Dear annoying co-worker!



  • poshcouture
    Dear Co-worker,

    No it is not sanitary to dump the coffee pots in the toilet in the Women's bathroom and then rinse them out in the bathroom sink. How hard is it to walk 1500 feet to the breakroom and WASH the pots out properly? And you wonder why I always wait to make my own pot of coffee.


  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    :huh: The guy that sits next to me has a brain parasite. That just about explains ALOT. He also has an artificial heart valve and I can hear it ticking. Today he was late - and this guy normally comes in at 3am. So I called him to find out where he is and I get this long story about how he had the ****s and was on his way back home to change clothes. TMI MAN!!!!!!
  • DayAtATime
    It would be nice if my co-worker could possibly be somewhat civil....a good morning or a good night or have a nice weekend every once in a while would be appreciated. I work in a small office and my co-worker rarely speaks unless spoken to...of course...if it is the boss or some other male, she is quite pleasant. Anyway, I have spoken to her about her attitude and she told me...I just like to mind my own business and if I am in a bad mood, I try to keep quiet and away from everyone!

    Thanks for letting me rant. My husband and friends have heard more than enough rants on this subject!
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I have a coworker with extreme OCD. In the morning, the rush makes him anxious so he hurries and hyperventilates for 45 minutes every day. HE whispers to himself all morning. He also has a nasty habit of "wiping down" the table 6 times in a row.

    I have another coworker who is....not incompetent but pretty close. Her personal drama derails her professionally. She cries at the drop of a hat (not for me, but other people have told me this) especially when there are things going on at home. She can't keep up with everyone else so she is constantly going to the boss and complaining about everyone else. Oh....and she refuses to communicate with anyone but the boss.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    What is your co-worker doing that makes you wonder about their sanity or hygiene. Maybe something that is annoying?


    (My mini question/rant)

    Dear annoying co-worker,

    You have been wearing the same shirt and the same camo shorts for 2 months now, I know because my cubical partner keeps track. I do not want to come across as an a**hat but you work with your mom and she drives you to work... Shouldn't she say something at least? I mean I understand people don't have alot of money but... You can at least have one other change of clothes right? And please for the love of God TAKE A SHOWER... PLEASE.

    Anyone else notice people like this or is it just me?

    Lol, nice. Maybe he has 5 or 6 of the same shirts and shorts. There is no excuse for not taking a shower everyday. Have some self respect people!
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    I have quite a few.....people who can not do their jobs properly is first and foremost. IRRITATES me to NO end!!! If you could do your're job right I wouldn't have to keep fixing it on my end!!!!

    Then there is a girl who will complain about ANYTHING to ANYONE, like bit, no even likes you!!! FOH!!!!! :angry:
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    oh, and if anyone missed my thread yesterday about my coworker- she likes to come to work sick too even though she has MULTIPLE SICK DAYS left that she can use. And likes to eat off other peoples plates. And get into EVERY conversation someone is having- even if she HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT...she also spends the first hour of every shift sitting on the floor by someone elses desk talking about all her drama instead of working.....
  • aclark316
    Here's one for you. I am the only female in my place of employment. The guy that I work with the most is constantly raving about all of these other females that used to hold my position. I have been here for a year now and he still talks about them. "yes, i know that one knew a lot about accounting" (I'm an office manager) "and yes I know that you thought this one was super hot". I'm a happily married woman with two beautiful children, but come on! I don't need to constantly be hearing about what great gals you used to have working here. I'm not trying to pick up any of these dudes but seriously, a chick starts to get a little self-conscious about herself when she's always hearing about how great the OTHER people used to be.
    And to top it off, I can never just eat my lunch. It seems like everytime I eat, he has to come in and talk to me. I'm not the kind of person that enjoys eating in front of people. Just weird that way. But it's EVERYTIME! We don't have a break room and I usually have to eat at my desk through my "lunch break" because I am the only one in the office. Just give me a little space while I'm trying to eat. whew! boy, I really got going there.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I really hate how coworkers ask me questions the minute I walk in. Like before I've actually started my shift or logged on to my computer. Worst of all it's all stuff they should either know by now or can easily look up.

    I leave the building on my breaks and lunch just to avoid them.

    On this note I actually made a rule with one particular coworker that he cannot talk to me for the first half an hour of his shift, unless I talk to him I'm not kidding...and yes it has worked out great. He is just WAY TOO happy first thing in the morning and in that half an hour I can get the necessary coffee running through my veins to reply if not in friendly manner than at least courteously. :)

    I had a rule that a coworker wasn't allowed to talk to me before 10 am unless I talked to him first. I'm just plain unpleasant in the mornings.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    INDOOR VOICE!!!!! I don't care which developer screwed up which app! Quit yammering on about it at the top of your voice!
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    One co-worker talks about NOTHING ELSE outside of her husband, kids, grandkids, etc. And she calls them by their name, like you're supposed to know them. I.e. "Johnny did blahblahblah and I told him [insert obvious response]". Soooooooo boring!! And she says/does some weird stuff....yesterday she talked about how she always keeps antibiotics on hand because she buys them from pet stores :noway: total weirdo!
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    mine breathes. That annoys me.

    and spreads germies! lol
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    i work alone, most of the time, so nothing annoying in my area! :happy:
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    mine breathes. That annoys me.

    and spreads germies! lol

    dude- someone just asked her what the ER doctors said last night *b/c it's so bad she had to go there, but could still come to work yesterday and today* and she's got a severe case of bronchitis. FIJSAFKJDASLKFJDSAJKFKLAJSD;LKFJADSJFDSAJ;JKSD;FJ
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I work in a call center...I have a co-worker who would take a personal cell phone call, leave his group (so as not to disrupt his group, I suppose) and stand right in the middle of MY group talking loudly, laughing etc, on his cell phone! :grumble:
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I could go on AND on. This is probably the most annoying place I've ever worked. But... I'll just stay with one coworker.

    She thinks that if it's not they way she does things, it's wrong... and she'll tell you that. We work in a "guest service" environment, and she doesn't seem to realize that. She has literally made guests cry before. She has been cussed out, screamed at... and what makes me mad... the bosses NEVER seem to do anything to her. She's like in her 70's. I wished she would just go on and retire already.

    Oh... and there's so much more I could say about her... but, this post would never end if I did... so I'll stop here.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    mine proceeds to tell me ( multiple times during the week) all about his weekend fishing expeditions and also give me a lap by lap run down on the latest nascar race. I dont fish, and I dont watch nascar... ie I DONT GIVE A F**K!!!!! Shut the H*LL up, leave me alone and get back to work you dumb @zz country bumpkin redneck!!!!

    ahhhh. that felt good....
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I have a coworker (we share an office away from the rest of our department) who likes to talk to his computer screen. He gets an email and he verbally responds to it before typing it up. He also makes every phone call and listens to every voicemail on speaker phone. We don't have to punch in or anything, just log our hours, so there are days when he comes in at 10, leaves at 11 for lunch, comes back around 12:30, then leaves at 3. If I could get paid for a 40 hour work week while only actually working MAYBE 30, I'd be ecstatic, but I'd be cheating the company out of money. He sends out emails to clients that have blatant spelling and grammatical errors - he'll put in "are" instead of "our."

    There are also a lot of ladies in the main office who like to cackle. They stand around their various cubicles and cackle for half an hour. There's one who likes to corner people in the restroom and hold a conversation while you're in the middle of relieving your bladder.

    The guy that I didn't let talk to me before ten had the tendency to do his homework on his work computer during work hours and left me to do both of our jobs. Yet I was only part time at the time and had to carry his full time job in addition to my own that could barely be done in 29 hours.

    Oh goodness. Gotta reel that in! I'm apparently easily annoyed. :)
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    Dear Co-worker:

    Please wash your hands after using the restroom.

    Thank you.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I"m not dealing with coworkers but have to deal with adult students. One in particular sits next to me in all my classes and she has the worst BO. PLUS her clothes smell like mold. Ever leave your laundry in the wash and forget it for a few days then dry it anyway instead of rewashing it? Thats what she smells like every single day every single class. I scoot over and try to lean away from her and she leans over to me to talk as if I can't hear her. I'll get to class early and sit in another spot and she always sits next to me. If I get up and move she moves to sit near me. Drives me nuts!! I can not stand her smells!! ugh!!!! Everyone says I must be special that she wants to sit near me all the time lol