Why did you let yourself go?...



  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    I was never overweight till my after my second child was born in my early 20's. When I am feeling emotinal I crave a certain endorphine boost. For awhile it was perfoming in public & being the center of attention that fixed this. Then it became male attention. And then I realized I could get it from foods. Once I became a stay at home mom not having any friends made me crave more food. Then I became single & that coupled with no social life became a huge void and I ate even more. Now I'm finding the more weight I lose, the more confident I become & the more ok I become with being so alone.
    Yay I wish you the best doll!! You can def do this!!
  • moonlightturk
    Why did I let myself go?

    I let myself go because when ever I had a problem with something instead of facing it head on and releasing my emotions in a healthy way, I ate my feelings. I kept eating and eating and eating, gaining and gaining and gaining without a care in the world. Food wasn't only fuel to me. Food was my friend, food loved me unconditionally, so I made myself believe it. Gaining weight and becoming bigger also provided false security. I secured myself with fat. I made myself believe that I was incapable of being skinny, of being confident and all of that.

    Why did I make the choice to lose?

    I reached my highest weight of 242 at the age of 17. Since age 15 I've always been above 200. On June 2012, I went to try on some prom dresses. I tried on many after many, and could not find a single one that looked decent on me <-- this totally shattered my self-esteem. Prior to this, for years I've been "attempting" to lose weight by yo-yoing. I finally put an end to quitting and self-pitty, and now I'm doing pretty good I'd say.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I had 4 kids back to back starting at age 20 then at 26 my husband died and I didnt really give a **** to do anything for myself then I met my current husband lost the 4 kids baby weight and grief weight then got pregnant with twins and have been damn busy ever since but i am losing now and im back in the game
  • HoneyBadgerVin
    Relationships are fattening to me.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    For me. I was super physically active but I didn't know I ate too much. I didn't pig out, binge, or mindlessly eat, and I ate all healthy, everyone always said I was the healthiest eater they knew, but the fat piled on year after year, marathon after marathon, until I finally learned to eat less and paid off the calorie debt --> long story here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout

    Wishing you the best of luck!

    Thanks doll you are ah-mazing!!!Trully inspiring!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Because our society allows mothers to use pregnancy and having children as a valid excuse to get fat and stay that way. Pure and simple. I used my children as an excuse to not work out.

    really? I feel the opposite I think society puts an unrealistic and expectation on mothers to lose their baby weight. Victoria Beckham, Gwen Stefani, Heidi Klum, etc. I was pregnant while Britney Spears was.....I was in a race to lose that baby weight!!

    to the original question.....I never really felt like I let myself go, just have to try harder to stay toned as I get older....
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I didn't.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    I'm an emotional eater but found it hard to work out exactly the emotions were. Then I got sucked into the roller coaster of sugar highs and lows and found it difficult to stop. Fortunately I now know how better I feel when I eat well though it's still a challenge. I can't even begin to imagine what a blow it would've been to find out the guy you were dating didn't want to be seen with you. So shallow! But we take it all on board don't we and make it our problem when it's actually theirs.
    Sad but true, but I am in a much happier place now :) I know what you mean with the sugar high roller coaster now I eat with intention meaning if I want to have something sweet I fit into my cal intake and work out and don't lie to myslef ^u^ I wish you the best!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I just didn't care enough about myself

    This was me too!!!
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Initially depression. But then I got better and things levelled out.
    Once I got the implant (contraceptive) though it just piled on even though I was eating the same.
    I've been working out and eating reaaaaaallly well for about 6 weeks and only lost 6 pounds, half of what I should've lost.
    I'm getting the implant out tomorrow and hopefully that will make a difference.

    I hopt it does good luck doll!!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    1. I gain weight very easily, and I get lazy.
    2. I got pregnant, and while i stayed within a very healthy weight gain range, once the baby was born, i got overwhelmed, and food became comfort.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I was always overweight. I like food. :)
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I hit my heaviest after the birth of my daughter. She was 15 weeks premature and spent 3 months in the NICU, then was in and out of the hospital many times for the next 5 years. Most meals were eaten at restaurants or in the hospital cafeteria.
  • AtlantaWriter
    AtlantaWriter Posts: 91 Member
    I have been fat since I was 8 years old, so the whole pregnancy/children thing isn't appropriate for me. Actually, I only gained 14 pounds during my whole pregnancy, and lost them and 10 pounds more after my son was born. So you can't make generalizations about this issue!
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Good question. I have a confounding factor of a life-threatening illness that confined me to the couch for a few months, and doctor-prescribed reduced activity. I packed on 30 lbs. But it started before then.

    I was a twig my whole life, without trying. But an unhappy, long marriage to a man who told me that I wasn't very smart, was unattractive ("I didn't marry you for your looks"), etc. made me miserable. I found that I turned to food becaues I was already unattractive, right? Why bother?

    Dumb, dumb, dumb.

    Now I'm working my way back. I lost 250 lbs already (of ex husband), and have about 40 more to go of my own to get back to awesomeness. :happy:

    AH-mazing story cupcake! Thanks for the add by the way ^u^
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    I had an accident which left me with severe PTSD and I used to eat to make myself feel better.

    That was 9 years ago and I still have not got a lid on it yet. I am a yo yo dieter and find it hard to eat in moderation.

    I lost 3 stones for my wedding earlier on in the year, but when I found out I had a heart condition and my exercise had to be cut down I started to eat and not exercise again and put the three stones plus some back on in the last 8 months.

    I feel awful and at the moment, until I have my heart operation I cannot exercise the way I want to so I just use that as an excuse not to do anything, and now I hate myself again.

    I think you are wonderful for even being on here and taking the best step which is to take back your life ^u^ Obstacles are just victories over the horzion doll and I know you can do this atleast by eating healthy right? Good lucj and you are more than welcome to add me doll ^u^
  • AtlantaWriter
    AtlantaWriter Posts: 91 Member
    Most recently, I have let myself go because of serious life stressors. I am no longer using those as a cop-out. I have to be responsible for what I eat, no matter what. I found food to be an easy way to "comfort" myself, but no more!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    because I think I am ugly, might as well be fat too. Now I think, meh, I may be ugly, but I dont have to be fat too.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    I gained my weight incredibly slowly. From the age of 18 to 38 I put on 3-5 pounds a year. I was probably about 170 or so when I was 18, so I wasn't thin, but not really fat either. It wasn't noticeable to others because they saw me every day. I wasn't overly concerned about the increasing clothing size, as long as I could still find something to fit, I was OK. I was also in a 10 year relationship and he didn't mind the weight, so it just wasn't an issue.

    Then age caught up with me and I found my true love and wanted to lose weight and be healthier to enjoy as much time with him as possible. So here I am!
  • isabel88g
    isabel88g Posts: 77 Member
    Ive put on about 100-120lbs because of a combination of things. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety since about 13 years old when I lost my father to heart failure. I started taking anti anxiety meds which my doctor failed to tell me would make me gain ALOT of weight.... oh and my love of sweets probably didnt help either lol