Anyone eat only the lean meats?



  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I eat turkey bacon, and lean ground beef 93% lean and up. I eat roasted/baked/grilled fish, chicken and turkey. Occasionally I'll have steak too. I also try to only eat lite lower sodium deli meat too.

    turkey bacon is an insult to real bacon and does not deserve to be called bacon.

    ^^^^^What he said. I think I am going to Loveless Cafe and getting some of their cajun bacon for this Sunday's Brinner.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I have a question!

    I see a lot of people specify that when they eat beef it is free range, grass fed etc, but never see anyone mention anything like that for chicken or turkey. Why is that?

    My guess is because white meats don't have the stigma that red meats do (whether it has to do with how the CAFOs raise/feed fowl, I don't know). Also, I'm fairly certain birds don't actually eat grass (aside from incidental ingestion), and since "free range" doesn't have an actual, official meaning like "grass fed" does, you can't really go by such labels.

    There are numerous problems with CAFO meat, most stemming from the unnatural diet the animals are fed (corn is actually very bad for ruminants like cows), and nearly all of which are avoidable by sticking with grass fed/pastured.

    That said, if you can get truly free range poultry, it would very likely be quite a bit better in a number of ways than CAFO poultry. (If you want a real treat, find a hunter who can get you some grouse, pheasant, wild turkey, or other wild poultry, yum!)
  • I mostly eat skinless chicken breast and turkey. Sometimes I'll have a lamb kebob.

    On rare occasion, I'll have a ribeye or sirloin.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    my trainer told me that there's nothing wrong with eating red meat.. as long as it's not farm grown
    Your trainer says to only eat red meat that is grown where, in a lab?

    I'm assuming she means free-range beef, bison, etc is just fine.
    Maybe... Free-range animals are still "grown" on a farm, though. It's not like some guy goes out into the forest and hunts down wild chicken nests to collect free-range eggs, nor does he hunt wild cows in the jungle.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I have a question!

    I see a lot of people specify that when they eat beef it is free range, grass fed etc, but never see anyone mention anything like that for chicken or turkey. Why is that?

    My guess is because white meats don't have the stigma that red meats do (whether it has to do with how the CAFOs raise/feed fowl, I don't know). Also, I'm fairly certain birds don't actually eat grass (aside from incidental ingestion), and since "free range" doesn't have an actual, official meaning like "grass fed" does, you can't really go by such labels.

    There are numerous problems with CAFO meat, most stemming from the unnatural diet the animals are fed (corn is actually very bad for ruminants like cows), and nearly all of which are avoidable by sticking with grass fed/pastured.

    That said, if you can get truly free range poultry, it would very likely be quite a bit better in a number of ways than CAFO poultry. (If you want a real treat, find a hunter who can get you some grouse, pheasant, wild turkey, or other wild poultry, yum!)

    My aunt has free range hens and since they aren't penned up in cages (which is the definition of free range) they have the ability to eat little stones and bugs like they do in the wild. Seriously the best eggs I've EVER had. She lives 3 hours away so I can't get them much, but when I do, it's always difficult to go back to store bought eggs.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Nope. I eat all the meats.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have a question!

    I see a lot of people specify that when they eat beef it is free range, grass fed etc, but never see anyone mention anything like that for chicken or turkey. Why is that?

    My guess is because white meats don't have the stigma that red meats do (whether it has to do with how the CAFOs raise/feed fowl, I don't know). Also, I'm fairly certain birds don't actually eat grass (aside from incidental ingestion), and since "free range" doesn't have an actual, official meaning like "grass fed" does, you can't really go by such labels.

    There are numerous problems with CAFO meat, most stemming from the unnatural diet the animals are fed (corn is actually very bad for ruminants like cows), and nearly all of which are avoidable by sticking with grass fed/pastured.

    That said, if you can get truly free range poultry, it would very likely be quite a bit better in a number of ways than CAFO poultry. (If you want a real treat, find a hunter who can get you some grouse, pheasant, wild turkey, or other wild poultry, yum!)

    Okay that makes sense! I have been wondering why I don't see many specify that they didn't eat cage free chickens, or no antibiotics, etc.

    I can't afford it so I haven't bothered to really look into it to be honest :embarassed:
  • naples89
    naples89 Posts: 33 Member
    Top round is pretty much the leanest steak you can buy, I enjoy it.
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    I eat elk, venison, beef raised by my in-laws, chicken, pork, turkey, tuna, salmon. You name it, I eat it. I don't eat much processed meat though. When I do my yearly labs the Dr is usually shocked by my cholesterol numbers. I get asked what I eat to have such great numbers. I really think the quality of your meat makes a huge difference. Obviously the deer and elk are "organic", we buy tuna and salmon off the boat, not farm raised.
  • I eat chicken, turkey and shrimp... veryyy rarely eat beef and I don't like pork or fish.
  • I have never liked pork, but have had to eat it when my family prepared it. As an adult I have cut it out entirely and have really limited my red meats because it just isn't that satisfying to me for some reason. I like lean cut red meats when I do eat them. I don't eat much seafood though, so that really limits me to chick and turkey, but I really do enjoy both of those and have learned to prepare them in so many ways that I can keep things interesting. I was a vegetarian for almost two years until my doctor told me that I had to at least eat chicken (I am extremely anemic) and slowly added meat back into my diet. I don't believe a lot of meat should be a staple in a diet, but protein is a huge part of a healthy diet and that is an easy place to find it. Choosing your meats wisely is the key in smart eating.
  • Top round is pretty much the leanest steak you can buy, I enjoy it.

  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    What makes pork and beef bad exactly?

    You can have lean cuts of both

    i was wondering the same thing
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Normally I only eat chicken, turkey and fish. I dont like pork, so I dont eat it. I'll eat beef every once in a blue moon. I feel bad ab eating cows, cuz they can love u. Chicken, Turkey and fish cannot, so that doesn't bother me LOL
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    turkey's not hugely eaten in australia (except at christmas)! But we are HUGE lamb eaters so it evens out.

    I live on chicken and fish and occasional bacon. My doctors suggested I try and up my red meat intake (iron deficient, like everyone ever) but I just can't. Someone puts a steak in front of me and I gag.
  • FemmeJolie
    FemmeJolie Posts: 20 Member
    I only eat organic meat so pretty much Chicken and Bacon is what I can find lol.
    I love pork but rarely is it organic =/
  • marysue1965
    marysue1965 Posts: 63 Member
    I mainly only eat chicken turkey, fish, shrimp, tuna, salmon, once in awhile i eat really lean red meat.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I eat all the meats.

    I like meat.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    Pork isn't really good for you. It takes a long time to digest. It gives me really bad tummy ache as well.
    I mainly eat chicken, turkey and some fish.
    You can get really lean cuts of beef so I don't see how that is a problem at all.
    I do only eat lean meat. No chicken leg or thighs for me.
    I used to love the skin off of a roasted chicken now it makes me wanna hurl...
  • mrsgigandet
    mrsgigandet Posts: 53 Member
    The only meats I eat much are all-white meat chicken and turkey breast. I literally just can't do the dark stuff, it makes me sick to my stomach. I know fish is so healthy for you, but I'm a fish aquarium enthusiast and I just can't stand the thought of EATING fish. I used to eat catfish every now and then until I got a couple as pets :) Not anymore! I just flat don't like pork. Beef I enjoy occasionally in things like hamburgers and BBQ, but I try to limit myself with it as much as possible. I don't like it when it comes in the form of steak, though!