Walking Dead Discussion



  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member

    XD THIS!!!

    Oh my good god its so true!!
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I cannot take credit for these but man are they so true and hilarious!!



  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    so I watched it, too ) mainly because of all the 'zombie fast food' jokes and pictures here in MFP. was interesting at first, and slightly less depressing than '28 days later' (last i've watched on the subject before this one).
    but was really struggling finishing season 2... I'm the gulliblest of gullible as long as the show sticks with its own basic assumptions, but these guys really have to make up their minds on some things - like, are the walkers as terribly sensitive to living flesh as in the episode of S1 where alive guys had to smear some dead guts all over to be able to get past them - or as aloof as in the whole S2 it seems - where anyone can get past them with the head to the side and pulling one leg along?

    and then of course the episode with the well - I was like WTF on so many occasions - ok, so the thing is in the well but did not spoil the water... yet? oh really? then of course the live bait HAS to be human - that, too, on the farm, with chicken and livestock around, not to mention the crow that is heard in the background to this very discussion? and the rope of course - with all the huffing and puffing of people hanging on it, outside the well it's mostly sagging, hardly ever straight at all, and now that's just sloppy work, and it ruins the credibility for me. which is sad.

    story-wise, it's just one thing that's killing me - the living do not seem to. learn. anything. I mean, the walkers' cortex is dead, but you'd think the living would put their minds and observations and experiences together and build some kind of a knowledge base, to teach newbies and the young, and find ways to quickly disarm walkers' crowds cause it's the only thing hard to cope with, but no, they just keep shooting and running out of ammo. pfft.

    otherwise, I can live with annoying and whiny characters and stupid twists in the plot as it comes with the genre )) but little details like the rope can really kill the fun for me (so here's the answer to the previously asked "why bother *****ing about a show you don't like..." because I so did, at first! )))