BIKE HELMETS.....Do YOU wear one??



  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    When I was 15 a car came over a blind hill and pasted me while I was on my bike. I got thrown from the bike, landed on top of my head and dislocated vertebrae in my neck (and yet still walked away)

    The next year, while riding my new bike in the rain I skidded out into traffic and got hit. By this time I was wearing the protective gear that my mother made me get or I couldn't have another bike. My helmet split in half when I hit the ground. That could have been my skull. I don't have a bike right now but when I buy one I'll be all armored up for the same reason I wear a set belt, it's safest to do so, not 100% safe, just safest. Besides I find myself unable to be driving a car if I'm not belted...
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member

    You are stupid if you don't!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm going to trust the cycling nation known as Holland on this one...
    "Bicycle helmets are hardly ever worn in the Netherlands. Cyclists of all ages, and the government, consider the bicycle helmet unnecessary and there is no 'helmet law'.

    These factors together far outweigh the negative factors of wet and windy weather, strong headwinds due to the flat terrain, and frequent bicycle thefts. Nearly a third of all journeys made in the Netherlands are made by bicycle. Even the over 65 age group make nearly a quarter of their journeys by bicycle. Within some cities, over half of all journeys are made by bicycle."
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    YES! I did a 500-mile bike ride 15 years ago (wow, 15 years ago!), and during the organized training, safety was a huge deal. Also, the day before the ride, we had to watch a video that said repeatedly, "You could die on this ride." I also have friend who was in a horrible accident last year. She has some brain damage, but her helmet kept her alive.
  • Jason3589
    Jason3589 Posts: 734
    As a Police Cyclist l always wear a helmet, it should be law here in the UK
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    I don't for a bicycle but I do for my motorbike, obviously :P
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    It's the law here. Most kids on scooters wear helmets now too (on the way to/from school) as there have been some serious accidents.

    All of my family even wears helmets when we ski, after I suffered a serious head injury when I was a child. Luckily, they're very common now, but when I had my accident we were the only people on the slopes with them. I wouldn't dare bike, ski, or roller skate without a helmet.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I wasn't wearing a helmet when I crashed on my bike a year ago. Puncture wound to the head from something and a black eye for a month plus skinned up knees, hands and shoulder. I haven't gotten on a bike since but if I ever do I will definitely wear a helmet.
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