Hey tattoo people, a question for you...



  • chu604
    chu604 Posts: 353 Member
    Feels like someone is pinching you and it only lasts as long as the needle is on
    Most of the time it doesnt even hurt its just tender areas

    I like the pain if you can even call it that..
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    I have five. No spot was better or worse. Gets numb after awhile. For me it becomes more annoying than painful. I don't sit still for long periods of time w/o getting irritated lol. Good Luck!!
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    The guy who did my tat told me to eat something with sugar in it because people tend to be nervous before-hand. Then, they realize it isn't that bad and their adrenaline drops and they can get light-headed. I don't know how accurate that it, but I know I initially got a pins and needles, clammy feeling right after he started, but it went away after a few minutes. Mine is on my mid-back area and it wasn't intolerable, but there were parts of it that were uncomfortable. The outline to me was easier than the shading (I was told it is usually the other way around). My guy had some numbing spray he used after he did the outline, so by the time that kicked in, I didn't feel much of the shading part.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    My smaller ones didn't hurt at all, but I had to sit for a couple 5-7 hour sessions on my large piece since the artist was from out of town and we needed to get it done while he was still in the US and that started to hurt after a while. Normally on pieces so large, though, they break it up into much more sessions so it's not as bad.
    I didn’t cry when my leg was crushed underneath a car and nearly ignored a burst appendix, so I would say I have a high pain tolerance as well.
  • JacquelineD35
    JacquelineD35 Posts: 279 Member
    I have one in the same spot you're describing. It's not really painful its more of an annoying stinging sensation, enjoy your new ink.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I have one on each shoulder. They didn't really hurt at all. It was a little worse when he got over by my shoulder blade, but still wasn't bad at all. Afterwards, depending on how heavy handed they are, it might feel a little bit like a sunburn for about a day. I recently got a tattoo on my wrist going up onto my palm, that hurt like hell. :explode: I'll think twice before getting one on a super sensitive spot again lol
  • Jester522
    Left shoulder blade didnt bother me but the right gave me hell. Down the spine is dumb as theres no nerve endings. It just gets a nuisance where theres only bone and skin with nothing in between.
  • nangel4u
    Mine were not painful at all but it does depend on where you get it and I have heard if its next to a bone it may be uncomfortable! I have one on each arm and they kind of tickled to mel ol!!!
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    I've got an adorable little elephant between my shoulder blades. I thought it hurt rather a lot actually. More than my other ones on my lower spine and thigh, but that being said, it was nothing a little deep breathing couldn't take care of. First session ever was 3+ hours and the last hour was exhausting but I'm so glad I did and I'm really looking forward to getting my next one!!!!!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    My ticker shows part of my most recent tattoo - she is on my left shoulder blade and her tail crosses out to my just under my shoulder joint. Her tail was the only part that made me want to move out from under the gun.

    A lot of it depends on if your artist goes deep with the needle or not...and how close to the bone you get (at least for me the bone areas like my ankle hurt worse than my thighs, for example). Still, the shoulder blade was ok.

    if the tattoo requires a lot of going over in a certain spot or whatever, you can expect that spot to remain sore to the touch for a few days...but just don't touch it except to treat and clean the tattoo and you will be fine.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I have one on my left shoulder, and it didn't hurt at all... It just felt kinda itchy while they were doing it!

    My "significant other" has tons of tattoos... Both of his legs are covered, one of his arms, his back and his chest, and he said that it hurt really bad on the shins, back and chest... But he said nothing about his arms.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    They don't really hurt that bad a bad sun burn burns worse. They are addictive. The only ones of mine I found difficult were near my wrist, in my inner elbow area and near the stick out bone of the ankle. Other wise my back a shoulders didn't hurt at all. Infact one of my shoulders felt like someone tickling the inside of my ear. Good luck!
  • Solisci
    Solisci Posts: 63 Member
    Since you say it is fairly small i would not worry too much, Eat something light and expect it to sting...yes it hurts but it is totally manageable. You will be okay, especially since its a small one!
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    Yucky poo.....kidding you will be fine. They are addictive just sayin'
    Very addicting!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I've always thought it felt like a bee sting. After the first couple of lines, it's just annoying. When it's healing, it feels like a sunburn or road rash.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    It should not hurt much right there, especially if you have a high tolerance for pain. It is almost like a pinching feeling, and not as bad as you would expect.

    I actually cried when I got the tattoos done on my feet. Now THAT hurt. lol.

    However, I have a large piece on my thigh/leg that took a total of 8 hours... That did not hurt a bit, and I actually kinda liked the feeling. (Although I did get sore from staying in one place for long periods of time!)

    My "goal prize" is gonna be a back piece... CAN NOT wait!!!
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    I don't care what anyone one says, they are somewhat painful. It all depends on what pain means to you. I have 5 of them and a couple were no doubt a bit painful. Long lines and lots of fill can be the worst.

    It sounds like you'll be just fine though. As for eating, I haven't heard that, but I suppose if you get queasy, you might not want to eat just before you go in.

    Just go and enjoy the experience and start planning on where your next one is going to go!
  • rhvandan
    They felt like scratches to me. Different LEVELS of scratches, but nothing unbearable. My neck, back, shoulders, shoulderblades, calf, and ankle barely bothered me, unless the artist was going over the same spot over and over again.
    My finger and foot hurt quite a bit more. I still am able to crack jokes and breathe, so I'd say they were bearable. The adrenaline you feel helps to offset the pain.
    The itching is WAY worse. I detest the healing period.

    Whatever you do do NOT use aloe or Neosporin on your tats, they will F up the ink! A+D or plain, unscented lotion are best.
    They make special "tattoo healing creams" but they're a waste of money and dont work as well as good old A+D.

    Good luck!!!!!
  • saraemsweet
    drink a beer or two. you won't feel a thing.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    My longest was a 5 hour session and my entire back tattooed. Enjoy the pain, its part of the experience. And addicting.

    They did your entire back in 5 hours!!?