What was your wake-up call?



  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    1st 130lbs, wake up call was cedar point...I had to be able to fit on the rides w/my son or i would be a horrible mother.

    in 5 years, put 20+ lbs back on, 2nd wake up call: I wanna be that skinny sexy confident woman that always scares me. Weight is a crutch, a band aid....it's getting old. It's time for new beginnings, new definitions....starting over with me.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    I was in India for work in April/May of this year. A picture taken with the team I was training was my big slap in the face/wake up call. It was made even more unpleasant when it was plastered up this side and down the other on Facebook. I could not get away from it and ended up closing my Facebook account just to stop the horror! The picture is in my profile pics, next to another picture when I was down 25 lbs a couple weeks ago. That pic still makes me shudder.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Type 2 diabetes.


    This ..... three years ago I had to go on meds ..... now I'm off them ...... also, a horrible photo, that I use as my "before" pix .....

    Best of luck to you :drinker:
  • NicoleR1980
    NicoleR1980 Posts: 66 Member
    first time was to look good on my wedding day in 2010. Then got comfortable and packed it all back on and then some.Then when i hit 253 in august of 2011 and my doctor gave me a good shake its been smooth sailing with no body pain :):happy: :happy:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Just about two years ago, an old friend of mine who hadn't seen me in several years, pointed to my gut and said "Dude what F@#$ is that sh@#?!"

    In the same week another person I hadn't seen in quite a while commented on my gut.

    That was it.
  • cwashkowiak
    cwashkowiak Posts: 44 Member
    I creeped up to 245 and my husband mentioned using this app together (although he's always been thin) I knew then he might be dropping a hint. He had never said anything about my weight, but could tell I was depressed about it! We started together and MFP has truly changed my life. I still have a long way to go, but I feel better about myself, then I have in years and I no longer have to shop at only plus size stores. :tongue:
    Great Topic!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Just about two years ago, an old friend of mine who hadn't seen me in several years, pointed to my gut and said "Dude what F@#$ is that sh@#?!"

    In the same week another person I hadn't seen in quite a while commented on my gut.

    That was it.

    And then you stepped into that machine like Captain America did and got super ripped in under a minute! Ding!

    oh wait, you ate decently and worked really, really hard.
  • nixerific
    nixerific Posts: 76 Member
    I moved out of campus and I knew I wanted to eat healthier. I thought I was until I got on the scale three months later and had gained four pounds (at first I thought it was water weight, but it stayed). I had previously been tittering on the edge of a healthy bmi and the weight gain put me in the overweight zone. I decided after finals I would start working out. Well, I sort of lost my nerve until I saw a picture posted of me on fb a few days after finals. A week later I started insanity (finished in early august) and now I'm almost done with asylum :D. Changing my eating habits was actually pretty easy because I ate healthy before--just waaaay too much.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I wanted to quit smoking. Tried 3 times in the past year but gained 15 lbs each time (45 lb in a year) and went right back to smoking to stop the gain. 2 months ago I tried again.. put on 3 lbs and KNEW that if I didn't get the whole thing together I would fail again.

    2 months later I am having great success. No more smokes. Working out everyday and keeping my diet as close to perfect as I can get. This is the first time in years that I can say I am super proud of myself.
  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    Mine was seeing a picture taken of me 2 months after my 2nd child was born at my sister's wedding reception. I knew I put on weight, but that pic was an eye opener. I was a size 18 and now..3 years later..I am feeling good and looking good and wearing a size 4!
  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    I wanted to quit smoking. Tried 3 times in the past year but gained 15 lbs each time (45 lb in a year) and went right back to smoking to stop the gain. 2 months ago I tried again.. put on 3 lbs and KNEW that if I didn't get the whole thing together I would fail again.

    2 months later I am having great success. No more smokes. Working out everyday and keeping my diet as close to perfect as I can get. This is the first time in years that I can say I am super proud of myself.

    congrats! 14 days cig free for me! it's hard! I've tried and failed many times, but I am even more determined to stay smoke free this time!
  • perpetual98
    You got all the way UP to 211? Poor thing. :p
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I stepped on the scale and it said 142, my highest ever. I was like OMG :noway: never eating anything bad ever ever again. I am 5'2" on a tall day and my weight use to stay in the 120s.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I wanted to quit smoking. Tried 3 times in the past year but gained 15 lbs each time (45 lb in a year) and went right back to smoking to stop the gain. 2 months ago I tried again.. put on 3 lbs and KNEW that if I didn't get the whole thing together I would fail again.

    2 months later I am having great success. No more smokes. Working out everyday and keeping my diet as close to perfect as I can get. This is the first time in years that I can say I am super proud of myself.

    congrats! 14 days cig free for me! it's hard! I've tried and failed many times, but I am even more determined to stay smoke free this time!
    Congrats to you too.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    My clothes were getting too tight; I was wearing a size 12 (weight 152) and really needed to move up to a size 14 and I had NEVER wore a 14...I was about to have a birthday ....38 and I thought, I don't do it before I turn 40; I might not ever get it off. So I became serious about it; set my goal to drop down to where I once was....a size 6 that was comfortably loose on my and thought 120-125 would be the weight. I got to 125 and had already passed size 6 to a 4, so kept going to my final resting place 118 and size 2.

    I kept it off for over 4 year; but had a lot of changes last year: empty nest, selling our house, moving, building a house, living in a hotel for a few months b/c the house didn't get finished on time, our beloved Doll Face Persian (he was 20) passed away while we were in the hotel, I changed jobs three times, I was working from the hotel (so I really didn't leave the hotel except on weekends)....you get the picture. Anyway, I gained a few pounds back (12) and am back to trying to get rid of it. I know what to do and how to do it and I'm certain I'll be successful.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    February of 2011 I went to the hospital to have my gall bladder removed. One night while I was there a nurse stopped in to look at my charts and make sure I was doing ok said, "Are you diabetic?"
    I said, "No..." She replied, "You will be." And walked out. That's when it hit me and I knew I had to make a change.

    I got home lit my last cigarette and 8 months later lost about 60 lbs and completed my first 1/2 Ironman.
  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    Got fed up with being just another person walking down the street. Weak, slow, in a trance, wanting bad food and more TV. Tired of blaming old injuries, tired of old stories of 'when I was in shape'. Pictures told me the truth, my brother did too. :mad:
  • jwerdlike
    jwerdlike Posts: 14 Member
    The wake up for me was when my daughter was born. I wanted to not only be around for her, but I wanted her to have good eating and exercise habits. I was at my heaviest when she was born (and part of that was just because I would eat and binge with my wife on whatever was in the house, could be ordered or could be served) and I decided I'd had enough. It's been a very rewarding journey thus far. I started with the cardio portion of getting back into shape and did various programs, then I started to get my diet dialed in as well. Now I'm at my leanest and healthiest and it was because of that one big decision back in 2009 that changed it all for me :)
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    Went on a Disney Cruise with my family and on one of the excursions we wee on a nice beach. I looked at pictures from that and was concerned because I didn't know who that fat a@@ dude was who was so close to my daughter - yep, you guest it. That was me - I didn't even recognize myself in a picture! I've lost 30 lbs so far with 10 more to go.
  • babel95
    babel95 Posts: 44 Member
    3 things.
    1. I stepped on the scale and was horrified that I was almost 190lbs. I felt sick.
    2. I realized I would be the fat girl at prom. Maybe even the girl without a date.
    3. I feel like, because I'm "chubby" or whatever, I cant be my true self.

    It was a rough wake up call, but I woke up nonetheless.