anyone given up bread?



  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Yep, I haven't had a bite of bread in 5 weeks....but I was also diagnosed with Celiac so its not a choice.

    It was hard the first few days, but after the initial withdrawl it wasn't a big deal. Right now if I look at a peice of bread, I don't want it. Now soft white dinner rolls from one of the grocery stores in town..thats harder to not drool over.
  • allirep
    i am trying my best to go primal - no grains, etc. so i stopped eating bread almost three months ago. i dont really miss it. but it isn't the taste of the bread itself that i enjoyed. i wrap my hamburgers in lettuce, etc.

    i didnt find it too hard to give up bread. but i do love cookies. so that is a constant struggle.

    everyone has something they love. if it is making you feel bad though - maybe you do need to cut it out instead of trying to be moderate.

    if you really want to go bread free - look up some staple meal ideas on a paleo website and go from there. if you have a meal that you enjoy that you know you can cook at any time - it makes it easier to not default to pb&j.
  • misscrash17
    I gave up bread for 2 weeks, on the 21 sugar detox diet. I ate a couple slices of pizza & the weight all seemed to come back instantly. I have been eating a slice every other day now. From my own experience, unless you want to keep bread out of your diet for good, the weight might come back when you start eating it again. Good luck!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i am trying my best to go primal - no grains, etc. so i stopped eating bread almost three months ago. i dont really miss it. but it isn't the taste of the bread itself that i enjoyed. i wrap my hamburgers in lettuce, etc.

    i didnt find it too hard to give up bread. but i do love cookies. so that is a constant struggle.

    everyone has something they love. if it is making you feel bad though - maybe you do need to cut it out instead of trying to be moderate.

    if you really want to go bread free - look up some staple meal ideas on a paleo website and go from there. if you have a meal that you enjoy that you know you can cook at any time - it makes it easier to not default to pb&j.

    See that's the thing I don't actually eat it instead of a meal, it is always as a "snack" after dinner. Also.. not going paleo. I'm not giving up my carbs. Brown rice/sweet potato is amazing :)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    It just went off from my diet naturally, though I have there and that some bread. The thing is, independently from any specific food, should we run away the things we "binge" on ?
    If tomorrow, all od a sudden you find yourself drinking orange juice like a tank, would you cease to buy it ?

    The way I see it, it's more about having an accurate knowledge of yourself and what drives such behaviors, focus on the causes, not the consequences :)

    I DO drink orange juice like a tank or at least I used to. I stopped buying it for awhile and now I have much more restraint when it comes to it.

    Sometimes we just need a break from things to adjust our attitudes towards them.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I gave up bread for 2 weeks, on the 21 sugar dexot diet. I ate a couple slices of pizza & it the weight all seemed to come back instantly. I have been eating a slice every other day now. From my own experience, unless you want to keep bread out of your diet for good, the weight might come back when you start eating it again. Good luck!

    I don't want to cut it out solely to lose weight, but because it makes me feel like **** - physically and emotionally after eating it.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I know that for me when I stopped eating bread great things started to happen. I get so tired of dealing with the calories in/calories out crowd because they do not take in consideration how the kind of food we eat can manipulate our hormones and appetites for the good or for the bad. There was a period of really missing it but when the weight started falling off and my energy levels stabilized that went away as well. I have since learned that there is a very small difference between whole wheat/ whole grain products vs the bleached and processed ones. It is over hyped and we fall for it and then wonder why we are still fat. They are both fattening and turn to glucose fairly quickly in our system. What makes a difference is when you cut out bread and other highly addictive/glycemic foods altogether. Then after you have made a lot of progress, have met your goals and you feel safe in trying some of these things they don't seem as pleasurable as they once did.

    ETA; Keep in mind that carbs are not the enemy. Its the type of carbs that can help us to feel more full and provide us with good nutrition and fiber that are important. Now we call all usually get by with eating starchy things when we are younger and the reason for it is because our hormones are more efficient and we can burn it off thermogenically. Then we go to the stage where reduced calorie or whole grain gets us back where we want to be. Eventually this fails as well. So, after 30, 45, 50 years old (everyone is different) we then have to address this thing more seriously. But, its wonderful to know that there are options and strategies that can help us to beat the ill effects of a modern western diet and the culture that surrounds it and seem to then defy the fattening downward cycle that everyone around us seems to think is inevitable.
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    I'm going Paleo myself. Experimental stages at present, plus I have a bit of a "what is in the house" thing happening too.

    That said, I am wondering if it is carb distribution .... ie the times of the day we eat it.

    Perhaps the body wants to binge for not making up for our minimum carbs for the day ? Sometimes a binge comes from cravings, cravings can possibly come from lack.

    I know some days I get the same thing - started becoming "bingey" into the evening this evening and looked at my carb distribution throughout the day (I don't base it on meal times, just "meal events" :) ).

    I'll see how it goes for myself.

    PS Bread free for several days and it IS hard .... trying to be "wheat-free", not "low carb".
  • pudgypuss
    I started eating Ezekiel bread instead of regular bread. It tastes tons better and has less calories, and it's MUCH healthier.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm not too crazy about bread unless I smell it baking in my own home. Like yesterday! LOL Otherwise, I eat Healthy Life whole wheat bread @ 35 calories per slice. It's not perfect but it works for low cal sandwiches, toast and it's more filling than white bread.
  • betsyhallingram
    With the plan I am using I do not crave bread, sugar or me those were my three main staples. So yes I have given up bread. You can do it, it is hard but faith in yourself will help you.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    I gave up bread for a long period to get on a candida reduction diet. When I started eating it again I realised that's where a LOT of my problems came from, health-wise. Now I eat no gluten, and am very careful with gluten-free bread, as the concentrated carbs do very little good for me.

    It was hard, as it was complicated when travelling, but very easy once I started putting the discomfort together with that particular food.
  • xdoublerainbow
    xdoublerainbow Posts: 51 Member
    I've practically 'given it up' myself. I'm not saying I don't eat it, it's just not an every-day occurrence now. Maybe once or twice a week I'll have a toasted sandwich or something slathered on toast :) there's healthier options out there, you just have to look a little harder for them :D
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I eat Ezekiel breads.
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    I've not had bread, pasta, potatoes, or rice in almost 4 months- trying to keep my carbs as low as I can.

    I do still have crackers though.

    Can't really say I feel better because of it as my overall health, eating, and exercise have improved over the last 4 months, bread was only a small part of it.

    It hasn't really been a problem (though I do love bread) but I was out with someone this morning and they ordered toast and OH MY it smelled so good!
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Never! I love my bread! :) just eat the right kinds and in small portions.
  • gdmarquis
    gdmarquis Posts: 6 Member
    Pretty much. Since each slice is 100+ calories, I rarely use any right now.
  • Josette89
    I've been doing Paleo for about five weeks. Although, I have my bites here and there, I'm not supposed to. It is tough, but I am becoming more and more dedicated, Once I can make some coconut/almond flour bread, I will be fine. :) It's expensive though, so it will definitely only been on special occasions. Since starting Paleo, I've felt great with a ton of energy, I sleep better, and my skin is much clearer.Plus, I'm losing weight much quicker :) I think the rewards outweigh the temporary happiness that bread gives me. :) It has been an interesting start to a lifestyle change.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Never! I love my bread! :) just eat the right kinds and in small portions.

    Problem with some people is even with the right kinds, they can't eat small portions.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    I had some bread this morning, the first time in 6 months!