Bikini Babes - January 2010



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I GAINED this week but won't change my ticker until I"m sure about it.
    but i did get in an awesome workout today and melted off 600cals! woo hoooo
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have heard good things about Chalene Extreme.... I would be interested in knowing how you ladies like it!!! Make sure you update us.....

    I'll be sure to update on here to keep myself on track. I bought P90X and I was going to start it in January.. but I felt too intimidated:embarassed:. I'm determined with this one though... maybe I'll start P90X after or some time later in the summer. We shall see! lol

    Also, I'm VERY happy to say I finally got my workouts back on track for the first time in a while this week. It feels great to get back at it!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: I've lost 3#. :flowerforyou:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I forgot to post yesterday that I weighed in at 154.5 lbs. Lost 1.5 lbs, so I was pretty excited.

    I will be doing up the results sometime this evening
  • AmandaB4588
    Good job sjmay!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I have heard good things about Chalene Extreme.... I would be interested in knowing how you ladies like it!!! Make sure you update us.....

    I'll be sure to update on here to keep myself on track. I bought P90X and I was going to start it in January.. but I felt too intimidated:embarassed:. I'm determined with this one though... maybe I'll start P90X after or some time later in the summer. We shall see! lol

    Also, I'm VERY happy to say I finally got my workouts back on track for the first time in a while this week. It feels great to get back at it!

    Congrats on getting the workout back on track... I had a week where I only worked out twice and I felt horrible! I feel so much better when I am exercising at least 4 times a week... My mood is better and everything!!
    Good luck! STay with it!! Can't wait to hear how you like it...
    I have a friend that does the Yogo Booty Ballet and loves it... So, I found it on ebay and bought it... I like adding to my workout DVD stash... Variety keeps it fresh and insures that I will be excited to actually do something... I have been doing a workout DVD in the morning and then working out at the gym at night... Seems to be a good combination... Sometimes I can't get the mornign workout in, though... Ok, Rambling.. Sorry :laugh:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Since this is Bikini Babes, I thought I would share. I bought a bikini from Victoria's Secret a few days ago. This one (mainly because it was the cheapest one and it is pretty cute).


    I bought the top and bottom in size Medium in hopes that I can wear it by the end of summer. :laugh: (Not sure if it will work in the beginning of summer, more likely end of summer). If it doesn't work out, I will just sell it on ebay. :tongue: (Meaning if it doesn't fit when I reach my goal / by end of summer).
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    That one is really cute, Stephanie! I hope you will be able to wear it very soon!

    Here's the one I bought:

    (sorry you have to copy and paste, but I don't know how to put the pic on here...) I got that one a few months ago. I can't wait to be able to wear it!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    That is a cute one too Lisa! :smile: That one is more my style than the one I got - but I figured the one I was getting was only $19, plus the beach tote and a special rewards card for next month - so I couldn't go wrong. :tongue: I tried it on and it was a little tight everywhere - but I thought it would be a good motivator! :tongue:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks! I didn't get anything special with that one, and I don't even remember what I paid for it now. But it's hanging up for motivation! I've been taking my progress pics in it. Mine is all string, so it's completely adjustable. I put it on and took one of my pics when then flash didn't go off and it actually looked ok from a distance lol! (Still wouldn't wear it in public by ANY means, but that WILL change!) I get so excited thinking about being able to wear it. I hope I can sometime this summer.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi ladies speaking of bikinis iwas looking at one at walmart today. i was going to get it but i changed my mind, i think i'll wait. but i did get another size 6s stoned washed. they finally have my stoned washed though. i'll get someone take apicture of me with them and my new top. i'll have to put it in my pictures in my profile, because i don't know how to put before and after pictures on here.
  • Reno911_Girl
    I"m very new and was hoping to join :)
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Cute bikinis, ladies! I was just on the Victoria's Secret website yesterday checking some out. I think you guys may have given me an excuse to go ahead and buy one!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Cute bikinis, ladies! I was just on the Victoria's Secret website yesterday checking some out. I think you guys may have given me an excuse to go ahead and buy one!

    Indeed! I'm tempted to go buy one too just so I can hang in on my closet for that extra motivation!

    I can't remember if I posted my weigh in for Saturday. Been crazy with the Olympics here.

    LW: 157.2
    CW: 156.4
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Welcome Reno911_Girl! We weigh in every Saturday and then the person with the highest loss makes a challenge for us for the following week. Good luck on your journey!

    BIKINI BABES: I have started a new thread for the month of March. The results are there. Just follow the link below: