how about the venus index?



  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member

    Yeah, I am a Venus.

    Thank Aphrodite for that.

    And heck yeah.. I look GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

    Yes, I am VAIN.

    And if you want to know why...listen to my PODCAST. MUUHAAA!

    I can teach all the girls who were told they were UGLY, they were picked last for sports...that in the end can go to your 20 YEAR reunion and blow all those GIRLS outta the water. And stick your Venus finger at all the boys who didn't ask you out. YOu can go from being scared of the jocks to having the jocks want to be YOU or DATE you.

    Yeah I'm bitter and Venus is the program that made me the vain beeatch I am today.

    And I earned that status.

    YEs i got LINKS on my pages because I am an attention -Wh**e. Not denying that. But if you don't want to look at my fine self or listen to my podcast...just don't go visit my page. That's all.

    I take issue with people thinking us Venus girls are spammers. One can look at most of my posts and see I BARELY talk about it. To find out about it you gotta visit my profile and look at my pics.

    Please look. I am vain. Trying to make up for being voted ugliest girl in highschool. Never got over that. Sad I know. But happy i look GOOOOOD now.
  • hola_lo
    hola_lo Posts: 1
    any good results with this program?? I just bought it yesterday and will start tomorrow in conjunction with Les Mills Pump. I don't know if they changed their prices but phase 2 and 3 are 39.99 each not 600$... Not sure what the Immersion thing is but it was too expensive for me to purchase so I bought Phase 1 only.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,191 Member
    Oops, didn't mean to post on this thread...
  • The program is actually only $47.