What was your wake-up call?

Ever since I was 18, my weight's always been around 180-190. Last october, I got a contract at the government and spent 7 months sitting down 8 hours a day and noticed that I was gaining weight (And everybody that hadn't seen me in a while reminded it to me). I was getting frustrated to hear 'Hey man, you gained weight'...'Hey man, geez you got fat'...'Hey man, you're bigger than ever'...
Anyways, I didn't hop on a scale for the lenght of my contract but about 1 month ago when I saw that I was at 211, I lost it! I promised myself that I wouldn't gain an ounce more! Ever since, I'm on here, eating right, working out, and feeling awesome!

I'm just curious to know if there's something that triggered your journey or did you just decide that enough was enough?


  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    A horrible, horrible picture of me taken in May. I was sandwiched (pun sort of intended) between 2 skinny girls. I saw the picture (on facebook, awesome) and cried and knew that I had to change my ways. Been going strong ever since! One day at a time.
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    Bump...anybody else?
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Photos from my cousin's wedding made me realize I really had to do something about my weight! We are the exact same age (just born a week apart) and have always been roughly the same size, but about 2 years ago I started gaining weight and she stayed the same. Seeing the difference in our body size was a SHOCKER for me and I knew I had to change! :smile:
  • maltipink
    maltipink Posts: 147 Member
    When I was still teaching, I recieved an anonymous note on my desk during a class while I wasn't looking. It read "Miss S., are you pregnant?" I was mortified. Kids can be mean, but it was enough motivation to get my butt in gear!
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    My clothes were getting too tight and I couldn't fit into my matron of honor dress after ordering 2 different sizes. Also, the scale just kept going up. I didn't have a lot to lose, but needed to get back in gear.
  • angusmike
    Type 2 diabetes.
  • spells1977
    spells1977 Posts: 146 Member
    There was a mixture of things but the last straw was when an old work mate asked when I was due whilst rubbing my belly!! Mortifying :cry:
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I went to a music festival over Memorial Day and just felt hot and miserable in my tight size 16 shorts. I saw other ladies walking around in cool and comfy sundresses and was really envious. Plus, I had used my age as an excuse for not losing weight (I'm 49) but many of the ladies I saw were older than me. To top it off, we stopped at my mother in laws on the way home (she is good about watching her weight) and she looked really cool and comfy in her clothes - while I felt fat and miserable. That Friday, I started MFP.
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    Yeah I can just imagine being a girl and getting asked if I'm pregnant when I'm not...I'd go nuts! lol People sure can be mean, intentionally or not...but in a couple months, we'll kick their @sses!!
  • bekinator
    i've been an overeater my whole life. i hated only being able to shop for old lady clothes at very limited stores & paying premium for clothes- i could never hit those $3 clearance racks in cute stores in the mall or wear sundresses or cute clothes that other girls did. i just never thought that normalcy was accessible to me till i had a car wreck and saw my xray. i was 26 & realized my health wouldn't be invincible forever. so i started riding my bike to work every day & started paying attention to the calories i was intaking. the pounds started melting off- i could control it!
  • Sweeteepi
    Sweeteepi Posts: 7 Member
    I ran my very first triathlon in August. I finished, but when I saw the pictures (and video) of me crossing the finish, rather than bring back good memories of what I accomplished...I wanted to cry...because of how I looked.

    I have never been an athlete, and had to start from zero to prepare for the event. I worked 5 months to be able to do that and I should be celebrating when I look at those pictures. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of what I did and I do celebrate the accomplishment, but it's hard for me look at the pictures.

    I plan on competing in more events, but this time, I want to celebrate the moment. I want to celebrate the pictures. I want to post pictures on Facebook that I'm not ashamed of how I look. ha ha :) I want to look at the video and relive the moment rather then dwell on my appearance.

    So here I go... I want to cross the weight loss FINISH LINE now!!! (I know! That was kind of sappy...sorry! :wink: )
  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    When I was 42, I had severe chest pains. While it thankfully was gastro and not a heart attack, it scared me pretty bad since my dad died of a stroke at 44. I started riding my bike again and dropped about 20lbs (from 280ish to 260ish) and was feeling better. Then I was diagnosed with type 2 diabeties. I refused to go on meds, so I got serious and am now down to 214 with a goal of 180. No meds for me!
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Running with my 5th grade daughter in her Cross County family run. I finished the two mile race, but had to stop a couple of times to walk and just wasn't happy with the way I performed. Lost 40 pounds since then and I am running 7 minute miles now. Still can't keep up with her, but I am okay with that!
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I have a cousin that works at the same place I do, and she is really heavy. We were telling coworkers we were related. I jokingly said "Dont you think we look alike?" The answer - well your face is shaped the same. Hers is really round with several chins. I immediately began my new way of living.
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    pictures of me at my sisters wedding, and I started getting those creases of back fat near the waist so the skin made contact with itself when I moved just right..... very uncomfortable on a hot day, and I had always prided myself on my lack of back fat
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    being woken up in my sleep because I could not breath ... it was horrible. I lost 30+ pounds, and it totally stopped.
  • bblee182
    Well being a but over 400 pounds should of been a wake up call for me, but it wasnt! I was hospitalized 5 times in 2 years for cellulitus and ulcers in my legs. After the last hospitalization I decided that FOOD WAS NOT THAT IMPORTANT, and that I was going to make an attempt. I thought if and when I fail I'll have to have the bypass surgery. I didnt want it, still dont! I knew I would be a bigger and better person if I attempted this journey on my own.

    13 months later I'm down 90+ pounds, and feeling soooo much better!!
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I was at the doctor's office and got on the scale and the nurse started chuckling and said to me " You're rolling with the big girls now!" I did NOT think it was as funny as she did!!! I'll never forget that! Plus I am vain- and I want to be hot! LOL
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    As vain as it sounds, I want to know what it's like to be small. Fit and small.
  • csecoy
    csecoy Posts: 3 Member
    I have been a big person all my life, but looking back at the pictures of me in highschool when I weighed around 225 lbs. and comparing them to me now at 475 made me realize enough was enough. I have wanted to get the bi-pass surgery in the past but my insurance company wqould always regect it. So for years I bglamed the insurance company instead of me. I was eating around 7000 - 10,000 calories per day. I would go to McDonald at 10 pm and get 2 Big Macs, a Large Coke, A double Cheesae Burger, and Fries for a nightly snack.

    No more, in the middle of August, i said no more and changed to a primary pescitarian diet, allowing my self red meat once a week, and chicken twice. The rest of the meals are fish, fresh veggies, a littlel bit of fruit, whole grains, and water.

    Since i dont have an effective scale I havent been weighed since i started but I am excited to see where things are going. Two weeks in and I need a new belt, and underwear, and most of my pants need to be rehemmed because they are getting too long beacuse my belly is starting to slowly shrink