Why, thank you Bob Evan's....



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    How does Red Robin not get any criticism in this post?

    Haha, it's about CHOICES... if you choose to eat unlimited fries that's your problem, not Bob Evans's.

    I've never been to Bob Evan's, but I have been to Red Robin and I just didn't ask for the second round of fries...in fact, I didn't even finish the first..
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Just because it's offered doesn't mean you have to eat it...
  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    Who is Bob Evans?

    Its a restaurant in the eastern part of the country. Pretty good food, too bad its not out west.

    Its all about making the right choices. And every now and then, having the burger w/unlimited fries is a nice treat.
  • SickSkilz
    I 100% agree. I posted something a while back about subway irresponsibly implying that you will lose weight when you go there every day and that is an unrealistic expectation given that they push the cheeze and sauces and all of a sudden your at 1000 calories and 2000 mg of sodium but i got reemed for it..

    I get that 100 people post "Its about you making the right choice" and "they don't make you eat it" but thats a stupid argument. When businesses offer such absurd things, they are contributing to the acceptance of the masses that that is acceptable to eat such garbage.

    I do agree with another poster that suggested that its worse when places offer such totally unhealthy "salads" and i would liken that to my subway argument.
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    How does Red Robin not get any criticism in this post?

    Haha, it's about CHOICES... if you choose to eat unlimited fries that's your problem, not Bob Evans's.

    ^^^^ This^^^ People need to use their BRAINS
  • Merrinoel
    Merrinoel Posts: 36 Member
    At least they do offer healthier choices. Deaf ears no. People have to be responsible for their own choices. We leave in an age of blame blame blame. What ever happened to personal responsibility?

    ...and could that lack of personal responsibility be the true root of the obesity epidemic....? Hmmm....Good point.
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    How does Red Robin not get any criticism in this post?

    Haha, it's about CHOICES... if you choose to eat unlimited fries that's your problem, not Bob Evans's.

    This :flowerforyou:
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    Personally, I'm disgusted with grocery stores!!

    I saw a flyer for one they other day and apparently they sell ridiculous amounts of food! Far more than anyone should eat! And all the bad food too - snickers bars, frozen pizza rolls, deli macaroni salad -- it's horrifying! Don't they care about our health??? People wouldn't be fat if grocery stores would stop selling so much food!!
  • jkuhnen
    jkuhnen Posts: 14 Member
    The only thing those fries are missing is lots of cheese! And bacon! And then dip them in Ranch!...or since we're "down on the farm" why not just break out the gravy!

    I'm working on portion control, and I throw in an apple now and again, but sadly I love all this (OK I probably wouldn't do the gravy), and no one will ever convince me that eating healthy tastes good.

    Pizza tastes good. Extra cheese and pepperoni on it tastes better. I just can't have 8 pieces.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I get that 100 people post "Its about you making the right choice" and "they don't make you eat it" but thats a stupid argument. When businesses offer such absurd things, they are contributing to the acceptance of the masses that that is acceptable to eat such garbage.

    Since when has it become the responsibility of the restaurant to hold my hand and teach me what to eat. Restaurants are businesses and businesses have to make money to drive the economy. The way they make money is appealing to the consumer. Restaurants aren't responsible for society's obesity problems. The individual is responsible for their own choices, period.

    If people wouldn't buy it, then the restaurants wouldn't carry it. Simple as that. Are you suggesting that if the entire country decided collectively to eat healthy that the restaurants would refuse to comply?
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    They do have the best breakfast sausage, if you're gonna splurge a little.
  • kathicooks
    kathicooks Posts: 81 Member
    It's not that the message is falling on deaf ears, it's that what so many of us have had a hard time learning for ourselves is to stop blaming others for our weight. We make choices. So I don't really care that Bob Evans offers endless fries, or that the local buffet has fried foods on it. I choose what I eat. I don't want someone else choosing for me that I cannot have those endless fries, I'm proud that at this stage I know better and can choose NOT to indulge in a mindless way.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Because if there's anything this country needs, it's endless, all-you-can-eat french fries with a massively unhealthy hamburger.

    Congrats on a great contribution to this country's ridiculous obesity problem. Whoever came up with this one is a total genius. :noway:

    No one is being forced at gunpoint to go eat this or any other meal at Bob Evans, or at Denny's, or any other restaurant. If you choose to gorge on a meal like this on a frequent basis, or choose to eat in places like this, then you have to live with the consequences of that choice.

    Restaurants are simply trying to meet consumer demand - so the consumers, if they want something different and healthy, are free to demand it by choosing where and what to eat. That's kind of how things work in the real world.
  • VenomousDuck
    Side note, while growing up, I mowed the lawns of several of the Evan's family. Nice people.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Guess what?

    Chain restaurants provide nutrition information for what they serve. When they start forcing bacon-encrusted butter sticks down my throat, I'll have reason to complain.

    But until then, I'll take my nutrition choices, poor or not, into my own hands. And not b!tch about things being available that may not be good for me.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I 100% agree. I posted something a while back about subway irresponsibly implying that you will lose weight when you go there every day and that is an unrealistic expectation given that they push the cheeze and sauces and all of a sudden your at 1000 calories and 2000 mg of sodium but i got reemed for it..

    When I go to Subway I've never had an exchange with an employee be more than:

    Employee: What kind of cheese?
    Me: No cheese, please.
    Employee: What veggies?
    Me: Lettuce, spinach, green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a few jalapeno's.
    Employee: *puts on veggies* Sauce?
    Me: None please.
    Employee: *wraps up sandwich and slides to cashier*

    I've never once felt like a Subway employee was "pushing" anything on me, it's simply offering it as something to put on the sandwich. By your definition, they are also pushing the vegetables as well.

    And guess what, if you ask for extra veggies, they give 'em to you, for free. You want extra meat and cheese? It's going to cost you more. Doesn't seem like they are really going out of their way to make people over cheese and over sauce their sandwiches.

    If I walked up to you and offered you a joint or a needle full of heroin are you required to take it simply because it was there and offered to you? No, you aren't, you can make the choice that what I'm offering you isn't something that you want and is likely going to be detrimental to your health, so you say no. So quit blaming restaurants for just selling and promoting their food.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Chain restaurants provide nutrition information for what they serve. When they start forcing bacon-encrusted butter sticks down my throat, I'll have reason to complain.

    Bacon-encrusted butter sticks sound kind of good...:laugh:
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    Thank you Bob Evan's WHAT?
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    Yes, thank you Bob Evans! Those fries and that hamburger were delicious! *says mmm mmm while rubbing my tummy*
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    bacon-encrusted butter sticks

    Deep-fry that and I'll bet you've got a Paula Deen recipe right there. lol :D

    Ooh! Food shows! Cooking shows and shows on the Food Network or the Cooking Channel show unhealthy foods all the time, maybe we should take those networks off the air.

    Or what about all the cooking segments on news shows in the mornings? We should probably get rid of those too since they usually use butter or oil and lots of other high calorie stuff.

    And cookbooks. We should definitely get rid of cookbooks. Those things are FULL of unhealthy food. We should just put the publishers right of business for what they're doing to Americans.

    Cooking schools should definitely be shut down. They just teach people how to become the cooks and chefs that make all of this unhealthy food that makes people fat.

    Yeah, we should get started on this, we've got a lot of work to do in order to make Americans skinny again.