Fit N' Fun-Sized - WEEK 5!



  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I just did Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones and all i can say is WOW!! sweat was literally dripping off of my face! I feel great that i got through it without quitting though!!! i drank 7 glasses of water yesterday, trying for 8 again today.
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Today is our 21st wedding anniversary and the one year anniversary of our weight loss journey.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Two wonderful reasons to celebrate, Barbie! Enjoy your day!!! :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone will well. We're enjoying morning freezog - freezing fog. But, I'm staying within calories and keeping active.

    Last night I finally bought some new jeans. I love them! And... according to the Mr. "they make your hiney look great!" LOL! :happy:

    Keep up the great work, ladies!!! :drinker:

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon my fit and fun gals, sorry for such a delayed posting but it's been a busy work morning. I'm looking and feeling good this sunny afternoon. I got my hair and nails done last night and I've worked out every day since last Friday, having remained within my calories all week and have drank at least 11 glasses of water daily and it is reflected in my .5 lb pound loss this week.

    I didn't want to work out today but b/c i'm participating in another thread where you earn points for doing some type of exercise everyday (intensity determined by participant) I decided to climb my tail out the bed and get a workout in. I completed 40 minutes of my "Core Rhythms" dvd and feel satisfied w/the effort put forth

    Jzbaby, No More Trouble Zones is NO JOKE! I completed it on Monday and had every intention on doing it again today but this morning I really couldn't take Jillian kicking my tail so I opted for something a little less strenuous.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Jzbaby, No More Trouble Zones is NO JOKE! I completed it on Monday and had every intention on doing it again today but this morning I really couldn't take Jillian kicking my tail so I opted for something a little less strenuous.

    I know what you mean!! I was a little scared to do it cause i know how Jillian is! I usually try to stay away from her workouts, but i felt up to the challenge lol...At first I was using 5 lbs. weights & i was about to give up after 1 minute. But i thought it looked like they were using 3 lb. weights, so i switched to those & then it was at least do-able. I think im gonna do it again long as im not really sore! I've been trying to drink more water too. Ive been drinking 7 or 8/day. Im 143.2 right now, so im hoping by sunday weigh-in I can finally see 142.something...been stuck at 143 for toooo long!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    Last night I finally bought some new jeans. I love them! And... according to the Mr. "they make your hiney look great!" LOL! :happy:
    :flowerforyou: Jandie, the Mr. is a keeper.......what a sweet and thoughtful thing to say

    :flowerforyou: Choco
    I do a lot of exercise every day because of my pedometer
    I have a goal of 11,000 steps a day so I include a vigorous walk at the dog park and Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" on days when I don't have a line dance class
    if you're moving , you're losing.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: jzbaby, five pound weights are huge.....three pounds will give you a super're doing great...good luck on your Sunday weigh-in :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I promised myself I'd be off the pc and cleaning the house by 9AM. I'm already late on that promise. There is just something about cleaning the house. Any excuse not to is a good one. So this will be a short post.

    Gratz to everyone loosing and have success in their daily goals.

    To all of you sweating - be glad that you can. I have two torn shoulders from working at illfitting computer work stations for too many years. According to Jillian's exercise profile all I should do is power walking. I do yoga, swim, ski and some strenght stuff, but a lot of it I just can't do.

    Barbie - I'm glad your cat is doing well.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my fit and fun gals. My day didn't start too well b/c my cousin and I headed to my local gym so that we could participate in the kickboxing class and the guess pass the gym told me to print offline was apparently not good b/c she is from out of town and they wanted her to pay $15.00 for one class. Now in my opinion, $15.00 is way tooo expense for one class so I told them thank but no thank I'll be working out from home today and politely walked out the door. I mean dang, I pay $29.00 for a month and they want her to pay half that just for an hour. They really had me confused for someone else. I proceeded to drive to the nearest Target and purchased a Taebo dvd for $10.00 and went home and got my kickboxing on.

    My workout is complete for today. I did 45 minutes of the Taebo dvd and now my cousin and I along w/two of my girlfriends are about to head to an exotic dance class and then lunch.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll check in later.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Choco-i would have done the same thing--$15 for one class is crazy! Let me know how the dance class went it sounds like fun! I am feeling my workout from yesterday! My arms & legs are soooreee. :ohwell: I am going to do a workout today, but its going to be a light one. I dont think im feeling up to anything to crazy today. I drank 7 cups of water--not 8, but wayy better then ive done in previous weeks. This is day 4 of my water challenge--day 2 for the May Day challenge (drink 8 cups of water at least 5 days before friday). Trying to make it an everyday thing. :drinker: Usually i go wayy over my calories on weekends and dont workout, but i am giving it a serious effort to change that. Just because its the weekend doesnt mean i get to completely forget about my diet!! I have about 730 cals left for today (if i dont workout) so we'll see how it goes...Hope u all have a good weekend :flowerforyou:
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Good Afternoon Girls! I am feeling GREAT and I hope you all are too! I did 30 min of cardio this morning and am shooting for 30 day shred later today. I stepped on the "new" scale this morning and guess what???? My hard work is paying off! I lost 1.8 pounds! Yes, that 2 pounds that I was not so happy about, is almost gone. Yeah!

    I have a busy afternoon ahead with kids basketball, cleaning, laundry and errands.

    You are all strong, amazing women, keep up the great work!

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  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My cousin and I along w/three girlfriends took an exotic dance class and had A BLAST!!! I think we are going to go back and take the lapdance class that the studio is offering for Valentines's Day.

    After exotic dance class we all went to a gourment burger joint called Flip Burger Boutique. If anyone ever watched the Top Chef reality show the owner of Flip was a finalist on that show. The food was EXCELLENT since we had a late start and talked so much afterwards that meal will have to account for a.m. snack, p.m. snack and dinner since we are just returning to the house. I tried to account for the calories the best way I knew how since the restaurants nutritional information is not posted. Based on what I ate (Turkery burger w/avacado, alfafa sprouts & tomato, hand cut fries and a nutella milkshake) I estimated that I consumed about 1300 calories on that meal. Since I ate a light breakfast (boiled egg and turkey sausage w/1 slice of whole wheat bread) and burned calories from the kickboxing I DID NOT go over my calories....YiPPEE, YIPPEE!!!!

    Despite the rainy and dreary weather in Georgia I had a WONDERFUL DAY W/FAMILY AND FRIENDS!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, another Sunday workout complete....YIPPEE...YIPPEE....YIPPEE.

    I got up early to get the workout in and over so my day of relaxation can begin. I completed a 10 minute circuit training dvd called "Melt It Off" and then I completed 20 minutes a dance exercise dvd called "Core Rhythm".

    Since my cousin decided to get on the road a day early I have the rest of today to chill out and watch FOOTBALL!

    I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jandie – Congratulations on the 1.8 pound loss. That’s fantastic.

    Chocolickkyss – I’m glad you had a great time eating out with your cousin and friends and still managed to stay within your calories.

    I'm hoping to go swimming today and ice skating tomorrow. The ice skating is going to hurt. lol But, if I'm driving a bunch of kids from the high school winter activities club and be there for 2 hours anyway, then I am going to skate too. I just hope they rent double runners in my shoe size.

    Of couse, I will do my free step on my Wii while I watch football today with my hubby.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Chocolickkyss, you do some amazing fun things in your life......all that fun should be a stress reliever which will be great for weight loss......I love hearing about what you're up to

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: JAM, i love hearing that you're going ice skating.....I did some ice skating when I was a child but haven't lived anywhere with either indoor or outdoor skating since:sad: , so have some fun for me :bigsmile: that's great that you actively support your kids' activities:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: jandie. I'm glad to hear that those two pesky pounds are almost works when you decide to never give up

    :flowerforyou: jzbaby I hope your resolve to do well on the weekend has continued to be successful.....working out even on the weekend is a great doesn't have to be as huge as the other days, but if you're moving, you're losing.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: this is our Isagenix cleanse day so I keep my calories low and do less activity than the other days. I did my own version of "Walk at Home" while watching the recording of the US Figure Skating pairs championship and burned some calories and recorded some steps on my pedometer.......later I'll ride the exercise bike and watch TV and the dogs won't let me forget to take them to the dog park
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Barbie: Thank for the compliments and continued support. I must admit all these little activities have been a stress reliever.

    Jam: Have fun ice skating. I've only done it once in life and I was a small child when that occurred. I would probably break my neck trying to do something like that now......LOL

    Everyone else, hope your weekend is going according to plan and if not you're at least rolling with the punches and not allowing it to get you off track.
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Happy Monday - and MLK Day! :flowerforyou: I made "healthy" french toast for breakfast and the whole family loved it! I found the recipe on Jillian Michaels website. (I used her batter and raisin bread, so it was a little higher in calories.)
    JAM - I'm going to take your lead and go ice skating today! :love: We love to skate and have a rink fairly close.

    Chocolickkyss - You are one busy gal! It sounds like your afternoon of Football was well deserved! I hope you enjoyed it! :smile:

    Barbie - You made me laugh because even your "less active day" seems like you're still quite active. You are dedicated! :drinker: Oh, and I hope your pups got to enjoy a romp at the dog park. :wink:

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  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello all! It's amazing how one day you feel like you can take on the world and you get up w/o a problem and rock out the exercise routine and the very next day you don't want to get out of bed at all, never mind trying to workout. Well that's how I felt this morning. I did not feel like moving from my bed and I could have cared less about working out. It's a holiday and I felt like having a lazy day. HOWEVER, I did not allow that negative attitude to win out and I got my lazy tail out the bed and was at the gym by 8 a.m. and rocked it out for a little over an hour. I then spent 10 minutes in the sauna but it was not as enjoyable as usual b/c there was a woman in there talking on her cell phone.....REALLY, I mean the space is small enough and who really wants to hear your damn conversation. I played my Ipod a little louder than normal in order to drown out her damn voice and attempt to lose myself in the words of my favorite artist, Ms. Mary J. Blige. My day did however improve when I purchased my favorite banana/strawberry protein shake b/c it was DELICIOUS!! I spent another 1 1/5 walking around the grocery store so i'm sure I burnt a few more calories doing that (but I won't claim them)

    All in all it has been a productive morning and I'm so glad I made myself go to the gym. Since it's a nice day here in GA a friend and I will probably walk around the park a little later.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Started the week off good. I did No More Trouble Zones again. Hoping i can keep it up through the rest of the week.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I finished my PM workout. I did Leslie Sansones Walk 2 mile video and used 3 lb. weights the whole time. I didn't think the weights would make too much of a difference, but they the difference between me not breaking a sweat and sweating pretty good by the end. :happy:
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    QUESTION of the day...

    What do I do with the clothes that have outgrown me???? I don't know if that's the right way to ask or not, but they're too big. Do I keep a couple things or should I get rid of everything? I don't ever want to be that size again, I know that FOR SURE! :noway: I kind of want to keep a couple things as reminders of where I was...

    What are you doing? (I thought about starting a thread, but I want to know what you're doing, first.)

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

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  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I have given the majority if not all my clothes to a women's shelter. I felt they were in better need of them then me. Proceed w/caution when it comes to keeping them b/c you don't want to get relaxed and if you start gaining it's easy to switch back to the clothes in your closet w/out giving it a second thought.