What's everybody's fav. core workout?



  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    Hula hooping!

    AGREED!! SO much fun!
  • LiftHuff
    When you're squatting, your holding your core steady, keeping your back straight. In order to build muscle, you need to extend and contract the muscles to work them. If you're contracting and extending your abs and back while squatting, you're doing it wrong.

    Wrong. In order to build muscle, you have to challenge the strength of a muscle. Eccentric and concentric motions of those muscles aren't necessary if the muscle's PURPOSE is stability. The primary actual function of the core musculature is to protect the spine by providing stability. As such, isometric exercise under tension is the most useful way to build good, purposeful core strength. It doesn't give as much *burn* in the muscles due to the isometric nature of the exercise, but it provides dramatic improvement in core strength. All of the compound lifts mentioned that require tremendous core stability, chins and pulls, and isometric dedicated core exercises like planks, dragon flags, front levers, etc train the core to do its job (eg-hold the torso rigid).

    Here is someone more well-recognized than me talking about it:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Heavy squats, deadlifts and other heavy lifting exercises that stress my core as I do them. I never do direct ab work.
  • vtachycardia
    Here is someone more well-recognized than me talking about it:

    2010, just after all the other strength coaches were talking about anti-flexion - love Rippetoe it always seems like it was his idea. Look at what rippetoe used to say and now in 2012 look at what strength coaches and scientists are saying. Mike Boyle joint By Joint was the guy who started anti-flexion, by the way which Rippetoe is rippertoeing off, and now his stuff is out of date. Go figure.

    As for all the troll name calling, look at my original post to this thread. core training, fav workout. I squat and deadlift, chest press with overhead press being key to great strength but there are three planes of movement and the sagital plane is but one. What trains the core to withstand other pressures on it? That is what I posted, up to date information for training.

    learn and discern and do not put up with out of date information. do more rotator cuff work, you will achieve even greater lifts and function.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Cage Fit class - so much fun!
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Squats and oats, deadlifts and Greek yogurt, front squats and deca.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
  • mattack
    mattack Posts: 137 Member
    Haven't tried it yet, but I loved the p90 stuff and tony Horton is awesome
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I'm having fun trying to do Turkish get ups with a daughter as my weight. They squirm a lot.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    P90X2 is all core. I love it way better than P90X. Think like, it's some of the P90X workouts, but now you have to do that and balance on one foot. It's hard core, core workouts. Exactly what I wanted.

    You mean people don't do static exercises on one foort when they can, darn beachbody you invent everything --- NOT

    Why are you so negative? I didn't say they invented it. Does your mom not love you?
  • cr8zyamy
    cr8zyamy Posts: 46 Member
    Concept 2 rowing machine, it lets me work just about everything, the intensity (drag) can be increased or decreased depending on what I want. I have only been doing it for 3 weeks but I can see the changes in my waist line.
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    Hula hooping!
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    Hula hooping!

    So much fun! I need to get one.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Planks and bicycle crunches! :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    you asked what our favorite core workout was...mine is basically squats and deadlifts with some hanging leg raises thrown in every now and again.

    Edited for a typo
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
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    MFP Moderator
  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    Jazzercize is my favorite. We get a good core workout included in every session, as well as strength training and cardio!
  • innocenceportrayed
    I love squats, lunges, planks and wood chops. PT taught me a new form of leg raises this week thats a killer. On a bench under the smith, leg raise into candle, and tap the bar on the outside with your toes. I am sure it has a name but he didn't tell it :bigsmile:

    I absolutely HATE squats & lunges, but I think it's because my form is wrong and I put too much pressure on my knees(bad knees at 22, awesome isn't it?)

    Your knees are not bad, you have created a dysfunction from other exercises. Knees are seldom to blame, unless you have smashed them to pieces in an accident. See a functional personal trainer/therapist

    Oh sweetheart, both of my knees are horrible from soccer injuries. My knees aren't to blame, it was my fault not my knees nonetheless my knees give me pain everytime I'm at the gym.