Yes I AM fat!!!!!!



  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    top ten things you NEVER ask a lady
    10. when are you due?
    9. did you get your hair cut?
    8. does this outfit make your butt look big?
    6. would you like your own order of fries this time?
    5. is that a salad or a rhump roast dear?
    4. are you related to Oprah?
    3. didn't I see you in a circus once?
    2. what color are your boobs and how big are your eyes?
    ::drumroll:: .............wait for it.....
    1. are you just fat or are you expecting twins????
  • baristanatorLL
    baristanatorLL Posts: 34 Member
    You cannot BE fat. You can HAVE fat. I have lots of it, but there's a lot more to me than that.

    I never know how to respond when people complain about their weight; it puts the listener in an awkward position.

    I usually say, "Well, everyone's beautiful in their own way. Besides, it's what's inside that counts. Have you heard about this great website called MFP?"
  • SFBarbear
    Couldn't agree more. Every Time I acknowledge the fact that I am "Fat" people say "Don't say that." or "I hate when you talk about yourself like that." I just got tired of not speaking the fact or sugar coating it. The fact is I am fat and as long as it doesn't bother me to say it it shouldn't bother them to hear it.
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    My favorite is when people say oh, didn't see you there. I'm 6'3 and nearly 300 pounds, really, you didn't see me?

    Actually it feels great to say nearly 300 pounds, I'm closer to 290 now, not used to that piece :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    False, lots of fat girls say UGH IM SO FAT as a trick to get into fights with fitter friends and then be all sobby and teary eyed and victimized, so that their fitter friends end up having to console them and feel bad for looking better.

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Sorry but the only time I've ever heard someone whine about how fat they are is when they're not fat. You still want me to encourage that?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Instead of demanding the world comply with your required response, how about not putting people in an awkward position in the first place by saying it? People are trying to be kind to you, get over it.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I can handle the weight of that reality.

    I see what you did there....
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Yeah I'm fat. When I say so, my favorite response is something along the lines of "Don't beat yourself up about it. You're working hard to change it and over time it will change. You gotta stay positive."

    Usually if i'm commenting on my weight, it's because i'm really feeling down about the fact that I AM fat. Encouraging words that I'm doing the right thing is what cheers me up.
  • nashbear
    nashbear Posts: 131 Member

    On a more serious note, I have fat on me, but I am not fat. I am Marie. :)

    Love this.

    My BF and I were discussing my weight. I said something about how could he be attracted to me at this weight since when he met me I was skinny. He replied "you weren't skinny when I met you" Not a good response. I thought I was skinny. Thinnest I had been in years. But I always have a big butt so I guess he was happy.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Note to self: Tell all fat people that they are fat.
  • Katy_G2013
    Katy_G2013 Posts: 70 Member
    Completely agree!!! Yes, I'm fat...I don't need your pity comments about how I look great. I also know I look great and am attractive in spite of my fatty mcfatness. Doesn't make me NOT fat!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I am a realist! When I looked in the mirror when I weighed 290, I would say damn you are fat girl! I didnt have to have anyone agree with me or try to dispute it. I'm not stupid!

    Now at 170, I know I am still overweight, but I see a strong woman who has come a heck of a long way! Sometimes I think I look dang good.

    What I am getting right now, that I really dont like're so skinny, you dont need to lose any more weight. Really people, I'm 5'3 and weigh 170. That is overweight and not a healthy BMI. I particularly hate it when someone who is super skinny says this to me.

    I am still in the obese category for my height, but just 4/10 of a pound from being overweight. So please dont tell this "realist" that I am skinny.
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    Note to self: Tell all fat people that they are fat.

    I'm going to thread stalk you and tell you that you're PHAT.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    Why do you disrespect yourself by going und telling everyone you're fat?? That's crazy. If you're fat, others do know it. Also, stop complaining about it and use that energy to do something about it.

    Even when I was over 300 pounds I never complained about my weight. No one wants to hear it.

    I completely agree with this. My boyfriend regularily says things like "well I'm a fat guy, you know" and the like. My response EVERY time is "you know, you can DO something about that."
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Note to self: Tell all fat people that they are fat.

    I'm going to thread stalk you and tell you that you're PHAT.

    Yes, get right behind me. :wink:
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    I can see your bra.
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry but the only time I've ever heard someone whine about how fat they are is when they're not fat. You still want me to encourage that?

    yup! ^^^this, I never hear fat people say that
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Weight is a very emotive subject. If someone says you are not fat they are a liar and if they agree with you they are a b*tch.

    This. As soon as someone says "Yes, you are're fat" there would certainly be people crying to have that persons head cut off and saying how rude they are.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    False, lots of fat girls say UGH IM SO FAT as a trick to get into fights with fitter friends and then be all sobby and teary eyed and victimized, so that their fitter friends end up having to console them and feel bad for looking better.


    If they work hard, they should never feel bad. That's the type of whiney friend I walk away from lol

    It works both ways....fat girls, thin's all just exhausting to think about at this point.