Your diet is not a test, DON'T CHEAT!



  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I feel like I've encountered this thread before...
  • AlexandraLynch
    You're right about cheating. That's why I have a weekly free day, not a cheat day. Many of these changes I intend to keep for the rest of my life, though I am being very careful now in order to keep a deficit.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    "and when my friends complain about why they didn't lose weight, well, maybe they'll learn all by themselves." sound like a super supportive and empathetic "friend"...NOT.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Not everyone needs to follow a diet/plan/lifestyle change that allows no room for treats and indulgence. For some people with difficulty sticking to the one treat, its probably good to say no to all, but for those who can have a treat and call it a day, then there is absolutely no reason not to as long as it fits in their day. Not everyone needs to deprive themselves of what they enjoy, but is technically "bad" to lose weight and get healthy.

    I encorporate anything I have a craving for into my day almost every day. I always make sure I have the calories and it will often motivate me for a little extra exercise anyhow. I've lost a steady 1.5-2 lbs a week since starting MFP 11 weeks ago. I hit two mini goals way head of schedule and if all goes to plan, should hit my next mini goal 3 weeks head of that goal date as well. Obviously its working for me. And I never feel deprived or the urge to quit. The point is that everyone has their own path to healthy here and not one single path will be the same but EVERYONE deserves encouragement and never to be shamed.
  • jjennasmithh
    "and when my friends complain about why they didn't lose weight, well, maybe they'll learn all by themselves." sound like a super supportive and empathetic "friend"...NOT.

    I am a supportive friend, very supportive, but she was asking me, why do I care about what others do? So I was just pointing out, what am I supposed to do, in a mean way, am I supposed to be like that? NO, but every time I am see them complain, I feel bad! I just wanted to make this post, it's my rant. I don't care if people disagree with me. It's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    One thing I have found here on MFP is that one persons interpretation of a word may not be necessarily yours. That being said I made a lifestyle change 38 months ago and in the process I changed "MY DIET" in accordance to my goals. I eat pretty much on point Sunday- Thursday but on Friday evenings and Saturday I lighten up my DIET and have a few (what I like to call) Cheat Meals. I don't log them, I don't track them, I just enjoy them.... My way may not be your way and that I am perfectly fine with but don't judge me for the way I do things. (OP this is a generalized statement not directed at you or anyone else for that matter) because for me my way has netted me 311 lbs. in weight loss so something is working.... I am not a everything in moderation kind of person, I would rather enjoy a few meals off point on the weekend and stick to my plan during the week... Best of Luck to You....
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    I am a supportive friend, very supportive, but she was asking me, why do I care about what others do? So I was just pointing out, what am I supposed to do, in a mean way, am I supposed to be like that? NO, but every time I am see them complain, I feel bad! I just wanted to make this post, it's my rant. I don't care if people disagree with me. It's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.

    Do you explain to your friends that they might be enjoying their treat days a little too much and going over their 'weekly average" for a calorie deficit? Encourage them to limit thier treats so they fit into their calorie goals better?
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight".

    Why not? What about the argument that a day of eating whatever you want actually stops your metabolism slowing down - keeps it on its toes? Plenty of people have one day a week when they eat whatever they like, and they still remain healthy and lose weight. I have snacks and the occasional Chinese buffet - I allow myself these, so it's not 'cheating', as I haven't set any rules against them!
  • RoseBlanc
    I see a lot of people on my friends list who have trouble with bad eating on the weekends. And it kind of aggravates me. Because they have so much potential and they could do so well with their weight loss if they just stayed on track. Sure, everyone has bad days, but the weekend is not a "get out of jail free" card! You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight". I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating all weekend is not allowed. So I stick to the plan, and when my Tuesday weigh in comes around, I always see amazing results. Because this is a lifestyle change. This is my lifestyle change, it has become a habit. It is not something that I cheat on, and it is definitely not a test. I just don't get why you would waste a whole week of good work for one weekend of bad meals because it's what you want in the moment, but it's not doing your body any good.

    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

    Health is moderation. So, honestly, I disagree with this. I shouldn't even have to explain why.
    I snack. I go out once or twice a week. I indulge a few times a week in dessert.
    25 years old, 5'5'', 135, athletic, wonderfully low blood pressure, target nutrition levels... yea. Someone needs to unwind their reel a little and go with the flow a bit more. Obsession isn't healthy. Period.
  • RoseBlanc
    sushi binge

    What is this you speak of?
    Oh. Wait I do know. So guilty. Lol.
  • mclarkin75
    mclarkin75 Posts: 51 Member
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    To each his own.


    Cheat day is my favorite day of the week. I cook something great for my boyfriend and me, we open a good bottle of wine that we drink together, outside on the terrace. We talk late ate night and, then, sometimes, we go eat a dessert at the cafe on the corner of the street. But, I make crazy work out on these days so the wine and the indulgences still fit in my macro.

    Well, for some persons, my cheat day is not cheating at all. For others, it is.

    To each his own.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I see a lot of people on my friends list who have trouble with bad eating on the weekends. And it kind of aggravates me. Because they have so much potential and they could do so well with their weight loss if they just stayed on track. Sure, everyone has bad days, but the weekend is not a "get out of jail free" card! You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight". I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating all weekend is not allowed. So I stick to the plan, and when my Tuesday weigh in comes around, I always see amazing results. Because this is a lifestyle change. This is my lifestyle change, it has become a habit. It is not something that I cheat on, and it is definitely not a test. I just don't get why you would waste a whole week of good work for one weekend of bad meals because it's what you want in the moment, but it's not doing your body any good.

    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

    Idk if i took this post different then others, but there is a difference between having a cheat meal or day then being good all week and then taking those 3 days over the weekend going way over cals and stalling their progress, i definitely believe these are two different things. I took her post as meaning the latter. A cheat meal/day in moderation should not harm your weight loss effort, but i believe DAYS of binging may have you in a vicious cycle of gaining and losing the same few pounds. I dont think she meant she deprives herself of these things all the time. Just my thought lol
    She edited her post since most of us read it.
  • jjennasmithh
    I see a lot of people on my friends list who have trouble with bad eating on the weekends. And it kind of aggravates me. Because they have so much potential and they could do so well with their weight loss if they just stayed on track. Sure, everyone has bad days, but the weekend is not a "get out of jail free" card! You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight". I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating all weekend is not allowed. So I stick to the plan, and when my Tuesday weigh in comes around, I always see amazing results. Because this is a lifestyle change. This is my lifestyle change, it has become a habit. It is not something that I cheat on, and it is definitely not a test. I just don't get why you would waste a whole week of good work for one weekend of bad meals because it's what you want in the moment, but it's not doing your body any good.

    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

    Idk if i took this post different then others, but there is a difference between having a cheat meal or day then being good all week and then taking those 3 days over the weekend going way over cals and stalling their progress, i definitely believe these are two different things. I took her post as meaning the latter. A cheat meal/day in moderation should not harm your weight loss effort, but i believe DAYS of binging may have you in a vicious cycle of gaining and losing the same few pounds. I dont think she meant she deprives herself of these things all the time. Just my thought lol
    She edited her post since most of us read it.

    I edited after this poster replied though. I remember seeing her reply.
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    Wow, if it bothers you that much then just "unfriend" them!

    Just because you are angry that you are not allowing yourself some slack every once in a while does NOT mean that everyone else doesn't get to.

    I will use my 4 year old's favorite saying..."You are not the boss of me". :smile:

    In all seriousness though, you anger makes me think maybe you either need to loosen your reins a bit or just unfriend these people that you are jealous of.

    I'm not jealous of anyone. I'm talking about the people who fall off the wagon every single weekend, and complain about not losing weight. If you binge, and lose weight, good for you! I don't have a strict diet, and I'm not trying to boss anyone around, but if you wonder why the scale keeps going up and up and up, maybe try fixing your weekend binges. That's all I am saying.

    Cheating does NOT always mean "binging" by the way. I just really find it humorous that you are defending your anger towards these people when all you have to do is "unfriend" them. I see from your profile that you are still a young girl so maybe that explains it.

    You are judging others for doing what they want to do which has caused me to judge you....
  • mclarkin75
    mclarkin75 Posts: 51 Member
    I see a lot of people on my friends list who have trouble with bad eating on the weekends. And it kind of aggravates me. Because they have so much potential and they could do so well with their weight loss if they just stayed on track. Sure, everyone has bad days, but the weekend is not a "get out of jail free" card! You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight". I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating all weekend is not allowed. So I stick to the plan, and when my Tuesday weigh in comes around, I always see amazing results. Because this is a lifestyle change. This is my lifestyle change, it has become a habit. It is not something that I cheat on, and it is definitely not a test. I just don't get why you would waste a whole week of good work for one weekend of bad meals because it's what you want in the moment, but it's not doing your body any good.

    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

    Idk if i took this post different then others, but there is a difference between having a cheat meal or day then being good all week and then taking those 3 days over the weekend going way over cals and stalling their progress, i definitely believe these are two different things. I took her post as meaning the latter. A cheat meal/day in moderation should not harm your weight loss effort, but i believe DAYS of binging may have you in a vicious cycle of gaining and losing the same few pounds. I dont think she meant she deprives herself of these things all the time. Just my thought lol

    I agree! I can eat what I want. What I want more is not to be fat and unhealthy. For me personally a few binge days turn into a few more and soon enough I have gained back 70lbs(2006lost/2007 gained). I do have ice cream and other treats in moderation but I plan my day so that the calories, fat and carbs fit. As for what the rest of you do. That is your business and if works for you great.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    I've lost 40lbs in a little over eight months.

    I'm now a size 4/6.

    I'm also a teenager, which means I like to get drunk off my face at least once a week, grab a slice of cake with my friends on occasion, enjoy popcorn with my movies and celebrate exam results with take out.

    And y'know what? I do fine. Why? Because I've learned moderation.

    I'm not on a diet. I've never considered this a diet. If I was on a diet, I probably would've lost that 40lbs in 5 months. I also probably would've put at least 5lbs of it back on by now.

    This is a lifestyle change. If you 'diet' in a way that involves cutting out every indulgence in your life and sticking to a strict routine, well. That's not maintainable for most people. For me, certainly, I would not be able to do that for the rest of my life.

    I don't 'cheat'. I eat in moderation. If I want cake, I'll eat cake. It's not going to kill me, and it's not going to make me gain a tonne of weight, because I've learned through trial and error that some things are meant to be indulged in every now and then, not every night of the week.

    If eating like utter **** once a week means that someone can eat healthily every other day of the week, then good for them. They're working out what works best for them and their lifestyle, and that's the important thing.

    There is no standard way to lose weight or be healthy that fits everybody. We all have to do what's best for us.

    For some, that's cutting out everything. But for most of us, we like our cake, we like our alcohol, we like our chinese takeaway, and so we're going to work those into our lifestyles however we see fit.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I think I'll just order a pizza today...:laugh:
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I see a lot of people on my friends list who have trouble with bad eating on the weekends. And it kind of aggravates me. Because they have so much potential and they could do so well with their weight loss if they just stayed on track. Sure, everyone has bad days, but the weekend is not a "get out of jail free" card! You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight". I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating all weekend is not allowed. So I stick to the plan, and when my Tuesday weigh in comes around, I always see amazing results. Because this is a lifestyle change. This is my lifestyle change, it has become a habit. It is not something that I cheat on, and it is definitely not a test. I just don't get why you would waste a whole week of good work for one weekend of bad meals because it's what you want in the moment, but it's not doing your body any good.

    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

    Idk if i took this post different then others, but there is a difference between having a cheat meal or day then being good all week and then taking those 3 days over the weekend going way over cals and stalling their progress, i definitely believe these are two different things. I took her post as meaning the latter. A cheat meal/day in moderation should not harm your weight loss effort, but i believe DAYS of binging may have you in a vicious cycle of gaining and losing the same few pounds. I dont think she meant she deprives herself of these things all the time. Just my thought lol
    She edited her post since most of us read it.

    I edited after this poster replied though. I remember seeing her reply.
    Not quite. You edited at 11:02. She posted at 11:17.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    One thing I have found here on MFP is that one persons interpretation of a word may not be necessarily yours. That being said I made a lifestyle change 38 months ago and in the process I changed "MY DIET" in accordance to my goals. I eat pretty much on point Sunday- Thursday but on Friday evenings and Saturday I lighten up my DIET and have a few (what I like to call) Cheat Meals. I don't log them, I don't track them, I just enjoy them.... My way may not be your way and that I am perfectly fine with but don't judge me for the way I do things. (OP this is a generalized statement not directed at you or anyone else for that matter) because for me my way has netted me 311 lbs. in weight loss so something is working.... I am not a everything in moderation kind of person, I would rather enjoy a few meals off point on the weekend and stick to my plan during the week... Best of Luck to You....




    .......a thousand times over and Im gonna adopt it..the process, the logic, the meaning, the determination. I WANT IT

    and by the by.....MAJOR kudos for your success and accomplishment.