Hey tattoo people, a question for you...



  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    I didn't find it painful at all. I got mine in the same place you will be getting yours. Take a couple of ibuprofin an hour before you go if you think you need a little something. I do have a high tolerance for pain.

    DONT take ibuprofin as it is a blood thinner, take tylenol instead. Eat normally,bring a book, and gum. I have many large pieces and I usually read and chit chat. I don't find it to be painful. I think the worst part is getting stiff after a few hrs but it sound like yours wont take that long.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I have one on my hip. The pain isn't too bad, my tattoo took a little bit over 2 hours to finish, but it never got out of control. It general it feels hot, not so much sharp. The best way to describe it, at least in my opinion, is like a rug burn. The pain is only there during the actual tattoo process.

    However, when it did hurt is when he was right on my hip bone. I'm pretty bony on my hips and it was very noticeable. It starts out somewhat uncomfortable but the more it happens the more it starts to hurt. It just felt like it was shaking my whole body. It's annoying, but easily tolerable.
  • Drea_ann
    Drea_ann Posts: 65 Member
    As long as they are not on your ribs, it shouldn't be too bad.

    Feels like needles (getting a shot)

    the worse part is after, because the skin tries to reheal, and it's itchy.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    That's where I got mine and I'm a wuss. It barely hurt at all. Have you ever gotten a brazillian wax before? That hurts a million times worse.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    One of mine was quite painful - upper back. When it hit the spine and shoulder blade it hurt!!
    The other 3 didn't really hurt at all, but I purposely did not place them near bone. LOL
  • dirtydmvkid
    I have them all over. I wouldn't call it "pain" though, especially since its small and on your back. I have a shoulder piece that lasted a grand total of 5 hours and it only started to hurt for the last 30minutes simply because the skin was so raw. I wouldn't be worried about yours. Eat and drink like normal.
  • jmoneycgt
    jmoneycgt Posts: 80 Member
    The after care is the most annoying part. With the spot you picked, make sure either you can reach it pretty well or you have someone to help you.
  • Dianemustang
    minimal pain as the skin is thicker - if you have a fair tolerance it should be a breeze - the after pain is mopre of an annoyance....the worst one I ever had was the top of my foot - yep, that hurt like a B***H! good for you!
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I`d never have a tattoo...Disgusting things..
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    I have 5 in various places.the shoulder blade area was the least pain I ever felt.
  • MetamorphosisMe
    MetamorphosisMe Posts: 69 Member
    I don't have a high tolerance for pain, but got one anyway. For me the outlining was the worse, the shading not so bad. Mine took roughly two hours. Would I get another one? You betcha! And I plan to once I reach my goal on here.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I fell asleep during my 8 hour session!

    The first time I went, I was sweating and the second he touched the needle to my skin, I had a huge sigh of relief. It hurts but it's nothing you can't take!
  • erinfog
    erinfog Posts: 95 Member
    it just kind of feels like scratching. when it's over it feels like a sunburn for a few days.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I have one right between my shoulder blades it wasn't that bad at all. I don't know about eating meals before hand never head that before.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Ever been scratched by a cat? That first "ouch M*&^#&*&cker" moment...that's what it feels like...

    It's tolerable...and addicting.

    The stupid one on my ankle was the most painful. I have another one on my upper back and that was fine.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I have a small black heart near my hip bone....it actually tickled for the whole 10 minutes it took! :)
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I have plenty, and they really are not painful...to me anyways.....make sure you eat something since its your first.....and any pain is mild afterwards.....just a bit sore.......and ifs its a small one, it will be over before you know it!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    To be honest, I have a tattoo on my left shoulder blade area - it was one of the least painful I have ever had. (I have 7)
    The only time I find tattoos hurt is while the needle is actually tattooing. The area will be sensitive to be touched for a while until it starts healing, but like I said, only minor pain while the tattoo is actually being done.
    Everyone has different sensitive areas of their body though, what might hurt for me, wouldnt hurt for you, and vice versa.

    Best of luck!
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    That was one of the more painful spots for me, but I've heard other people say it wasn't so bad (for comparison, much of my legs are covered, including one ankle - achilles tendon was the worst pain, I think--as well as some of my chest, which was also no fun). In general the less fat or flesh under the tattoo the more painful it'll be, so over bone or tender skin, like the inside of your upper arm, is worse, while your thigh would be nothin'.

    I think the best description I've heard is it's like scratching a sunburn. Fortunately, your body kicks into gear and after several minutes the pain seems to decrease - until you run out of adrenaline or whatever helpful thing it is after several hours (I max out around 5 hours).

    My routine is I take some ibuprofen right before (not sure if it's really helps, but it's a mental thing at this point :) ), and I have something like a fruit smoothie so I have some good sugar in my system. Then I drink water and eat a little trail mix throughout. Each person is different, though. For example, my husband always--about 10 min. in--gets really lightheaded and needs to stop for a few minutes. He has a Coke, recovers, and is fine for the rest (up to about 4 hours). People's bodies react differently.

    Good luck and be prepared to get addicted, and share pictures! :)
  • Lucianna_D
    Lucianna_D Posts: 84 Member
    It really depends on the artist if he has a heavy hand then expect a bit of pain.. The pain is kind of addicting, if it is small you will be done before you know it.. Some artist stencil which will take a bit longer for prepartation, my artist draws on you so it is much faster... I don't think you need to anything more than what you eat regularly & just take some Ibruphen after you get it done.. Don't forget to buy your Aquaphor.. Welcome to your new addictions.. :)