pregnancy 2010



  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Jalara - I was in your boat. I'm very ashemed of what I look like now. But I found braving it up and putting my before pictures up (they are on my profile) has given me the strength to stay motivated. I check out those pictures any time I want to snack and before I leave work (night time is my down fall). I'm 5 days in (started January 1st) but so far so good.

    I think you should do it! We are not going to judge you - we are all here hoping for the same outcome! :flowerforyou:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    BTW - I don't care how/where we log on. At times one thread is easier - that way everyone can find it - but then again they get quite large. Whichever way you guys want to go sounds good to me!

    So what's everyone's fertility history? Personally, I have a VERY extensive history...I'm not sure if you guys are similar or just starting out. Trying to get to know you guys a little better! :flowerforyou:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm really scared of doing a "before" photo! I'm not sure I'm brave enough to put it on the internet! Maybe once there's a change large enough to notice..... anyone else in this boat?

    Also - starting the weigh ins on Wednesday? So Perhaps every week we could start a new thread on Wednesdays, and keep it going and start again the following Wednesday, instead of adding a ton of pages to the same thread?

    Weigh in - ick.

    00Angela00 - will you be posting the lists of the best foods for TTC/Pregnancy?

    You should at least take the pictures for yourself. You don't have to post them if you don't want to, but if REALLY helps you see your progress and when you get closer to your goal weight you're going to LOVE posting the before pictures even though you hate it now. :-D

    Starting a new thread sounds good to me. I have to change my starting weight though, I'm going to weigh in on my wii which unfortunately has to be on carpet which ups my weight to 163

    I will be posting the best foods for Pregnancy soon, not sure when I'll start but I'll post a note on here with a link when I do to let you gals know. :-)
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    BTW - I don't care how/where we log on. At times one thread is easier - that way everyone can find it - but then again they get quite large. Whichever way you guys want to go sounds good to me!

    So what's everyone's fertility history? Personally, I have a VERY extensive history...I'm not sure if you guys are similar or just starting out. Trying to get to know you guys a little better! :flowerforyou:

    Just starting out, this is my first full month charting temperatures and checking CF. So far very confusing!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    When we check in each week should we note weight, measurements we want to track, and how many days we exercised the week prior?
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I'm in! We want to try for baby number two this spring!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    When we check in each week should we note weight, measurements we want to track, and how many days we exercised the week prior?

    makes sense to me - the more we can track, the more we can track progress. If we don't lose weight, we may loose inches, or be able to be proud of making it to the gym 6 times - sounds like a great idea to me :)
  • taneylacine
    I'd like to join in as well! My husband and I are looking at ttc starting in August or September, I've been charting for 3 months already to avoid pg because the pill and I do not get along so much. I need to lose 110 lbs or so, but would be happy with 70-80. I am starting from 256 as of today, and using the wii fit as my main source of exercise.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'd like to join in as well! My husband and I are looking at ttc starting in August or September, I've been charting for 3 months already to avoid pg because the pill and I do not get along so much. I need to lose 110 lbs or so, but would be happy with 70-80. I am starting from 256 as of today, and using the wii fit as my main source of exercise.

    I'm also starting the wii fit again, i really like it, but I kind of wish you could do exercises consecutively!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    The new thread sounds good as well as recording other measurements/workouts/etc.

    Angela- I'm a seasoned veterean when it comes to TTC. Let me know if you have any questions. Are you guys going to start trying now?
  • pixiech1ck
    Hi all this is my first post. I'm a newbie to the site, but after realizing I really need to do something about my weight before it escalates any further, I decided to join.

    My husband and I have been ttc #2 for the last 8 months, and it's getting discouraging! I'm hoping if I start eating better and exercise regularly it'll happen for us soon.
  • Hopeful4757
    OMG!!! I can't believe all of you responded to my original post! How great. I looked at it that first day and didn't get such a good feedback and thought people couldn't even really see it anymore. Wow, I shouldn't underestimate this site. Jalara sent a message saying there was a great response and I'm psyched! I am all for weighing in and taking measurements and posting. I'm also totally with the business of not posting before shots on the internet - I'm totally not that brave and would die of embarrassment if by chance someone I knew on a daily basis saw what's underneath these nice big winter sweaters. Anyway, I'm all for weighing in tomorrow and Wednesdays after. You guys totally have me all pumped up! We are going to kick butt this year and have healthy little babies so we have to start a new thread of keeping the calories under control while chasing little ones around!

    Angela - can't wait for that list. I just started taking prenatal vitamins that are for before, during, and after pregnancy. They help build up the appropriate vitamins, folic acid, etc. that a pregnant woman needs. I plan on starting trying in mid-June and seeing what happens. I need to lose a lot, but would be happy at about 60 lbs. lighter. Anyway, here's to us and keeping each other motivated and on track. :drinker:
  • candacepainter
    Is it too late for me join? Me and my husband already have a six year old and are trying for baby #2! I'm overweight and have PCOS!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Is it too late for me join? Me and my husband already have a six year old and are trying for baby #2! I'm overweight and have PCOS!!!

    Not at all! Please join us. Weigh in and measurements are today!
  • Hopeful4757
    Good luck to everybody weighing in today and taking measurements! I watched the biggest loser last night and wanted to get to the gym immediately. What an inspiring show!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Are we weighing in here or is there a new thread?

    Either way - here's my weigh in:

    SW: 172.2, CW 165.8 loss of 6.4 pounds :bigsmile:
  • ljbeebs
    Ladies, I think I need some input. My baby is 18 months, and I still havn't lost any weight. I talked to my doctor a while back, and she wasn't the least bit concerned. Sayed I was doing fine. She noted from her chart that I was the same weight I was the first time I saw her. Yes, I know, I was already 6 months pregnant the first time I saw her. Right after the baby was born I was losing consistenty 2 pounds a week and thought I was doing great. But at about week 5 or 6 I stopped losing and started gaining again. My weight leveled off at 192 pounds and has stayed there all these months. I've been working out, walking, and eating well. I lose a couple of pounds, then it comes right back. I'm soooo frustrated.

    In the last two weeks I've suddenly gained almost ten pounds. Now it has been Christmas time and there have been a lot of extra sweets around, but ten pounds! Not possible. So I took a pregnancy test and sure enough. Looks like I'm about 3 weeks pregnant. Seems like right before my last pregnancy I gained 20 pounds in that first month. I was pretty worried, but the doctor said that was fine. I personally don't think my body handled the weight very well. I had terrible back pain and nearly couldn't function. I can't repeat that again. I just can't. I might as well be bed-ridden. I've heard of lots of people who were terribly over weight not gain anything during pregnancy. Sometimes even lose a little. I wish that could be me, but my weight loss efforts so far have been anthing but succesful. What can I possibly do???
  • hollyj77
    I only saw one person weigh in yesterday. I forgot.

    SW 182
    CW 180
    GW 145
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Sorry guys we're starting a new link every week. This weeks link with weigh ins is at: