Mirena IUD and Weight Gain



  • One_Last_Time
    I went with the paragaurd, it's good for 10 years and no hormones so no weight gain.
  • StepAwayFromTheCupcake
    I gained 18 pounds in 3 months on Skyla....then it decided to travel and I needed surgery to get it out. It's been an interesting start to the year :frown:
  • fitnezzfreak
    I never heard of Skyla until now. It looks like it is similar to Mirena. How have you been since it was removed?
  • StepAwayFromTheCupcake
    StepAwayFromTheCupcake Posts: 119 Member
    I never heard of Skyla until now. It looks like it is similar to Mirena. How have you been since it was removed?

    Skyla and Mirena are made by the same company, so they're very similar, but Skyla is 3 years.

    I've lost 5 of the 18 pounds and I have a lot more energy, so slowly getting back to normal :smile:
  • ambermanchester2
    I do not think you're crazy at all. After both my boys were born, I was back to my pre baby weight by my 6 week check up and then I had the mirena put in and over the next year gained it all back and was super emotional. Almost bi polar. Yes, I understand that could be post partum, but I understand my body and it was severe. I had it taken out after 18 months with hopes of seeing weight change and the side effects subside, but we had also considered another child and within a month of having it out we were pregnant so I never saw a difference. I am now at the point after my second son (both were born via c-section) that I honestly think the Mirena is the cause of all my moodiness and weight gain because I can't even lose 3 lbs with a change in diet and exercise. I'm hoping to have it removed here soon. Also something Mirena doesn't advertise, is it doesn't produce any hormones (estrogen) for your body to use.
  • tethar
    tethar Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on my second one too, (first one was for five years, then I had it out for a little while but my husband was way too paranoid of the pill not working so I got it in again about a year ago) and I have gained weight, but it's been due to me being a lazy *kitten*. I have just dropped 8 lbs in 3 weeks so I am thinking it's probably not hindering my weight loss.
  • foxxybean
    foxxybean Posts: 1
    I have never had weight gain issues until I went on mirena. I put on 13. Thanks for the help. I have appt to have removed on mon. I'll let ya know my results in future. Thanks!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I've had a Mirena since April 2011 and it's had no effect on me gaining or losing weight. I love it and will be getting it replaced with another one as soon as my 5 years are up.
  • santa1215
    santa1215 Posts: 1
    I have been on Mirena since October 2010... I made an appointment today to have it removed. I have gained 30 pounds, I have no sex drive, I have crazy insane mood swings and bad night sweats. I just want my body and mind back... it's horrible. I wish I didn't have to wait until Jun 5 to have it out.
  • sedaniels82
    sedaniels82 Posts: 1 Member
    I needed fertility drugs (Clomid) to conceive both of my sons. Within a few months, I had dropped the 17 pounds I gained with my second son. My weight was then 125lbs. 6 months after my second was born, I decided to get an IUD because there is still a small chance I could get pregnant on my own. I wanted the copper, hormone-free IUD, but my OB suggested I get the Mirena to help my body get the hormones I'm lacking on my own. I have had Mirena for about 9 months now, and have gained 15 pounds! I eat healthy, organic foods (with the once-in-a-while cheeseburger or pizza), and I am exercising 4 days a week now when I NEVER did before. I'm still gaining weight!!!! I don't want to live in a body I have no control over, and am considering having it removed. Has any one else had the same experience?
  • TrishPretti
    TrishPretti Posts: 51 Member
    I am sooo glad I came across this board. I blamed the weight gain on my desk job ( I have always worked desk jobs) and being older (I'm 27) . Finally I understand that every single thing that happened after I had my second child started after I had the Mirena. After my firstborn, I worked out 3-4 times a week. Had a moderately good eating plan, nowhere near as detailed as I've tried now that I'm older and I lost the weight so quickly. Even after my daughter, I didn't work out and the weight fell off weekly. I cannot get rid of the lingering 20-30 pounds that keeps following me. I have the weirdest cravings, acne developed out of nowhere, which I thought was adult acne, which resulted in several trips to the dermatologist. After no progress and several breakouts along my jaw line and chin I started using Proactiv. We won’t even go there with the mood swings. I know everyone is different and your body reacts differently but I can't believe I have never linked all of these things together. It's like I'm pregnant year round. If I don’t workout extra hard and eat a strict diet I will gain weight so quickly and I've never been like this. I say all of that to say this: just listen to your body and research when you think something is out of the norm. I'm researching alternate birth control methods but I know I'm done with Mirena..
  • TrishPretti
    TrishPretti Posts: 51 Member
    Yes, this is exactly what's been happening to me! Having a cheat day can cause me to gain about 2-3 pounds! Like a fool, I've been on Mirena for 5 years and I've been having issues for the same amount of time.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes, this is exactly what's been happening to me! Having a cheat day can cause me to gain about 2-3 pounds! Like a fool, I've been on Mirena for 5 years and I've been having issues for the same amount of time.

    2-3 pounds in one day esp after a "cheat day" is water retention...not your birth control.
    I've had a Mirena since April 2011 and it's had no effect on me gaining or losing weight. I love it and will be getting it replaced with another one as soon as my 5 years are up.

    If you can get in at the 4 -4.5 year mark do it then..I waited 5 years and it wasn't fun the last 6 months..my husband said never again...moods...my period came back...ick
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    You might consider looking into a copper iud like Paraguard. They are good for 10 years but can be removed at any time. No hormones to mess up your body. That's what I'm getting at my next appointment. I hate the pill and saw lots of people unhappy with weight gain on mirena.

    I have copper iud no weight gain.. Great.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have developed severe and chronic endometritis following the use of an IUD. It is doubtful that I will be able to conceive at this point.
  • mommiee2twins
    I can completely agree with you! after giving birth to my twins I weighed 135 which was due to breastfeeding but as soon as I got my iud inserted and decided to cut out breastfeeding I gained an excessive amount of weight!!! now I have had mine for coming close to three years and during this time I've gained FIFTY freakin pounds :( I want to have it removed but I am worried about the pain! I am determined to lose this weight I've put on it is depressing.
  • mommiee2twins
    I have all the same problems as you!!! it's so horrible and I am starting to HATE this mirena
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I might be the only one who doesn't mind my Mirena. Huh.

    I've had it for a year and a bit and while I did gain weight during that time, it was my own fault and most of that came off after I spent a week drinking liquid food post-wisdom teeth.

    Lower sex drive, yeah- but it's worth barely having a period and 5 year protection that was all covered under my medical insurance.
  • lindsaymucuna
    I've been also having problems that come and go after gettign my mirena.

    The video here explains mirena IUD and weight gain in a way that's very easy to understand:

  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I've been also having problems that come and go after gettign my mirena.

    The video here explains mirena IUD and weight gain in a way that's very easy to understand:


    Like hell I'm paying $100 for some "detox" from birth control. All your posts are sharing this. That's pretty spammy.

    And, I hardly believe that stuff in there about early menopause in 50% of women. Nice try.