Is anyone else ashamed to meet their daily goal?



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I definitely have psychological issues with going over my goal calories for the day. BUT I also know the importance of properly fueling my body and know that having too few calories will cause more problems long term. So I take my calories and add 50-100 to them (custom settings) and then I know I will be better able to NET my goal calories and not go over!!!
  • LadyTCCrawford
    I feel the same way a lot....because i walk for exercize 4 days a week and work as a waitress it says I should eat 1700 calories a day. That makes me feel disgusting and fat but I will try to do it anyway. I HATE HATE HATE and I even forced myself to eat more food today just to be closer to that 1700 goal. :
  • Lilphoenix
    Lilphoenix Posts: 7 Member
    Holy moley, do I ever agree with you! I used to eat around 700-800 a day for years, and I wondered why I wasn't looking weight! Even now, it takes a lot of willpower some days to get in at least 1200. I understand the feeling you're talking about, it feels like if you're meeting it, you're not losing weight, you're staying where you're at. At least for me, according to this site, 1500 ish is my allotment for a day, to lose 1/2 lb week. I don't think I've ever met that goal, but don't let that make you think I'm not trying!
    Since I've bumped up my intake, over time I've actually lost inches, even if I feel "fatter". It's mind over matter, just keep trying. I eat a dozen little meals because I still struggle with eating over 300 in one sitting. Just keep swimming, find a support system; it gets better.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's not impossible to lose weight if you undereat but it is really taking risks with your health and wellbeing - you can end up with nutritional deficiencies because you aren't eating enough, and you may find that you don't have enough energy to keep doing all the things you want to do in your day.

    And if you REALLY undereat for long enough you can seriously damage your body. There isn't one set number of calories that is the "breakpoint" for everybody, but 1200 cals is a general guideline to a minimum for a healthy adult to eat. If you are really small you might be healthier on less than this, but you are going to have to eat well to make sure you get all your nutrients on this low calorie amount. Chances are that you can be healthly and lose weight eating a whole lot more, especially if you are active.

    The smart thing to do is to eat enough to stay healthy, while maintaining a moderate calorie deficit so you can lose weight.
    And if you are feeling really guilty about eating, maybe professional help is is a good idea.
  • Domi_BTGfit
    Yes, most days. For the past 14 months my limit was 1200 per day, but most days I was barely making 1000 cals.

    As of today, MFP adjusted my limit to 1411 (as I'm so close to my goal) and I laughed - there is no way I will eat even more! I mean, we all have "bad" days, but with my everyday lifestyle, it's just not possible.

    Eat what you feel comfortable with, but do TRY to reach at least 1000 cals. Your body can't work if it's in starvation mode, but recognise that when you eat really cleanly, it's hard to build the calories in the diet! :D
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    Im not even hitting 1200 everyday tbh...I get the gults when im too close to my goal :( (I count everything including the milk in my tea)
    I have a lot to loose so it probably wont harm me too much just now but might do further down the line
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Not ashamed, but darn it is really hard some days to reach my MFP food calories. So this week I started upping my breakfast and lunch calories with additional servings of healthy food. I have added chia seed to my morning greek yogurt along with oat bran. If I am under at night, I eat another one of the same if under my minimum. Some days eating to net zero including my exercise is not a problem, other days, getting to my minimum food is hard because I am just not hungry. That's why I am using MFP - holding my self accountable to eat right!

    I have done a 180 from last December. I had gotten in the habit of skipping breakfast and eatting a junky lunch and then had been starving for dinner. I am glad I reversed the trend. But I have learned to evaluate every week what I ate, How I felt, and making modifications as I go.
  • DexterDarko
    I'm pretty big and I usually fall below my goal.... my goal is only 1,500 calories which is tiny for me, but I usually only get like 1000 and I'm pretty satisfied o.o.
  • moomaq
    moomaq Posts: 24 Member
    Therapy?? Really?? Get help if you feel you need it, but NOT if someone on this site cant get their head arround eating 700 - 1000 calories a day.

    When i joined this site, because i have been watching my eating i was eating 800-900 a day, and i really had to make an effort to eat more. I have had to buy yougurts and have roast seed @ my desk to nibble on. These food i would never have eaten but i have done this to try to up my calorie intake.

    Exercise & healthy foods, if you are exercising and on 700 calories a day, you will loose your muscle 1st and keep the fat. This is totally counter productive. where if you eat your calories and exercise you will loose the fat and have a beautiful toned healthy body.

    i hope this helps.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I've heard once that it was unhealthy to consume under 1200 calories but maybe I do need some kind of therapy, because I kick myself mentally if I get anywhere near it. I'm assuming it really is impossible to lose weight if I continue going under the 1200 goal?

    You are correct. If you continuously eat below 1200 (and, in your case, dangerously low) you will and up doing more harm than good.

    I really urge you to go seek the help of a professional nutritionist and consult your Doctor.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    If you think eating under 1200 calories is a worthwhile goal and you ultimately strive for something closer to'd benefit from reading these three threads. Hopefully they'll open your eyes...

    Helloitsdan: TOPIC: In Place of a Road Map 2.0 (Revised) 7/2/12

    Determinednoob: TOPIC: Large collection of info for beginners

    SHBoss1673: TOPIC: "Starvation mode", exercise calories, dillema?

    jacksonpt: TOPIC: exercise calories explained
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    If you're actually "ashamed" to eat the bare minimum of what your body needs to function, then you probably need to do some reevaluating. Take the advice here pretty seriously. Weight loss aside, you are harming your health.
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    WHy is everyone just saying get therapy I mean is that not a huge assumption that people have issues - I read a study starvation mode and how unless you really are starving eg have no calories and have no fat to burn their really shouldn't be a panic about it
    I'm not saying that yeah we should all eat so little but its about idividual needs and circumstances.
    There has also been a case of one man(under strict doctors supervision for a study) who was hugley overweight and eat NO FOOD for about a year surviving on water and a cocktail of vitamins/supplements.
    And before anyon starts im not on here for a fight I just think it's a bit harsh to tell somone you don;t know to go get therapy cos they ask a question lol
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    I mean as far as Caloric intake. I for example, have to consume 1200 calories a day. It's becoming increasingly easier to reach that goal, as most times I go at least 500 calories under that. I'm ashamed when I'm only 140 calories away from having consumed 1200 calories. Does anyone else get that way?

    At first, eating 1220 cal felt like it was going to be impossible but now most days, it feels like it's really easy so I get what you mean about that. When I have one of my goals (cal, fat, carb) in the red, I'm ashamed, but when I'm under 1200 and mfp tells me my body might go into starvation mode, I'm also really ashamed and try to eat sth right after seeing that, so I don't think I have exactly the same pb as you. But girl, 500 cal under your 1200 cal goal is really not enough! You should force yourself to eat more those days because it's really not healthy! Beware of the risks of ED!

    Good luck! :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    As yet another recovering anorexic, take a break from tracking on this site or go talk to someone. The guilt & shame associated with eating food needed to SURVIVE is a very big sign of possible-ED/ED tendencies. Once you reach that point, you're not looking at food, you're looking at "numbers," and that gets very dangerous, very fast.

    Edit: I also think many of the people saying, "OMG WHY SAY GO GET THERAPY? I EAT 700 CALORIES A DAY AND I'M FINE."
    1.) You're not going to be fine in the long run.
    2.) The issue here needing therapy is not the purposeful eating below calories--it's the negative mindset associated with FEARING eating a healthy amount of calories that is STILL low.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    As yet another recovering anorexic, take a break from tracking on this site or go talk to someone. The guilt & shame associated with eating food needed to SURVIVE is a very big sign of possible-ED/ED tendencies. Once you reach that point, you're not looking at food, you're looking at "numbers," and that gets very dangerous, very fast.

    Edit: I also think many of the people saying, "OMG WHY SAY GO GET THERAPY? I EAT 700 CALORIES A DAY AND I'M FINE."
    1.) You're not going to be fine in the long run.
    2.) The issue here needing therapy is not the purposeful eating below calories--it's the negative mindset associated with FEARING eating a healthy amount of calories that is STILL low.

    agreed. You will actually slow your metabolism eating too few calories and because your body expects only a few, it will begin storing more as fat if you EVER go over the usual. You also will not be getting the vitamins and nutrients needed to stay healthy. You want to instead eat every 3 hours and have 200-300 calories each meal if you are trying to stay around 1200/day. I usually try to make the last 2 meals the smaller ones. And also exercise to burn off calories instead of depriving your body of them in the first place!
  • moomaq
    moomaq Posts: 24 Member
    WHy is everyone just saying get therapy I mean is that not a huge assumption that people have issues - I read a study starvation mode and how unless you really are starving eg have no calories and have no fat to burn their really shouldn't be a panic about it
    I'm not saying that yeah we should all eat so little but its about idividual needs and circumstances.
    There has also been a case of one man(under strict doctors supervision for a study) who was hugley overweight and eat NO FOOD for about a year surviving on water and a cocktail of vitamins/supplements.
    And before anyon starts im not on here for a fight I just think it's a bit harsh to tell somone you don;t know to go get therapy cos they ask a question lol

    I agree. i was shocked at the get therapy messages.
  • mom2mini
    mom2mini Posts: 19 Member
    I wish I was even able to feel that way about meeting my daily goal! I am often ashamed for going OVER, never staying under. However, I do hate that feeling like I can eat more, but you don't know what to eat that is within that specific amount!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    No, that's . . . . unusual.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Enjoy having your hair fall out