Does it bother you that NOBODY NOTICES!

I'm sorry, I'm pouting. I lost 25 pounds this summer. I've lost 4" on my waist, 3 on my hips, and 2" on my bust. My clothes fit completely differently. My face looks thinner. My husband and my father and my mother all tell me I look great. I am now mid-range BMI for my height. I haven't been this weight for 20 years.

AND NOT ONE OF MY FRIENDS FROM WORK OR IN THE BAND I PLAY WITH HAS SAID A WORD! Okay, I don't need super congratulation. Yeah, you're not supposed to make personal comments about each other at work. But I didn't see them all summer and we've now been together 2 weeks and you'd think SOMEONE would notice!

Sorry. I'll stop venting. I know I'm not the center of the universe. But AGH!


  • Jenawadal
    Jenawadal Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know what kind of relationships you have with your coworkers, but maybe they might think its awkward or embarassing for you to bring it up? But i completely understand where you're coming from. Ask them what they've been up to lately and then bring up your new health/fitness goals. That should start the ball rolling ;) Stay Positive & motivated!!!:smooched:
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    I'm sorry, I'm pouting. I lost 25 pounds this summer. I've lost 4" on my waist, 3 on my hips, and 2" on my bust. My clothes fit completely differently. My face looks thinner. My husband and my father and my mother all tell me I look great. I am now mid-range BMI for my height. I haven't been this weight for 20 years.

    AND NOT ONE OF MY FRIENDS FROM WORK OR IN THE BAND I PLAY WITH HAS SAID A WORD! Okay, I don't need super congratulation. Yeah, you're not supposed to make personal comments about each other at work. But I didn't see them all summer and we've now been together 2 weeks and you'd think SOMEONE would notice!

    Sorry. I'll stop venting. I know I'm not the center of the universe. But AGH!

    Sounds like you're just fishing for compliments. I say AGH! to that.
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Have you bought some slimmer fitting clothes? I bet people would notice a difference then.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member

    I'm new here but remember when I lost 30 pounds once and the same thing happened to me. No one noticed and I wasn't that heavy at the time. I think people sometimes get so busy with their own lives that they just don't pay attention. Don't let it get to you. Try wearing smaller clothes and just be the best you can be for yourself. Good luck in your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • amanda_catherine
    25 pounds that is great! you should feel great about that! regardless if others make mention of it :happy:
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    haha one of my bosses who sees me everyday has failed to noticed I've lost 46lbs. She claims to watch her weight and walk everyday, but yet she brings in fast food for lunch everyday. I'm doing better than her. She doesn't want to admit that. I don't fish for compliments. I just know I'm eating/doing better than she that is all I need. A compliment in itself.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    25 pounds is a big deal and If you are fishing for compliments then go for it!! Here's one for you, YOU ARE FABULOUS. Fish away sweetheart!!

    It took about 45-50 pounds of weight for anyone to say much to me. I think it might make other people uncomfortable to speak up about another persons weight, especially if they are close to you!
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Sounds like you're just fishing for compliments. I say AGH! to that.

    That's an asinine response. The OP didn't even post a picture! Pretty lame way to fish. Though not as lame as calling this post fishing.

    Anyway, I've also had folks not notice my 25-pound loss. I think people who don't have any body issues (yes, there are some out there!) just don't notice other people's bodies so much. Oh, and don't underestimate the ability of some people to be incapable of noticing anything outside their own personal realm of existence. Still, it's a drag when you work hard for something and no one realizes what you've done -- whether it's weight loss or anything else. I feel for ya.
  • cortexx
    Just use it as fuel to keep up the hard work!
  • InderT
    it sucks,but do you notice?that's all that matters
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Just do what someone I know does. Walk around telling everyone how much you've lost and keep bringing up that your pants are falling off, even though they don't look loose in any way shape or form.
  • banks89202
    Well, I think its great you lost weight! BUT some people take offense If you talk about there weight (in a positive way and in negative). Maybe they don't want to say anything bc they feel that you might get offended.
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Great job on the loss =))
    I have had only a few people notice or say anything after 60 gone. That's ok my heart is noticing yayy!
  • Boooocat
    hello I am a newbie. I have a question. I want to lose 20lbs and I am working hard at it with diet and exercise. I workout for 30 minutes and vigorously ride my bicycle for 3.5 miles a day. Anyhoo, the fitness diet is perplexing because it is so strict on sugar that it restricts eating fruits and vegetables and instead enourages bread and protein. I am going over on sugar just by eating wholesome fruits. I only eat half my calories and am way way under all the rest of the parts the diet.

    What types of foods is this diet asking you to eat? How come it is so against fruit?
  • Curve_Appeal
    It just shows you that when you start this process you have to do it for yourself and validation does not come from outside but from within.

    Your doing great...keep up the great work. Its hard losing weight and you deserve the kudos from everyone, but in the end it the opinion of yourself that counts the most.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    nobody said a thing to me till I hit 30# = ) after that everyone under the sun will want you to tell them how you did it then, they will not listen to a word you say because they want you to tell them where to get the magic pill that will do everything for them over night
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I'd lost nearly 50 pounds before people started making comments. It was disappointing. I then felt it was worth it to buy a few fitting clothing items to get me through the summer. I got some really cute things and then the compliments really started coming. I was wearing fitted clothing and styles I've never worn.
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the opposite problem. My family and friends are always saying "oh it looks like you've lost weight, you look great" when I know I haven't lost a single lb. So when I do lose weight, I'm not sure if they're serious or just being nice like they usually are
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    I don't let it bother me, because my loss isn't all that much - yet. That said, I actually HAVE asked my friends, "can you see any difference yet?" and then they'll say something.

    YOU can feel the difference in your clothes, and how your body is functioning now.

    Give yourself a compliment, sweetie!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    With 25 lbs and a whole summer, it could be the whole "there's something different about her but I can't put my finger on it" deal. Keep losing, and I'm sure they'll catch on!