Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?



  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Whatever you do, don't go below the 1200 to try to lose weight. Your body needs the nutrients to heal right now. But, you can still make healthy choices. When my son was little we had something called a 'no thank you serving' of things he wasn't sure he would like or not. Now, I find myself having a 'no thank you serving' of things I really want but aren't really good for me (lobster ravioli!) And, if you belong to a gym they have arm bikes sometimes and you can always do some circuit training for upper body while the lower heals. Hope you have a quick recovery!
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    As someone who's not especially sporty in the first place, I approached my health journey as a diet/nutrition-only proposition, then added activity on as a nice-to-have (and it is). I did this because I didn't want to be dependent on a gym membership or equivalent routine for my weight. I just didn't (and don't) have that much faith that I will stick with it forever -- and what if I get hurt or infirmed and can't do it? So without in any way discouraging anybody from exercising, which is clearly wonderful for you, I am disappointed to see so many people on this thread talking as if not exercising is a death sentence when it comes to weight loss. I lost my first 50 pounds with absolutely no exercise outside walking my dog, and although I've added in pilates and 30DS recently -- and am happy to be doing it -- I still maintain that spending the last 10 months learning how to cook and eat beautiful, healthful, balanced foods is the secret to success... not burning it off so you can eat massive amounts back.

    Healthy eaters and wannabes -- esp. women over 50ish -- are welcome to add me to share menus, learnings, etc. ;c)
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Definitely ask your doctors what you can do. They may know of something we don't, and they'll have a better idea of your limitations while healing. You may actually still be able to do something with your legs (I don't know- I'm not a doctor).

    Weight loss is always a matter of balancing calories, with or without exercise, but it's good to stay in the habit of exercising even if you're not doing what you usually would. Plus, when you're cleared to resume your normal regimen, you won't be completely back at square one, and that will help your motivation.
  • AnnInTexas
    AnnInTexas Posts: 75 Member
    I agree with others you should shoot to maintain. But I would definitely go through the process of re-figuring what your ideal calories should be. If you're taking in 1400 while working out, you may need to drop that down a couple of hundred. Logging all your foods on MFP will help you see where you are.

    For what it's worth, I did not work out the first 6 months of my journey simply because I was too heavy. Conciously watching what I ate made all the difference in the world.

    Don't just put it off until you feel better. I've had two surgeries on my ankle and it never is 100% better. Just take baby steps along the way. For what it's worth, I found out you can really get your heart rate up if your doctor has put you on crutches!

    Good luck!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    No! With your lack of exercise it is even more important to have eating discipline. Otherwise sedentary plus bad eating and you are doomed.
    Oh, reallllllly?
    I've had 2 back surgeries and can't pick up anything (doctor's orders) over 40 lbs.
    I have a dead right leg below the knee due to a neurological problem, so on good days I can walk from the front door to the driveway without a cane; on bad days, I have to use a walker.
    I cannot exercise.
    At all.
    Sorry to hear that I'm doomed, even tho' I've lost almost 35 lbs.

    That's not what they said at all. Sorry for your ails, but please re-read the post. They said "plus bad food" - too many calories in and not enough energy output will equal stored fat. There's no denying that.
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    What everyone else said! Don't quit, keep focusing on your calories/nutrition and improvise your exercise! Good luck!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Don't get discouraged! Just stay within your calorie and you will lose!!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Once upon a time ago, I had a torn ACL and torn calf muscle. Then had surgery, then rehab. I maintained weight by eating at maintenance and spending my time trying to build upper body strength. Just because one part of you is immobile doesn't mean the rest of you is.
  • momof3kiddos34
    Once upon a time ago, I had a torn ACL and torn calf muscle. Then had surgery, then rehab. I maintained weight by eating at maintenance and spending my time trying to build upper body strength. Just because one part of you is immobile doesn't mean the rest of you is.

    Ouch! How long did it take you to get back to regular work outs??