so, what was the REAL motivation?



  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    mine was getting married i did not want to look at pictures of me been over weight in my dress i wanted to look amazing on my wedding day and been over weight didn't make me feel that way.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    I have all the pretty reasons too..for my health, for my kids, so I can be prettier. Blah, blah, blah. But when it comes down to it, I am losing weight and getting fit for revenge. It is a great big screw you to all those men who cheated on me and all those women who love beating me down every day with their stupid comments. I don't care what anyone says, anger is a great motivator and it has pushed me to lose 22 lbs already and I am still going strong.

    Haha I LOVE this one!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I want to be that stereotypical thin, fashionable, rude, little-dress-and-high-heel-wearing, Sex and the City-esque New Yorker.

    Fashionable and rude? Check.

    Now I just need to get thin, learn to walk in heels, and move to New York.

    lol... me too (I'm from NY/NJ). Its harder to be fashionable in plus sizes (I'm doing it now, but it will be a lot easier shortly when I won't be in plus sizes).

    This time losing weight is happening for a few reasons - I started a new job and might have to travel. I want the airplane seats to be roomy (ha), and I want my coworkers to see a good looking, thin (hot) manager.
    THe other reason is I have a sister in law, who I love, who recently had lapband surgery. My insurance doesn't cover it and I was jealous. I watched her lose 30 or 40lbs and suddenly I was the only fat one left at the holidays. The last time I saw her, it looked like she gained it all back (she said gained back most of it). I want my family to be surprised when they see me at christmas because this time i'll be the thinner one.
  • vqnerdballs
    For me it was acne, weirdly. At least I think there had to be SOME kind of correlation between the weight I suddenly gained after graduation and the way my skin broke out. I thought it was hormonal at first but my doctors assured me that there was nothing wrong, so I realized that it was the way I'd been eating over that 8 or so weeks. The thought of gaining weight so suddenly after being at a stable (yet still unhealthy, tbh) size freaked me out!
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    Reading what everyone had to say almost made me cry. I have been the fat girl my whole life. The funny thing is it never bothered me or anyone else. I was one of the most popular girls in school. I always had the cute boyfriends. I was a cheerleader. Life seemed perfect. Even as an adult my weight never bothered me much. I had my daughters and my weight went up a little. But when my husband started saying things like do you need two cheese burgers. I started hiding food which I had never done before. One day I even ate a whole box of girl scout cookie in the bathroom. At that point I knew my weight had become an issue.

    I was always the big guy in HS, had a number of friends of both genders and while I never dated much it was ok, I was fairly happy. I invited a female friend to the prom as she didn't have a date and 20 years later her response still gets me. "I'd love to but we can't take any pictures, that's not how I want to remember the night" Yeah, so I didn't go. A few years later I saw her again and she apologized for that remark, didn't matter, I gained another 30 pounds since then.

    That motivated me for a while but most recently it was the pictures of me on FB, where my stomach is so far over my belt I can't see anything.

    Not ok anymore!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I have all the pretty reasons too..for my health, for my kids, so I can be prettier. Blah, blah, blah. But when it comes down to it, I am losing weight and getting fit for revenge. It is a great big screw you to all those men who cheated on me and all those women who love beating me down every day with their stupid comments. I don't care what anyone says, anger is a great motivator and it has pushed me to lose 22 lbs already and I am still going strong.

    i love this. :)

    Its funny, but everyone's answers are so motivating because i can relate to so many of them!
  • CherryIceGlitter
    Oh I have many a real reason other than the usual "I want to be healthy" etc. So here are a few of the main ones:

    1.) My ex called always used to resort to calling me a fat cow during an argument
    2.) My Nanny constantly asks me to join some kind of slimming group with her ie. weight watchers or slimming world
    3.) Looking through a different ex's Facebook (we've all done it!!) I see he with a girl who is A LOT thinner than me
    4.) My Mum and Sister have recently lost loads of weight.. and I am jealous
    5.) A few years back Men would eye me up and although I am with somebody now I miss being lusted after
    6.) I feel paranoid going out on the town with the girls in case somebody calls me fat
    7.) I won't book a holiday as I will have to wear a bikini and again I am worried people will stare for the wrong reasons

    I could go on and get really deep but I wont. Being overweight is deressing... how on earth did I let it get this bad?!
  • melindadunston
    i was getting weighed at the doctors office and at first the doc went to move the tab to 200 pounds (i thought ok i guess thats probly right) NOPE! then he moved the tab to 250 pounds (i thought i was gonna die and be sick at the same time) luckily though it stopped at 251..that was it i was (and still doing something about it!) 64 pounds down!
    Great job and love your ticker! AWESOME!
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a single gal and find that it's almost impossible to find a man who wants to date a big girl. I plan on being able to show these losers that they missed a great woman. I am an amazing person but they will never know that because they jugded on size first. Just because I will look like what they think I should does not mean they deserve the time of day from me....EVER.
  • SanjiSun
    SanjiSun Posts: 69 Member
    Hmm, so, mine might be a bit boring in that regard, because for me it is health. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and I immediately knew that this was it. Enjoyed 3 more days of my favorite unhealthy food, and haven't looked back since.

    All the other things are just a bonus motivation, but there is only this one real driver for me.
  • mgriffith91
    The passion in my relationship started dwindling. Not so much because of me gaining 60 pounds (before pregnancy), but because of how I gained it. My husband fell in love with an active, healthy person, and I wasn't that person anymore. I wasn't taking care of my own health, I totally let myself go. When I reached over 200 pounds, it got to the point where I hated looking in the mirror, and in pictures my face looked chubby where there was once a very pretty face, I also knew if I continued to gain weight, I believe it would have slowly made my husband drift away from me, not necessarily because of how I looked, but like I said, because of how I wasn't taking care of myself. That was almost 40 pounds ago. I lost that 40 pounds before our honeymoon last month. My first goal is to be the same weight I was when I started dating my husband (I can't remember exactly, I know it was between 150-160) So I picked 150 as my goal. And then from there I'm going to reassess how much weight I want to lose. I want to be a knockout for my husband.

    I hated that I couldn't wear a thong because my butt had started to look nasty, but now I wear thongs all the time, hell I'm wearing one right now :)

    I hated that I never went shopping anymore because I didn't like to look at myself in the full size mirrors in such big clothes. I used to love shopping so much, now I'm falling back in love with it again, but I still have a lot of work to do.

    My son of course was another reason, I wanted to set a good example for him.
  • kidcole11
    kidcole11 Posts: 98 Member
    I was at a funeral. Everyone seemed to have lost weight and were all congratulating each other and comparing biceps etc. I decided I wasn't going to be the fat one anymore. I would lose weight and fit in to feel accepted. Also, I would stop looking pregnant when iwas not so.
  • Annafly3
  • melindadunston
    1. Vanity
    2. I want to get checked out often.
    3. My parents are over weight and sooo unhealthy. They have a hard time and aren't even 60 yet.
    4. I want to stay long and active as long as possible. If I am going to get old I don't want to feel old.
    5. My brother has always been the healthy one and I want to be more fit then
    6. Because they said I couldn't!
    7. To be able to still have energy when my kids are tired:)
    and more and more and more. I want to be HOT!

    Also I had gestational diabetes, both my parents are diabetic and I do not want to end up that way!
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    I was in NJ last month, while fashionable may be hard, there were a lot of women in athletic wear that probably shouldn't have been. :) I'm guessing from the high heels and sweats they weren't heading to the gym!

    But if you can pull it off, go for it!

    lol... me too (I'm from NY/NJ). Its harder to be fashionable in plus sizes (I'm doing it now, but it will be a lot easier shortly when I won't be in plus sizes).

  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    lol... i'm from NORTH NJ. cow country. But before this, we lived on Long Island, NY. quite a difference....
    I can wear anything i want to work, but I try to look "cute". I get a lot of compliments on my clothes and style, but I want to be "HOT".
    I was in NJ last month, while fashionable may be hard, there were a lot of women in athletic wear that probably shouldn't have been. :) I'm guessing from the high heels and sweats they weren't heading to the gym!

    But if you can pull it off, go for it!

    lol... me too (I'm from NY/NJ). Its harder to be fashionable in plus sizes (I'm doing it now, but it will be a lot easier shortly when I won't be in plus sizes).

  • wuoreb
    wuoreb Posts: 5 Member
    Truthfully for me it was vanitiy and the bridesmaid dress my sister picked for her wedding. When I tried it on I hated how I looked. Nearly 25 lbs later I liked the dress a heck of a lot more.
  • traceyb68
    traceyb68 Posts: 32 Member
    Seeing a photo of myself and going arrrggh - Id like to like the photos with my family which I take for my kids memories and not feel like deleting them.
  • Mrs_Winfrey
    Mrs_Winfrey Posts: 61 Member
    My "AH HA" moment sadly was when I saw my wedding pictures in April. I had lost a few pounds of water weight trying to get ready for the big day and felt pretty good....but when I saw the pictures a month later I was disgusted :(
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    For me, it wasn't really any one incident that did it, but rather an accumulation of such moments/incidents over the course of several years:

    1. Had trouble fitting on the rides at Six Flags.
    2. I felt horrible...achy back and joints, trouble breathing, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, etc...
    3. I noticed the list of things I couldn't do because of my weight was getting longer by the day.
    4. Not having any photos of myself with my family. I'm very sentimental and it made me sad that I haven't felt comfortable enough in front of a camera in so long that I don't have any photos of myself with my nieces and nephews or my kid sister (my sister is fifteen).
    5. I stepped on the scale shortly before Thanksgiving of 2010 and realized I was only three pounds under 300...even then, it took a few months to get my butt in gear.