Gluten Free Girls (and Guys!)



  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Kelynn- Feel free to look at my diary, it's public. I pretty much eat the same foods most of the time and most of it is from scratch.

    Oh, cool thanks!

    Edit: Holy moly, girl! What are you doing to burn over 1,000 calories exercising!?!? :noway:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Kelynn- Feel free to look at my diary, it's public. I pretty much eat the same foods most of the time and most of it is from scratch.

    Oh, cool thanks!

    Edit: Holy moly, girl! What are you doing to burn over 1,000 calories exercising!?!? :noway:

    I don't know if you looked at my exercise diary, but I run which burns alot as you know, since you are a runner too. :tongue: We have 20 acres, hilly acres I should say, and I do alot of outside chores, from moving firewood to draggins stuff to the burn pile etc. Sometimes I struggle with getting all of my calories in on the weekend. then somedays I blow it. As you can see, even though I said I can't do corn, I do it occasionally with the tortilla chips. they are my fav! I do avoid all soy and wheat though.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Kelynn- Feel free to look at my diary, it's public. I pretty much eat the same foods most of the time and most of it is from scratch.

    Oh, cool thanks!

    Edit: Holy moly, girl! What are you doing to burn over 1,000 calories exercising!?!? :noway:

    I don't know if you looked at my exercise diary, but I run which burns alot as you know, since you are a runner too. :tongue: We have 20 acres, hilly acres I should say, and I do alot of outside chores, from moving firewood to draggins stuff to the burn pile etc. Sometimes I struggle with getting all of my calories in on the weekend. then somedays I blow it. As you can see, even though I said I can't do corn, I do it occasionally with the tortilla chips. they are my fav! I do avoid all soy and wheat though.

    Can't seem to figure out how to see someone's exercise diary since MFP switched to it's new format. The link used to be at the top right of the food diary, but can't seem to find it anymore... maybe it's right in front of me and I'm missing it? :huh: Wish we had 20 acres- I'm really struggling with the snow on the ground to find a safe place to run. I was almost hit by a car a few months back- WAY too close of a call (we're talking INCHES! :noway: ) so for better or worse that scared me silly. I'm scared to death of getting hit- especially with the roads being slippery and all. Also, I'm scared to step on something slippery and fall or twist and ankle or something. So, as much as I like winter, my running does not! :ohwell:

    Oh, and I LOVE corn/tortilla chips too! Nachos are amazing! :love:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Kelynn- If you scroll down to the bottom of the food diary, the exercise button is right below the water.

    I can't tell you how many times I have almost gotten hit, running, and on my bike. I used to be scared, now I get indignant! A person just passed me today who I thought was going to clip me. AAAARRRRGGGGHHH! :grumble: :noway: I understand about the being afraid of falling, just take it slow and not worry about getting faster right now. That will come when the roads are safer.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Kelynn- If you scroll down to the bottom of the food diary, the exercise button is right below the water.

    I can't tell you how many times I have almost gotten hit, running, and on my bike. I used to be scared, now I get indignant! A person just passed me today who I thought was going to clip me. AAAARRRRGGGGHHH! :grumble: :noway: I understand about the being afraid of falling, just take it slow and not worry about getting faster right now. That will come when the roads are safer.

    I gave the woman that almost hit me a piece of my mind, called her some names I can't repeat on here or I'll get kicked off, and flipped out like I've never flipped before... scared the CRAP out of me. It's made me much more cautious, but I'm hoping I can learn to truly relax on a run again since I'm pretty paranoid now!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Do you guys know if it's possible for a food to not bother you, and then all of a sudden start bothering you? For example, I've always eaten oatmeal- almost every day- the pre-packaged kind. I know that most Celiac's don't eat it because it's very likely that it's contaminated during manufacturing but it never bothered me. Figuring that I don't yet know exactly what is going on (other than gluten seems to bother me and being gluten free has changed my life) I have continued to eat it. Being a creature of habit, I tend to eat pretty much the same foods. Twice in the last week though, instant oatmeal... the love of my life :love: :laugh: has given me symptoms. Last week pretty badly... and by pretty bad I mean I had to roll the window down and hang out of it on the highway :sick: and today my stomach has just been SO bubbly and I'm gassy:sick: The last couple times this happened I woke up at 3am asking my boyfriend to take me to the ER because I was in so much pain. I couldn't talk or more it hurt so badly. Hoping that doesn't happen tonight. Just going to try to hit the hay and call it a night. I've read that symptoms can be different for everyone, and by now I just kind of *know* my symptoms and I can feel it... So, I guess that means no more instant oatmeal for me :cry:

    I've tried the rolled oats (gluten free and regular) and they taste like cardboard to me and literally make me gag :frown: Anyone know of gluten free prepackaged instant oatmeal?
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I've gotten GF packaged flavored instant oatmeal at Huckleberries here in WA state, so I know it's out there. I've only done it once this year, they had 4 flavors, and we liked them, we just didn't get anymore because they are kind of expensive. Sorry I don't know the brand name, but I thought I'd let you know it's out there so you can at least have some hope ;)
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Anyone care to share what a "typical" day looks like for them as far as meals go?

    I'm trying to re-lose the weight I lost over the summer, but now I'm having to do it gluten-free. Of course, a lot of the GF substitute foods are high in calories, so I try not too eat too much of that- try to stick to more naturally gluten-free foods that normal people eat, too! :laugh:

    I eat a lot of foods that I like, and I actually don't really mind eating pretty much the same stuff each day, but it'd be nice to hear what you guys are eating!

    My typical day is:
    Breakfast - egg white omelette, small potato (microwaved), apple
    Lunch (at work) - homemade salad, small pull-top can of tuna in water, apple, pear
    Snack (at work) - carrots, cucumber, apple
    Dinner - chicken or beef, broccoli
    For some snacks I use gluten-free bread (toasted) or bagel (also toasted), GF margarine, sugar-free jam, other fresh fruits, almonds, sunflower seeds, etc.
    Treats: purely decadent coconut milk "ice cream" dessert, other GF products as my cravings demand - my achilles heel is that purely decadent product!!

    I also can tolerate most of the Atkins protein bars. I looked them up on a site for celiac disease and most of them are gluten-free, although not dairy-free. The dairy amounts in them do not appear to bother me.

    There are other foods I can eat, of course - anything fresh-cooked that is not rooted in gluten, as expected, but I'm too lazy to do anything elaborate. My family makes sure there are foods available when I go to holiday gatherings. Work...well, I just forego food at parties, generally.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thanks, auntbliz... not sure what Huckleberries is- we don't have that in CT, but maybe I can find some now that I know it exists!

    And thanks for sharing your food, slieber... gave me some ideas. The gluten-free bagel sounds yummy! :love:
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    I eat nachos all the time! :love: They are so yummy! I also eat a lot of chicken and veggies. I buy the tofu shirataki noodles and use them for spaghetti. They are pretty good and only 20 calories a serving!! I really like Mr. Kripsies rice crackers. I mainly eat clean most of the time though, I know that way I'm safe. :drinker:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I eat nachos all the time! :love: They are so yummy! I also eat a lot of chicken and veggies. I buy the tofu shirataki noodles and use them for spaghetti. They are pretty good and only 20 calories a serving!! I really like Mr. Kripsies rice crackers. I mainly eat clean most of the time though, I know that way I'm safe. :drinker:

    Haven't had the tofu shirataki noodles in a while, but I do like them too. And, I just discovered the Mr. Krispers the other day... they're good! :smile:
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member That's the oatmeal that we've had before.

    We eat a lot of frozen veggies and tofu, buddig lunchmeat says gluten free on the package, rice with Better Than Bullion Chicken Base and some Imagine soups (their gluten free ones list it on the box), Thai Kitchen soups (says GF on package also), I use potato starch as a thickener for soups and gravies, I bake a super easy bread that we use for sandwiches and it doesn't crumble like every other GF bread I've had and tastes great too so we eat that like crazy (family of 6 goes through a loaf per day), bolthouse farms purely chocolate protein soy beverage, lots of kraft foods because they will list any gluten ingredients, con agra foods are the same, orville redenbacher's popcorn, mission tortilla chips, salsa, beans, quinoa, spam, vienna sausage, hormel chili, hormel tamales, dinty moore beef stew, nature's path and envirokids cereal's list gluten free, some erewhon cereal, chex, glutino brand foods, ener-g brands list, bora bora snack bars, nature valley roasted nut crunch bars, fruit bars, blue diamond rice and nut crackers, mary's gone crackers, ruffles, lays, rice works chips, stonyfeild organic yogurt is GF as is mountain high (vanilla I know about), jennie-o turkey kielbasa, some sai-fun noodles, Amy's bowls some TV dinners, Mi-del cookies, Kinnikinick stuff, betty crocker has some GF stuff. Oh, and hummus, I like. If the package on foods with more than one ingredient does not list gluten free I will google it and if I can't find satisfactory info online, I call the number on the package and ask. Many places do not list if they run things on lines with gluten, so it's best to check everything that doesn't say it somewhere.
    Anyway, those are some of the things you'll see in our house, I don't personally eat them all, but they are regulars among my family. Sorry, that's probably way more than you wanted to know, lol.

    Also, watch your lotions and soaps, a lot have oatmeal in them, and a big problem with oats is cross contamination, they are often grown near wheat and have some wheat berries in there, anyway, beauty products with oatmeal I wouldn't trust even if you don't have a problem with GF oatmeal. My son had nasty poop for a week after his sister doused him with oatmeal shampoo (they are 1 and 3 years old, lol).
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share that information, auntbliz. It's a lot for me to read through and look into! :bigsmile:

    Had an amazing GF meal at PF Chang's (Chinese food!!) tonight, and an amazing GF dessert... GF chocolate fudge cake :love:

    And I only went over my calories by 100- have been under by at least 100 all week, so I'm not to stressed about it! :smile:
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    Oh, I had that dessert at PF Chang's this summer, I loved the whole dinner, and the waiter seemed like he knew his gluten stuff too, which was nice.
  • HI! I just joined MyFitnessPal and was so excited to find this group! I have a gluten intolerance and have been eating GF for about 12 years. I was dairy intolerant but found that as my body thrived on the GF diet, I was able to introduce small amounts of dairy - oh, the excitement! I'm not sure how to join a group (since I just joined MyFitnessPal yeseterday!) but would love to be a part of this one. Off to the gym after reading all these inspiring comments... haha better get going before I lose my motivation!
  • Keegiejae
    Keegiejae Posts: 17 Member
    I'm also in the GF group. Great to see some others. I am not trying to lose weight on MFP, I'm on the other end thanks to gluten. But I am finally starting to feel better. Now I'm dreading our first trip back home since this started, could be interesting around the family.

    Anyway, I have a range of stuff I typically eat, but oats are a staple. I stick with Bob's GF for now and recently added quinoa flakes... soo tasty! Oats are all in how you cook 'em. You can add pumpkin and spices, I sometimes make some strong tea and use that as the water to add flavor. It usuallly takes a bit more effort to think ahead but I'm an addict ;) I also top with PB, blueberries, syrup, etc. Yum yum yum.
  • ...I bake a super easy bread that we use for sandwiches and it doesn't crumble like every other GF bread I've had and tastes great too so we eat that like crazy (family of 6 goes through a loaf per day)...

    auntbliz , would you mind sharing your bread recipe? Fresh bread and tortillas have been the hardest thing to replace, since most commercial versions do seem to fall apart on me, and I haven't had much luck making them on my own - they turn out so dense and heavy.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member

    This link is to an amazing GF recipe. I don't always use it because it does take time to make, but it is worth it!

    This link is to an amazing GF recipe. I don't always use it because it does take time to make, but it is worth it!

  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    So I stumbled across this recipe looking for pita bread, and just adjusted it a bit to make loaves of bread, I use a bread loaf pan (usually I double the recipe and make two loaves though) and it comes out short, but we just make shorter sandwiches, lol.
    Preheat oven to 425F and spray loaf pan with cooking spray (make sure it's not one of the floured sprays)
    * 1 cup rice flour
    * 1/2 cup tapioca starch/flour
    * 2 Tablespoons sugar
    * 2 teaspoons xanthan gum
    * 1 Tablespoon instant yeast (I have only used active yeast, instant would probably make it rise more, but it costs more)
    * 1/2 teaspoon salt
    * 3/4 c. water
    * 1 teaspoon cider vinegar
    * 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
    * 2 eggs

    What I do is mix all the wet ingredients in a bowl, and then add all the dry ingredients and mix by hand, you can use a mixer though. I then put it in the greased loaf pan, level it with a spatula, and put it straight in the oven for 20 minutes on the middle rack. The original recipe calls for it to rise 35-40 minutes, but probably because I don't use instant yeast I didn't see any difference, so I just put it in right away now. I love being able to eat warm bread less than 45 minutes after I started making it, lol.
    Here is the original recipe and it's very good, and you can cut the bread to make a larger piece, but the prep time is a lot longer, and I'm not a real patient baker ;)
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