Fit N' Fun-Sized - WEEK 5!



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    jz- I have my calories set at my BMR which is 1300 calories. I too have hear that is the minimum that we should eat. It is working better for me than the 1200 standard diet.

    I did 40 minutes on the Wii but I did over eat today. boo hoo! We got 18 inches of new snow today and I was stressed waiting for the plow guy to come and plow us out. This is the first time we've given in and gotten plowed out this year.

    Another wintery day in New Mexico.

  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Happy Thursday! My Dad is home and feeling pretty good. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it.

    I have been staying within calories but just haven't had the energy to exercise. I'm so tired! I did step on the scale this morning and was happy to see no change... however I was hoping to see a lower number since I'm staying under or at my calories! I gotta get my *kitten* back in gear! I'm hoping to start tomorrow after work!

    I have loved keeping up with all your posts. You're all doing great! Keep it up!


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my ladies! Despite feeling absolutely CRAPPY due to TOM cramps and a stuffy head, running nose, sniffling, sneezing head cold type of thing going on this morning I climbed out my bed and completed today's workout. Since I didn't have alot of energy I decided to take it easy this morning and completed 3 miles of Leslie Sansone "5 mile fat burning walk" dvd for a total of 36 minutes. It helped rejuvenate me just a tad bit and now i'm enjoying a hardy bowl of oatmeal which I'm hoping will add to my energy level.

    I also have officially MET MY GOAL WEIGHT and have actually exceeded it by a pound and i'm super excited.

    Since I am now trying to reduce body fat I will continue logging and posting.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I weighed in today and.....142.6!!!!!!!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: FINALLY!!! I am sooo happy! I was stuck at 143.6 FOREVER!!! I knew if i kept doing what i was supposed to there had to be a change in the scale...and there was. Ready to keep the pounds coming off! That was the motivation i needed to keep at it.
    Choco- Congrats!!! Gettin up and exercising when you feel like crap, now thats dedication!!
    Jam- I think that is what i am going to do too, 1200 just seems soo low. But i am a little hesitant since i finally broke my plateau lol
    Happy Friday!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jzbaby, congrats on the 1 lb loss. I changed my caloric intake from 1200 calories to 1330 and was pretty successful. Good luck.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: Good Morning to All of my fit and fun sized friends.
    I have been sort of MIA for more than a week........our trip was fabulous but we were staying in a hotel that charged $14.95 a day to use the internet:cry: .....there was a public computer in the lobby but we were busy and I used it only to print boarding passes for our return trip and to check to make sure there were no urgent e mails......this was the first time since I started MFP in February that I didn't keep track of food and exercise.....of course, I was at an Isagenix event and ate mostly Isagenix shakes and bars with only a few restaurant meals to get me off track and the hotel had a great fitness center with bike, treadmill, and eliptical so I got a surprising amount of exercise. My weight the night I got home (Monday) was seven pounds higher than it was this morning so it's clear that the sodium I consumed at restaurant meals made a huge difference.

    I am officially announcing that I reached my goal this morning:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've lowered my goal twice since I started and this is the real plan for maintenance is to increase my calories by 100 this week and see what happens, then add 100 more next week and so on until I think it's right

    I've been using Spark People for a few months (not as faithfully as MFP) and my conclusion about their calorie suggestions is that their daily calorie intake is based on your projected calorie burn not your actual one like MFP

    On the subject of maintaining weight and building more muscle and burning more fat, I've had good results from has been the center of my eating plan since March and I've lost weight and added muscle regularly......along with that, everything I've read about "clean eating" suggests that staying away from processed foods is the best for your body.

    This weekend I heard a nutritionist talking about how carbonated drinks make it harder for your body to absorb calcium and vital trace minerals so I'm really glad that I gave up carbonated drinks a long time ago.

    :flowerforyou: chocolickkyss, I'm so happy to hear that you reached your goal :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have so admired your hard work and focus on have earned your success.....good luck on getting your body fat percentage where you want it

    :flowerforyou: Jandie, congrats on getting into smaller clothes.....that is such a fabulous feeling and such evidence of success.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: jzbaby, congrats on getting past that annoying weight plateau......your never give up attitude has served you well.

    :flowerforyou: JAM, your varied exercise routine with winter sports sounds like so much fun.......:bigsmile:

    Have a happy, healthy, fit day.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Thanks Barbie & Choco!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I still feel like crap but I did get up and get the workout in. I completed 2 1/2 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd for a total of 30 minutes. I wanted to take a minute to log in but now its back to bed for some well needed R & R.

    Barbie, you are AWESOME! Congratulations on meeting your 2nd or 3rd weight loss goal. I know you will have much success in the maintenance phase as you are very diligent about eating healthy and getting in your exercise.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barbie - Congradulations on meeting your goal. That is awsome. Welcome back to internet access. You're always missed when you're on the road. Jeannie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barbie - Congradulations on meeting your goal. That is awsome. Welcome back to internet access. You're always missed when you're on the road. Jeannie
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, while my cramps have subsided this cold doesn't appear to be playing fair. Today my throat has started to hurt along w/the sneezing, sniffling, running nose, headache, body aches. I have been able to get some well needed rest and once I'm done posting it's back to bed again. Despite how I felt I was able to pull myself out of bed and put on my workout clothes and get the workout in. I did 2 1/2 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd for a total of 30 minutes.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Jeannie, I'm so glad to home with my computer and my familiar routine......I love to travel but I'm like Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz"*****"There's no place like home":heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Chocolikkyss,glad to see you're getting exercise and rest, both are great for you.:bigsmile:

    Today is Isagenix cleanse day for us so I keep my exercise lower than the other days because I'm consuming fewer calories
  • jzbaby626
    I got the week off to a good start. I did 40 mins of circuit training.

    Goals for today:
    -8 cups water
    -30 mins walking w/ 3 lb. weights
    -Stay within calorie limit

    Should we start a new thread for February?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My workout is complete for today. Since it wasn't freezing outside I decided to walk/jog around the local park. My hat goes off to all you joggers/runners b/c it's really not my cup of tea. The wind was knocking me all in my face and at times a bit difficult for me to get a nice steady breathing pace b/c I could feel the wind in my throat. Anyway, I did that for 45 minutes and totally unsure how many miles that was but in all honesty I could care less. I exercised and felt like I gave it a good effort.

    jzbaby, you're starting the week off right. Your workout is behind you and you have a daily goal to achieve. The mini goals help keep you focused and before you know it you've arrived at the ultimate goal.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    choco- You will love P90X. It's intimidating at times but, well worth it. The BB threads are pretty good too. I am on one that is called Girls with Guts (GWG). Feel free to join's full of P90X motivation and many of the girls on there are Coaches.

    I'm just popping back in, continuing to read the posts. You all continue to do so well. It's a snowy day here...Yuck. This is the first winter in a long time(5years?) that my motivation to work out and eat clean has really strayed. I'm not sure if its because of the weather (snowy, snowy, cold, fridgid, icy) or me (I quit taking Depo Provera shots in OCT -after 12 years- and the hormones from the shots are still in my body as I still haven't gotten my TOM).

    But, It's Feb1st. Next MOnday I am starting Insanity. Kinda scared but, hopefully it will be a 60 day challenge that kicks my butt and get's me "beach body" ready for spring (and out of the Ice cream and M&M mode!).

    -Have a great Monday!
  • jzbaby626
    Completed all 3 of my goals for today! :happy:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    If any one starts a new thread for February, please come back and post the link here. I lost you all once and don't want to loose you again.

    I had a good day and my goals for February are the same as they were for January and that is to learn to live on 1300 calories a day and not eat my exercise calories.

    Speaking of exercise it's time for me to hit the Wii and do some stepping.

    Have a great evening all,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My workout is complete for today. I did 58 minutes of the P90X Plyometrics dvd and despite not being at 100% due to still getting over this cold I felt that I "brought it" as Tony Horton often says.

    Well it's off to do some work but I'll be checkin in w/my ladies later.

    Have a great day.
  • jzbaby626
    Damn choco, your scale is flyin off your weight loss ticker lol. Thats all that matters is that you brought it right? Before you know it you will be doin the whole workout like it aint nothin! I finished my workout for to u all later
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Our Yoga instructor kicked our ____ today with ab work. She is one of the best instructors we've gotten in a couple of years. I work for a university and if we have enough people sign up they have the class right in our building. It is very cool. I am lucky to work for a university.

    My calorie goal is 1300 a day and today I ended up at 1301. lol I'm happy with that.
