so, what was the REAL motivation?



  • irishbrat77
    When I found out through a series of tests that I had pre-cervical cancer. Not cancer yet because they found it in time but I still had to go through surgery to have the cells removed along with some scares about what it could mean for my future. I decided at that point that I'll be damned if I wasn't going to do everything in my power to stay healthy for the rest of my life. I know I can't control everything that is going to happen to me in my life but I can certainly do things to try and swing things in my favour. And that started with a complete overhaul of my diet, regular workouts and eventually losing 55lbs.
  • ciobair
    I have 3 main motivators.

    1. My back is sick of carrying my belly around and it protests quite often. Sometimes to such a degree that I can't move because of the muscle spasms.

    2. I'd like my wife to find me desirable again - I'm assuming she must have found me attractive enough to have married me, hence the again.....

    3. We moved a long way from home and friends 3 years ago. I haven't been back since but when I do go back, I do not want to be the only fat guy in the photos again.

    Started MFP 4 weeks ago, at 267 and have lost 14 1/2 lbs so far. Still a ways to go, but I just keep reminding myself of those 3 things, especially when I catch my hand wandering towards the cookie cupboard.
  • ruthnor
    Kind of silly, but:

    I was planning to meet online friends at Comic-Con and didn't want them to meet me and see how fat and disgusting I was in real life. (I also wanted to look cute taking pictures next to celebrities! I'd went the year before that when I was in the 300s and I can't even be proud of those pictures because I was not lookin' hot at all. More like a hot mess!) The tickets sold out this year, so it didn't happen, but now I have even *more* time to get to a healthier weight. Just trying to stay optimistic!

    And a little less silly:

    One of my friends also made a huge change in her life and lost 50+ pounds (albeit very unhealthily) and it made me say to myself, "if x can do it, I can too."
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Well besides the obvious reasons already noted, the moment the penny dropped for me was after reading the book, In Defence of Food by Michael Pollan.
    Irresepctive of whether or not anyone agrees with the finer details, the broader message of that book just made so much sense to me and resonated in a way that nothing else had before.
    Subsequently, as a result of reaidng that book I am currently down 50lbs with 20lbs left to go.

    cool... I took a look at it just now and bought it (the kindle version). I'm going to start reading it soon.
  • mochalishious
    mochalishious Posts: 97 Member
    When I got tired of being disgusted with myself. Just got tired of not liking what I saw when I looked in the mirror. Also got tired of people saying your tall so it's ok. What the hell does that mean? I'm doing this to be at peace with myself
  • Annabel89
    Annabel89 Posts: 63 Member
    My daughter. I want to set a good example for her, so I reformed my entire lifestyle. We eat clean organic foods and excersize every single day. She works out with me and talks about mommy "exxxxerSIZING!!" (She is two) I do NOT restrict my calories below 2000 most days (still losing and close to goal) and I NEVER talk about my body in a negative way. We discuss how strong and capable our bodies are and we cook healthy meals together.

    I would very literally move mountains for her, so this has been relatively easy. I am in the the best shape of my life, happier, healthier and showing my baby girl that you don't have to be hungry or go on some crazy diet to be fit and at a healthy weight. My hope is that she will never struggle with her weight or self esteem like I have in the past. Life is good. :)

    That is beautiful!! The world needs more mummies like you :)
  • JerseyPook
    A combination of things, really.

    When I was in my 20's - my first husband turned to me out of the blue one day and said, "If we have kids one day, you'd better lose all the weight afterward because I won't be married to a fat girl. I've seen your parents, you have potential." Now, no matter how much of an *kitten* he was for saying that...there is an ounce of truth to it (my parents are both extremely overweight). Good thing for me, I lost 135lbs in the divorce! LOL But, seriously - every now and then, those words haunt me (if I allow it).

    Secondly - I literally was disgusted one day by my reflection in the mirror. I looked at myself and thought out loud, "Who IS that?!?" It's not me...I was always in shape and took great care of myself. THAT was probably a much larger motivator...

    Oh...and this - I have ALWAYS wanted to do this...(and WILL when I reach my goal!!)

    **edited for link that the message board did not like!!