Real women...



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Sweat is delicious.

    Exactly! Although you use it in place of salt ONE time and BAM health code violation....ugh...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I just don’t care for any of these phrases.

    Not every woman wants or needs to be athletic. *shrugs*

    I don't think it implies that women have to be athletic. I sweat BUCKETS when I run, but also I sweat when I'm nervous. I sweat when I'm shagging my husband. I sweat before the A/C kicks in in my car. I sweat in the middle of the night when the cats and the husband act like frickin' snuggley blast furnaces and I'm trying to kick all the blankets off. I sweat... because I'm a living human being. And deodorant keeps me from being really stinky as a result of all that living.


    ^^ Keepin' it REAL! :happy:
  • XmanMike
    XmanMike Posts: 183 Member
    All women are real women...I hate the "real women" mantras.

    I approve this message, just like I hate the "real man" mantras.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I just don’t care for any of these phrases.

    Not every woman wants or needs to be athletic. *shrugs*

    I don't think it implies that women have to be athletic. I sweat BUCKETS when I run, but also I sweat when I'm nervous. I sweat when I'm shagging my husband. I sweat before the A/C kicks in in my car. I sweat in the middle of the night when the cats and the husband act like frickin' snuggley blast furnaces and I'm trying to kick all the blankets off. I sweat... because I'm a living human being. And deodorant keeps me from being really stinky as a result of all that living.


    ^^ Keepin' it REAL! :happy:

    exactly! Thank you for getting it.
  • cbelden05
    It's a good motivator and it promotes the product. Makes me happy.

    Much better than "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"

    If I see that one more time, I may shoot something. Something.

    I'm with you, 'cause whoever said that hasn't had REAL, old fashioned no bake cookies!(my weaknedd)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    All women are real women...I hate the "real women" mantras.

    I approve this message, just like I hate the "real man" mantras.

    Yea, but a "real man" wouldn't let that bother him.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think sweaty women are great
    I think curvy women are great
    I think thin women are great
    I think thin ANDcurvy women are great

    But if I hear the phrase "real women" one more time I might hurt somebody.

    I was going to say that a "real woman" has a hoohoo. But sometimes "real women" might not even have real woman parts.
  • Twilightsiren
    Twilightsiren Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know about 'real women' sweat, but I wear my sweat with pride when I work out.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    I have a big problem with the term "real women" and I used to be obese overweight and working on it....and it still bothers me to no end.

    I used to ascribe to fat acceptance and dressed accordingly and felt confident for it.
    I've always pretty much been confident with my body for the most part, regardless of size.

    But when you're trying to sell a product based solely on this "real women" crap, I have a problem with that.
    They only do it because there are more overweight/plus size CONSUMERS than those of normal weight.

    The last I heard was 2/3 of America is overweight+?'s purely a sales gimmick. Then the doctors make more money off the consumers with their medical problems growing....we're in a sick consumer society.

    maybe some of these fatties need to put the fork down and work out?
    Rude much? Not everyone is fat because of over eating. And this post was about a DEODERANT COMMERCIAL! not weight. :/ I agree with the OP, I like the commercial (:
  • jflint86
    jflint86 Posts: 74 Member
    I think sweaty women are great
    I think curvy women are great
    I think thin women are great
    I think thin ANDcurvy women are great

    But if I hear the phrase "real women" one more time I might hurt somebody.

    I was going to say that a "real woman" has a hoohoo. But sometimes "real women" might not even have real woman parts.

    Yes!! Agree 100%