Dear annoying co-worker!



  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    Several ladies in my office wear sandals and flip flops. I find that gross. We are not at the beach and I do not want to see your toes at the office. Wear closed toe shoes!! And most of them also wear sleeveless shirts and tank tops. I don't want to see your arm pits either.

    I wear sandals...
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member

    Dear annoying co-worker,

    You have been wearing the same shirt and the same camo shorts for 2 months now, I know because my cubical partner keeps track. I do not want to come across as an a**hat but you work with your mom and she drives you to work... Shouldn't she say something at least? I mean I understand people don't have alot of money but... You can at least have one other change of clothes right? And please for the love of God TAKE A SHOWER... PLEASE.

    Anyone else notice people like this or is it just me?

    Has he worked there long?? Is there any chance he's homeless? Or mentally handicapped? Or an addict of something? I don't get how his mother could let him get to that point...

    I'm having a two second serious moment. I promise not to do it again soon.

    OR maybe he has multiple pairs of the same shorts and shirts, some guys actually do this.

    They have the same bleach stains...... And the same big yellow stain on the shoulder...
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Several ladies in my office wear sandals and flip flops. I find that gross. We are not at the beach and I do not want to see your toes at the office. Wear closed toe shoes!! And most of them also wear sleeveless shirts and tank tops. I don't want to see your arm pits either.

    So, what you're really saying is that you are the annoying co-worker?
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Dear annyoing co-worker,
    Please stop sniffing countinually through out the day, every day! I know you likely have tourettes but using a tissue couldn't hurt. Also when you come into my office to ask a question and after awhile I say I am busy go back to work it means I am done talking to you. Please leave and please stop finishing EVERY conversation with "whatever" or "oh well."
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Dear entire department.

    Please never agian ask me to contribute for any parties or events at the facility. My Birthday was a few weeks ago and not only did you guys not throw me a party AGAIN this year I didnt even get a card or a happy birthday from my boss. However another department was nice enought to decorate my entire office in happy birthday banners and you come into my office and stand there like you are blind. Also throwing a party for the lady in the department no one could stand cause she was leaving the week after my birthday really was the cake topper and dont act suprised that I didn't come either.

    Dear Doctor that thinks your better than everyone else,

    Contrary to your own personal belief you don't actually know everyrthing and while I'm may be a "lowly" nurse in your opinion I've also been doing this for 13 years so please dont treat me like a slightly slow child before I stick that chart down your throat,
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I really hate how coworkers ask me questions the minute I walk in. Like before I've actually started my shift or logged on to my computer. Worst of all it's all stuff they should either know by now or can easily look up.

    ^^^^^OMG^^^^^ THIS!!!!!!!!
    As soon as I step through the door I get one of the following from THE SAME PERSON EVERY DAY ....
    1) asked stupid questions about things they should already know or that I've told/shown them a million times before
    2) told about something that is completely irrevevant to me.
    3) Or I get a whole schpeel of moaning or negativity about some stupid carp
    4) Or ask me a question, and then talk over my answer ... GRRRRRR!


    Dear Annoying Co-Worker,
    I've just stepped through the door, I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!!!

  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    I call myself a "hydration executive"...I make the office tea/coffee basically. One thing that annoys me is the amount of tea I've ended up drinking in this job because the ladies I work with (and make tea for) are addicts!

    Oh yeah, that's their fault. They're pouring down your throat, I'm sure.

    oh come on, it was clearly a joke! This is a jovial thread, have a sense of humour. and just to make sure you grasp what I was getting at, no, my official job title is not Hydration Executive :huh: I make cups of tea for them when I don't have one myself multiple times a day! No, they're not pouring it down my throat, but a nice chat over a cuppa is an essential during the work day.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Several ladies in my office wear sandals and flip flops. I find that gross. We are not at the beach and I do not want to see your toes at the office. Wear closed toe shoes!! And most of them also wear sleeveless shirts and tank tops. I don't want to see your arm pits either.

    So, what you're really saying is that you are the annoying co-worker?

    bwawhahaha, that is exactly what I was thinking. I live in Texas in 110+ summers, I am wearing sandals and sleevless shirts (while still managing to look professional)

    There is a co-worker here that we are pretty sure is dating her cousin. :sick:

    There is the token "know it all' and hypochondriac. The hypochondriac is really irritating because she used to go to the ER for EVERYTHING and each year our HR department would give a big spchell about not going to the ER for a headache and go to your regular doctor because it drives everyone's premium up. I think she took that as a personal challenge to see how many times she could go to the ER after that. :explode:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Oh lawd I had some great co worker stories from years past.
    Taking the cake was the lady who prided herself on how little she spent on herself. Cut her own hair, rarely washed it, food in her teeth, dandruff so bad it looked like it was snowing in the office, all she wore were moo moo's and birkenstocks, the part of the leg that did show looked like a hairy man leg.

    Current one is the lady that lives breathes and talks horses 24/7. She feeds her horses before coming to work and then comes to work smelling of wet hay and will even have hay on herself, and also a stray road apple stuck to her boot. One time we had pie that someone brought to share, the leftovers sat for two days uneaten not refrigerated, I threw the pie's out. She dug the pie's out of the trash can insisting they were still good and was going to take them home. I ran outside and puked.

    Oh and carpool sharing, that's so incredibly scary and crazy :laugh:
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member

    Dear annoying co-worker,

    You have been wearing the same shirt and the same camo shorts for 2 months now, I know because my cubical partner keeps track. I do not want to come across as an a**hat but you work with your mom and she drives you to work... Shouldn't she say something at least? I mean I understand people don't have alot of money but... You can at least have one other change of clothes right? And please for the love of God TAKE A SHOWER... PLEASE.

    Anyone else notice people like this or is it just me?

    Has he worked there long?? Is there any chance he's homeless? Or mentally handicapped? Or an addict of something? I don't get how his mother could let him get to that point...

    I'm having a two second serious moment. I promise not to do it again soon.

    He seems a normal teen, I have talked with him a few times and he seems absolutely normal to me. Maybe there is something I do not know, but he has a car. I have seen it a few times when his mom could not make it in to work. (she sits right nest to me)
  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    Half the people I work with lack common sense. They ask me the same questions every week and I patiently (or not so patiently at this point) explain the answer or show them how to do it but without fail they'll ask again later. Or they ask me something when the answer is blatantly obvious.

    I work in a restaurant and I have to constantly babysit the servers and cashiers because there are a couple girls who are rude to customers even though they've been talked to about it before. Babysitting is the worst aspect considering everyone I work with is 20+, with the exception of a couple high school kids and even they know how to behave compared to some of the older ones. It's sad, honestly.
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    I call myself a "hydration executive"...I make the office tea/coffee basically. One thing that annoys me is the amount of tea I've ended up drinking in this job because the ladies I work with (and make tea for) are addicts!

    Oh yeah, that's their fault. They're pouring down your throat, I'm sure.

    oh come on, it was clearly a joke! This is a jovial thread, have a sense of humour. and just to make sure you grasp what I was getting at, no, my official job title is not Hydration Executive :huh: I make cups of tea for them when I don't have one myself multiple times a day! No, they're not pouring it down my throat, but a nice chat over a cuppa is an essential during the work day.
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    A girl who's office was across the hall from me would once a week clip her fingernails - AND TOENAILS! She'd bend under her desk and clip clip clip away... That and she'd always be burping and farting in her office (LOUDLY!)...:sick: :sick: :sick:

    Glad I got a new office!! :happy:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    Dear annoying co-worker,

    You have been wearing the same shirt and the same camo shorts for 2 months now, I know because my cubical partner keeps track. I do not want to come across as an a**hat but you work with your mom and she drives you to work... Shouldn't she say something at least? I mean I understand people don't have alot of money but... You can at least have one other change of clothes right? And please for the love of God TAKE A SHOWER... PLEASE.

    Anyone else notice people like this or is it just me?

    Has he worked there long?? Is there any chance he's homeless? Or mentally handicapped? Or an addict of something? I don't get how his mother could let him get to that point...

    I'm having a two second serious moment. I promise not to do it again soon.

    He seems a normal teen, I have talked with him a few times and he seems absolutely normal to me. Maybe there is something I do not know, but he has a car. I have seen it a few times when his mom could not make it in to work. (she sits right nest to me)

    I don't know... I can't imagine someone - particular a teenager - CHOOSING to never shower or change clothes. I know our HR would have said something after a week and wanted to make sure everything was ok... but not sure what your work environment is like.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    She is always says your wrong and then she tells you the same thing using different words and so much more . She drives me crazy , she is the cause for so much stress and me not wanting to come to work.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    OMG - what a perfect thread for me today. All my annoying coworkers are here today. One is hyperactive - really does have ADHD - and drives me crazy with her spasticity. Another is like a chichacha on crack and hardly takes a breath between sentences. Another chronically talks all the time about his illnesses, which are frequent. I work in a recovery room which is wide open (one big room) so I cannot escape them. I'm freaking going crazy today...................................................................
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member

    I used to have a coworker that always talked about her cat. How her cat and her discussed things like sports, their lives, anything that was going on. Always thought it was weird, but harmless. Then one day the other girls in the office were talking about the lady's cat and laughing about it. I was fairly new, so I really didn't understand. Come to find out from the other girls in the office that the cat she talked about was a STUFFED ANIMAL and she brought it to work everyday! Once she found out that I knew, I guess she decided to really show herself. She would spend her day talking to the cat, asking the cat questions, eating lunch with the cat....etc.

    :noway: :ohwell:
  • hendongirl
    hendongirl Posts: 156 Member
    Dear annoying co-worker
    I know you have trouble sending emails and using gadgets and I don't mind helping you, BUT... there is such a thing as personal space. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...keep your distance! You're old enough to be my grandfather! I really do NOT want you leaning over me, touching my back/shoulders or sitting so close to me that I have to cringe in the corner. It's not polite. It's not professional. It makes me want to vomit in my mouth slightly.
    Also, I do not like it the way you keep asking me if you look good in your suit. You wouldn't have bought it if you thought you didn't look good.
    Finally, 'Babe' , 'Doll' and 'Kiddo' aren't my name. Get it right!
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Several ladies in my office wear sandals and flip flops. I find that gross. We are not at the beach and I do not want to see your toes at the office. Wear closed toe shoes!! And most of them also wear sleeveless shirts and tank tops. I don't want to see your arm pits either.

    So, what you're really saying is that you are the annoying co-worker?

    Flip flops and sandals are not appropriate business attire. If that makes me the annoying co worker, so be it.
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    I love my job, and have been blessed with my own office....But my coworker across the hall talks loudly- even on personal calls! With my door shut I can usually hear every word still! INDOOR VOICES PLEASE...