BIKE HELMETS.....Do YOU wear one??



  • Tat2dDom0105
    Tomorrow i'm picking up a mountain bike from my boss, and it's guaranteed that i'll be sporting one.
  • idaman76
    me and my wife used to not, but as we have encountered many close calls and jerks on the road it has become manditory for everyone in our house
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    me and my wife used to not, but as we have encountered many close calls and jerks on the road it has become manditory for everyone in our house

    Sounds like a good rule...I think I'lll start it in my house as well. :)
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I just crashed tonight. Feels like my ribs are broke and can't put weight on my hip but hit my head on the road very hard. Cracked my helmet in 2 places. I feel i would of taken a helicopter ride as well without a helmet. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!. This happened only 3/4 of a mile from home. Even short rides needs one!
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    Absolutely and it is against the law in my state to ride a bike without one!
  • tybreemommy
    tybreemommy Posts: 5 Member
    Yes I do. I make my children wear one so only think it is fair. Plus I don't trust people driving to watch out for people on bikes.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I am a TBI (traumatic brain injury) survivor from a car accident in '89 so there is NO WAY I would ever get on my bike without my helmet. Yes, they are not the most fashionable things out there - but who needs fashion when it can save your life.

    It is also a law in California for anyone under 18, yet I see a lot of young kids riding around our HOA without them. My husband is a deputy & it was time for the shift change, so I knew where I could find some deputies & drove over there. I talked with one that I knew & explained what I saw. I then asked him if he could wait a few minutes & then come to our HOA. I went home & soon saw him stopping one of the kids, putting the bike in the trunk of his car & the kid in the front & drive off. He wasn't taking the kid to jail, he took him home & turned him over to his mom. I now see the same kid riding with a helmet. I'm just hoping that the kid will pass the word along to his friends about what happened.
  • TCWE
    TCWE Posts: 51 Member
    My father was in a bike accident and was severely injured. The doctors showed him his helmet and said if not for the helmet that would have been his head, G-d forbid. His helmet saved his life.

    Edit to add: A few years back my uncle who was an avid biker was in a SEVERE bike accident involving an 18 wheeler truck. He is paralyzed from his waist down. He has had many complications health wise due to the accident. I cant imagine what could have happened if not for his helmet.

    ALWAYS wear a helmet. It has saved many lives of people close to me.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I always do and my daughter too. My husband does not.:embarassed: Even though, he always makes our daughter wear hers when they go out together.
  • andivaclavicek
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Nope I never wore one as a kid so I don't even think of it now. But if you feel the need to wear one its up to you. To each there own. Good Luck with your decision.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Always. My view is ... proper equipment for the sport I'm participating in. I also wear a full face helmet, leathers, boots and so on when motorcycling. Helmets are optional here but not when I'm riding.

    Just falling over can create significant forces to injury the brain.
  • swimbikerun2006
    swimbikerun2006 Posts: 29 Member
    I always, always ALWAYS, wear a bike helmet. I have inadvertently latched my fingers over the front brakes going downhill....long story- but regardless, I cracked my helmet. Could've been my head. I don't care who you are, or how long you've been riding. Accidents happen. And they are called accidents cause they are not on purposes. No one plans for them to happen. SO...there's my soap box :)
  • GoaliesWife123
    Yes, yes, and yes! I always wear a helmet! I put too much money and time into my schooling (undergrad plus law school) and I refuse to be "too fashionable" to keep my brain in place!

  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I do. I ride to work once or twice a week, and really worry about injuries if I get hit by a driver not paying attention. I see no reason to not wear a helmet. What's the benefit of not wearing one?
  • KeriW626
    I wear my seat belt, and If I rode a bike, i would wear a helmet. any kind of bike. there you go. And if you ride a bike and or motor cycle,please ride wearing BRIGHT COLORS, If you are not a bike rider, but a motorist... LOOK TWICE.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    Never. Helmets are for dorks. I've never seen anybody at the gym wearing a helmet in the stationary bike area.

    On the other hand, if I owned a mobile bicycle, I would certainly wear a helmet. I figure, yeah, it looks stupid, but it looks a lot less stupid than leaving my little girl to take care of her damaged mama for the rest of her life, or worse yet, without a mama and living with her alcoholic cokehead *kitten* loser biodad that can't be bothered to cut her a check for swimming lessons. Wait, how did he show up here??

    Hahahahaha whaaaat? I think OP *was* talking about on "mobile" bikes. It is for sure dorky to wear a helmet on a stationary bike unless you have a medical condition that necessitates wearing a helmet always.

    Tee hee. I know. Sometimes my humor is easy to grasp and sometimes I miss the mark. :) From my post, I'm a little surprised that a medical condition wasn't already assumed. :P
  • megmanning
    NOPE, not even on a motorcycle. It takes some of the thrill out of it... the wind in my hair... sun on my face...
  • parallax693
    Yes! I wasn't crazy about the idea at first, but it is necessary. A friends 16 year old son hit a sewer cover and crashed his
    Bike. No helmet. He had a traumatic brain injury, missed most of the school year, and had short term memory
    Issues. Not worth it!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    When I was 18, a very elderly woman that could not see well and was not supposed to be driving, drove her car right into me when I was on my bike and almost killed me. I was injured badly and she came extremely close to driving over my head the witnesses explained (I guess a helmet wouldn't have allowed me to survive that). But, yes, I always wear a helmet!!! Why risk a brain injury?