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm barely 5'3" and my ultimate goal is 118 lbs and a size 4!

    I'm currently 125 lbs and a size 6, so I'm happy with myself now, but I would love to hit my ultimate goal!
  • HyperIntake15
    I am between 5'3" and 5"4" inches and I would like to be 128 pounds. I am at 168 now...need to lose 40 more pounds. And I guess the jean size would be either 5 or 6.
  • Cricket09
    Cricket09 Posts: 41 Member
    My goal is 130 right. After I hit 130, I'll reassess. When I was 25 my sweet spot was 125 with lots of lean muscle, so we'll shall see...I'm 48 now with a much different lifestyle. Good luck to you!
  • Ohsixoh8
    I'm 5'4 and I'm currently 200lbs (most of the fat is in my stomach and arms) my goal weight is around 175-170lbs. I'm about 12-13 in jeans. I won't look good any less than 170lbs. Body structured weird :/
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm 5'4 - my current weight is 115 lbs and I'm a 0-2 pant size .. I generally weight between 105-110 lbs .. but I quit smoking and *poof* .. woke up one day, everything tight and I weighed 121 lbs (within a month of quitting smoking)

    I think 105 is the lowest I ever wanna be .. and I look best between 108-112. Even my current weight is fine - just need to tone it up .. I'm no spring chicken anymore and my knees hurt if I weight over 120 ..
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    <---- 5'3" Goal weight is 130lbs. and then work on reducing BF%.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member

    I had planned on getting to 130 and then upping my lifting (the codeword for this is "toning"), but I plateaued for so long that I went ahead and started working on building muscle and lowering body fat. I'm 135-133 right now and a size 8/9, so I'm hoping that by the time I even out around 130 with the new muscle (or heaven help me, the 125 I'm aiming for), that would put me at a 6/7, perhaps a 5.