Your diet is not a test, DON'T CHEAT!



  • To each his own.
  • To each his own. I splurge on the weekends, but make sure I don't let it become a total blowout binge. Works for me. May not work for you though, so keep doing what works for you & don't worry so much about others. You'll be happier, trust me.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    well there's a difference between a DIEt and a LIFEstyle change... just saying
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Don't freakin tell me what I should and shouldn't do.
  • that's why i never call it a diet. i allow myself the occasional indulgence because otherwise i'll binge on it. once in a while WILL NOT HURT YOU IN THE LONG RUN. and i proved that this weekend.

    I call it a lifestyle change, but some people call it a diet. I'm not saying that once in a while will not hurt you at all, but I see friend after friend doing it. kinda makes me sad :/
    So if only ONE friend were doing it, rather than friend after friend, would you still be sad? No offense, but you kinda sound jealous. You said in you OP that if you cheat, you'll gain weight. I doubt it, but if that's how you feel, no wonder you're so bothered by other people cheating.

    no I'm not jealous at all. I just wanted to point out something that was bothering me.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    You are right, it isn't a test, therefore I'm not "cheating". It's my life and if once or twice or even three times a week I want ice cream I'm going to do that and not think of it as "cheating".

    Yes I may lose less weight that week than this one where I didn't eat as much BUT as long as the scale isn't going in the wrong direction it's fine with me.

    This has to be something I can live with forever and I can't spend forever wishing I could eat ice cream and never having it.
  • Some people seem to need a day where they can eat whatever they want. There will be those who carry things way too far in every crowd. For alot of us, our lives are so scheduled and so rigid on weekdays or work days that it's much easier to manage what we eat. We're out getting groceries, shopping, doing yardwork, visiting people, catching up on things or doing something simply for the pleasure of doing it and opt for convenience foods which are larger portioned and heavier in calories even when we eat smaller portions.
    If it fits within your macros, alot of people will say "Go for it". I'm seldom out of my macros by much and get more exercise on the weekends but that's ME....
    Yes, it's a change in our lifestyle and we're here replacing bad habits with better ones (at least for the most part) . Allowing yourself a day to relax isn't a crime if its within reason either. Hopefully your friends will make choices when they're relaxing that are better choices in what they choose to eat and stay within or close to their macros. If they don't, they know they're not seeing what they want on the scales and if they log it honestly, over time they can see why.
    This is a learning experience for many. True there is no test but the results are going to be the results no matter what. You're doing wonderfully well and will likely see much better results over the rest of your life. Hopefully your friends will learn from watching what they log and achieve better habits, better health, and what they want in the way of goals too, only slower.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    That's one reason I never log food on weekends. I don't want someone nagging or chastising me for my choices because it doesn't fit their lifestyle. It fits mine. I've been including what other people would call "bad foods" since I started losing weight going on 2 years now, reached my goal in 6 months, and been maintaining since June of 2011.

    I know I can't possibly eat enough in one or two days to "undo" what I've done the rest of the week.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating like that is not allowed.
    Sounds like your "diet" sucks! I'll stick with mine.

    I mean for two to three days straight or one cheat snack every day.... My diet doesn't suck, I have a cheat day, but Friday, Saturday, Sunday, is still part of your week, and you can't just give up your lifestyle change because you want all of this yummy food that's thrown in front of you. I was just sharing my opinion. I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad.
    You're certainly not making me feel bad. But this is the exact OPPOSITE of what you said in your first post. If it works for you, fine. Keep doing it. But understand that what you do doesn't work for everyone. And if what other people do bothers you, you should just pay attention to you.
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Having a cheat day or even a cheat weekend is not an implication of failure or lack of desire... :huh:
  • I think people on here are missing the point you were trying to make. You are commenting on the people who stop counting the calories to hide the fact that they ate their weight in egg rolls or pizza. I agree (and sadly I've done it) that if you eat what you eat then you should count the calories too. Not saying you can't have pizza or egg rolls, but you must be honest with yourself on how many calories you eat...even if it's just to document why the scale didn't say what you wanted it to say that week. Everyone has their own way of dieting (or changing their eating lifestyle)...that's why there's so many different options..but if you're using this website then you obviously think tracking calories and nutrients are something that help you stay on track...don't cheat on the counting no matter WHAT you decide to eat that day.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    That's one reason I never log food on weekends. I don't want someone nagging or chastising me for my choices because it doesn't fit their lifestyle. It fits mine. I've been including what other people would call "bad foods" since I started losing weight going on 2 years now, reached my goal in 6 months, and been maintaining since June of 2011.

  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    Well for some people I guess its harder on weekends because most people are not working and eat out with there families and it is just hard when you are at a restaurant and everyone is ordering up and you have to stick to the same boring salads, etc You are right though it boils down to if you really want it. But I can relate because weekdays I am working and can stay on track but on weekends when I am off work and we are out of town or just enjoying family time it gets harder...
  • that's why i never call it a diet. i allow myself the occasional indulgence because otherwise i'll binge on it. once in a while WILL NOT HURT YOU IN THE LONG RUN. and i proved that this weekend.

    I call it a lifestyle change, but some people call it a diet. I'm not saying that once in a while will not hurt you at all, but I see friend after friend doing it. kinda makes me sad :/
    So if only ONE friend were doing it, rather than friend after friend, would you still be sad? No offense, but you kinda sound jealous. You said in you OP that if you cheat, you'll gain weight. I doubt it, but if that's how you feel, no wonder you're so bothered by other people cheating.

    no I'm not jealous at all. I just wanted to point out something that was bothering me.

    Why does it bother you so much? I don't get it. You've found a way that works for you. Great. Others will need to find their own way that works for them. Is what they do derailing you in any way?
  • I stuff my face every single saturday and ive still managed to lose all this weight. I do so well 6 days a week and if i didnt allow myself a day off from counting id go mad! I think its really unsupportive that u get angry at people bcoz maybe they can do something that u cant! Im only going to live once and i dont wnt to spend my whole life knowing i need to watch and count every morsel every day! i really look forward to my saturdays and it spurs me on!
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    To each her own. Why are you judging?
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Moderation is the key to success . That is with everything in life .
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I agree with you to an extent. I don't do "cheating" anymore. But I don't not allow myself to go out and eat whatever I want. My main thing now is learning moderation.

    There's also the realization that "cheatin" could me different things to different people, and everyone is doing this in their own unique way. I know I am.

  • no I'm not jealous at all. I just wanted to point out something that was bothering me.

    Why does it bother you so much? I don't get it. You've found a way that works for you. Great. Others will need to find their own way that works for them. Is what they do derailing you in any way?

    All I wanted to do was point out that the weekend was not a freebie. I just wanted to say it. I don't want any hate, or disrespect, and I'm not judging anyone. But it still sucks for everyone who has a bad week because they ate bad on the weekend, and they'll probably do it the next weekend too. Maybe in some way, I was just trying to help.
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    and thats why i dont call it cheating. because in my life, theres going to be all you can eat chinese buffets, and kids birthday parties and drunken binges on occasion. it is my lifestyle, im just more aware now and keep an eye on things instead of just doing stuff like that all the time.

    ^^ This. Weekends are my downfall but I CHOOSE if I want to have a little treat or an extra portion of something. I don't call it cheating though because, as said above, it suits my lifestyle.

    In fact, I had an alcohol binge last night and drank a little too much wine. I don't consider it cheating though as I don't feel as though I failed. I'm a young woman and enjoy getting drunk, and it will happen again - not anytime soon, but definitely in November as it's my birthday and a friend's birthday that month.

    Fair play to you though for avoiding the bad stuff completely.