Strange things we say to our SO



  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I say:

    schnookie wookem; honey pot; snuggle pie
    smackee bum, you're so smackee!!! (followed by lot's of [gentle] smacks or i bite him)
    oooooo BUM (followed by bum squeezes and smacks)
    chesty hair!
    turtle head
    ooooooooooooooooooooooooo so precious (followed by squeezes, smacks, bites)

    he says:

    am i not turtle enough
    I'm sex on legs
    don't you want this ! (regarding his body)
    get behind me woman! (when walking)
    get back in the kitchen woman!

    Your profile picture is killing me right now!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Before we had enough nerve to say I love you, we somehow started doing this nose lips nose thing. Like we would touch our nose then lips then nose which was how we said I love you before actually SAYING it out loud.

    Also at night, we hold feet. We sleep facing opposite directions but under the blanket we always have a foot touching each other's foot. Like holding hands but with feet!

    Too cute for words!
  • tjssugar
    Wiggle, wiggle,wiggle,wiggle, wiggle
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Quack quack = I love you!

    When I first got my phone I set my text tone to a duck quacking and since then quack quack has become a term of endearment between me and my boyfriend.

    What oddities do you and your SO say to each other??

    me and my husband practically have a whole language made up... its sometimes quite hard to remember not to say our stupid things in front of other people!!!!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    blah blah blah
    grr grr
    growl growl
    go away

    All mean 'I love you' :smile:
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    My boyfriend calls me Poppet and I call him Stinky (for obvious reasons lol) it's hard not to do it in public. We were on a camping trip with friends and they started calling us Nerdz ! Poppets are a British candy from about 10 years ago, as are Nerdz. They all thought we were weird! our usual response is "shh we're adorable!"
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    My husband and I call each other dumb all the time. It sounds mean, but it really is in the tone. We basically say it as a replacement to being silly. We both know we do stupid or silly things sometimes, so we're okay with it. It's like, you're so dumb, but I still love you. :laugh:

    My husband is also the kind of guy to be very vocal when he is angry about something, like if he is working on his computer or a car and it won't work right. I had a hard time figuring out what to say at first to calm him down. Now I tell him to stop s**ting himself. Seriously, I have no idea why this works. Maybe because the image of a grown man doing that is crazy, or he suddenly feels embarrassed, but it is now my go to whenever I think he is over reacting.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Also, I call him Sir a lot, specially when we first started dating. He tends to be too serious, so I think it helps him lighten up for me to joke about it. My siblings tend to think of him as Sir too now. lol When he was in the army I called him Private Snoopy-Pants because he always had to get his nose into everything. He calls me Whiney sometimes because I am whiney and I've had people miss spell my name that way so many times by forgetting the T. Now his family calls me Whi-To-Ney, I guess they compensate by over pronouncing the T now. lol