Marathon Newbies Group week three!!!



  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    I ran a half marathon yesterday in my fastest time ever by over 2 minutes. I was really happy with that result! Today is an easy day at the gym with some light cardio and weights.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    gym rat - way to go! I did 12m yesterday - little sore today.

    chen-did you have soupy wet feet or are your shoes waterproofed? Glad you felt better to run!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    chen-did you have soupy wet feet or are your shoes waterproofed? Glad you felt better to run!

    My feet were a little wet, but with the double layered socks I didn't really feel it. It wasn't raining consistent enough to be uncomfortable on my feet but it was hard to see at times with water dripping into my face. It was kind of fun. I have always liked running in the rain as long as it is not a flash flood, which happens a lot in the desert.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    chen-did you have soupy wet feet or are your shoes waterproofed? Glad you felt better to run!

    My feet were a little wet, but with the double layered socks I didn't really feel it. It wasn't raining consistent enough to be uncomfortable on my feet but it was hard to see at times with water dripping into my face. It was kind of fun. I have always liked running in the rain as long as it is not a flash flood, which happens a lot in the desert.

    One time we were sneaking a run in and realized the weather was quickly turned into a tsunami-or close to was a MAJOR downpour with lightening....well called our daughter to pick up our son who was riding his bike-by the time she got there lightening had stopped but still thunder....well we took off and ran the 1.5 miles home in the downpour-it was fun but our shoes were soaked! Felt good to say we didn't let a little water stop us!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    chen-did you have soupy wet feet or are your shoes waterproofed? Glad you felt better to run!

    My feet were a little wet, but with the double layered socks I didn't really feel it. It wasn't raining consistent enough to be uncomfortable on my feet but it was hard to see at times with water dripping into my face. It was kind of fun. I have always liked running in the rain as long as it is not a flash flood, which happens a lot in the desert.

    One time we were sneaking a run in and realized the weather was quickly turned into a tsunami-or close to was a MAJOR downpour with lightening....well called our daughter to pick up our son who was riding his bike-by the time she got there lightening had stopped but still thunder....well we took off and ran the 1.5 miles home in the downpour-it was fun but our shoes were soaked! Felt good to say we didn't let a little water stop us!

    I think those experiences are the best. You can look back and smile at them.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    chen-did you have soupy wet feet or are your shoes waterproofed? Glad you felt better to run!

    My feet were a little wet, but with the double layered socks I didn't really feel it. It wasn't raining consistent enough to be uncomfortable on my feet but it was hard to see at times with water dripping into my face. It was kind of fun. I have always liked running in the rain as long as it is not a flash flood, which happens a lot in the desert.

    One time we were sneaking a run in and realized the weather was quickly turned into a tsunami-or close to was a MAJOR downpour with lightening....well called our daughter to pick up our son who was riding his bike-by the time she got there lightening had stopped but still thunder....well we took off and ran the 1.5 miles home in the downpour-it was fun but our shoes were soaked! Felt good to say we didn't let a little water stop us!

    I think those experiences are the best. You can look back and smile at them.

    for sure!
  • I did 7 miles yesterday in 70mins! Weekly total of 19 last week. I woke up and did 4.5 miles today in 45 minutes, 3 miles of hills!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I did 7 miles yesterday in 70mins! Weekly total of 19 last week. I woke up and did 4.5 miles today in 45 minutes, 3 miles of hills!

  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I did 7 miles yesterday in 70mins! Weekly total of 19 last week. I woke up and did 4.5 miles today in 45 minutes, 3 miles of hills!

    That's awesome. You go girl!! :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I did 7 miles yesterday in 70mins! Weekly total of 19 last week. I woke up and did 4.5 miles today in 45 minutes, 3 miles of hills!

    princess - if you're running like this, you'll kick that 3 hour goal's butt! That's my goal on the 21st too - less than 3 hours!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I had an awesome recover 2 mile run today at lunch. The sun is shining, it is 50 deg out and I actually got sun on my bare arms. I also did a route that has always given me trouble in less time and with no walking.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hoping to get a run in this evening - not sure...if not for sure tomorrow!
  • I am planning a 4.5 mile run at lunch, I can't imagine going in the gym today w/ the sun shining and it being close to 50!
    I have only 4.5 weeks left to the 1/2!
  • It is so nice outside! I ran 4.5 miles today near the airport w/ planes flying overhead.....that surely beats the treadmill!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    It is so nice outside! I ran 4.5 miles today near the airport w/ planes flying overhead.....that surely beats the treadmill!

    It definetly does. Sounds great. I do 5 miles tomorrow and hoping for good weather. I am doing a 5K this weekend in Arizona and it is suppose to be in the 70s. I think I am going to die of the eat I am not acclimated to.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    No runs yet this week since my big run Sunday....for sure tonight at least 2 after strength
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    No runs yet this week since my big run Sunday....for sure tonight at least 2 after strength

    Good Luck on your run. I am sure you will kick butt.
  • Chenoachem ......I hope you got your 5 in today!
    Good lucky chrissyh
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Chenoachem ......I hope you got your 5 in today!
    Good lucky chrissyh

    I unfortunately didn't get 5 in. At 2 miles I got strangly sick to my stomach and dizzy. So I turned around at 2 miles and walk/ran home. So it was only a total of 4 miles. I am a little bumbed right now. I am going to get some lunch and then take a bath and hope I feel better soon.
  • AmyDoesIt
    AmyDoesIt Posts: 46
    Hi Ladies,

    Seems like everyone is keeping up and running when possible and some great race times, WAY TO GO everybody!
    It has been a strange week for me 3days running I came down with bad stomach cramps and barely made it home..... not so good. I've kinda been in a funk - runs seem harder and my legs and feet feel like bricks. I am stil trying to keep up with my schedule as the ING is coming up in a little over a week. I received lots of encouragement from fellow pub runners last weekend. Word is the course is pretty hilly but I should be fine they all say!

    Chenoachem- the socks are WONDERFUL! I love them and am so glad I ordered 3 pair. Thank you for the recomendation.

    Chrissy- I'm sure there will be hundreds at the ING but would be nice to meet up. It sounds like I might be right around your pace group. I'm hoping for somewhere around 2:45 ish. Email me at and I'll give you my cell number.
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