What's the most polite insult you've recieved?



  • miltongurl05
    miltongurl05 Posts: 64 Member
    I have a tiny best friend that says little comments sometimes that get at me.
    Especially cuz she used to be chubby too so she should know better.

    Like the other day for example, when we were costume shopping
    it was "well they might have a bigger one that might fit you" followed directly by "Oh heres a medium, might fit me but it will probably be too big" then she giggled.

    Well, I'm sure whatever costume you choose, you'll look awesome in it! Your friend should not have rubbed things in like that. That is not being a good friend at all. You are a very lovely girl and if things continue like this, tell her how her comments make you feel and if she laughs it off, maybe you need to find a new best friend because she isn't acting like one! You deserve better! :smile:
  • theblitz
    if im bloated I look preganant. I've had three people in the last two years ask me if I was. I'm just premenstrual. The funny thing is when i was bigger I never got that. now that I'm smaller when I bloat my belly gets that weird look. I hate it makes me self conscious for weeks.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I once told someone to kiss my a** and he kissed me on the cheek. :laugh:
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 87 Member
    I can tell you've lost weight...your boobs are starting to sag....i was not amused
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    You don't sweat much for a fat guy
  • tiaza
    My father-in-law once saw a picture of me in our house (a picture that was taken no more than 2 years before) and said, "Wow, it looks so beautiful, I didn't know it was you!"

    Uh, thanks, we're trying to keep my beauty a secret.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member


    course now that I'm older than that first time, its no bother now...if some smarthat asks for my ID for wine now I just give them a stare down

    I HATE getting Ma'amed!! I HATE IT!!! I'm not that old!!! :-(
  • JuliesS82
    JuliesS82 Posts: 14 Member
    "so are you enjoying the new baby?"

    I don't have kids......
  • anniemac_98
    anniemac_98 Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on the baby! I'm not pregnant....
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    You look great for your age.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    "your so much fun, just like one of the boys, you know not all 'sexy acting' like the other girls" followed my lots of stammering to explain himself after the deadly look i gave him.
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    When I was pregnant..."you must be having a girl. You're not as pretty now as you used to be"

    WHAT? lol
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    A couple of years ago, I lost all the excess weight then visited a friend's house. His wife is super competitive and when she saw I was slimmer than her husband, she glared at me for 30 seconds and then dismissed it by saying I looked gaunt. Even though everybody says I'm really stocky. My arms and legs are twice the size of her husbands and no stomach. He, on the other hand, had a beer gut. She then refused to speak to me any further. I thought her jaw was going to break if she wound it any tighter lol. Serious tension. So I have that to look forward to (again) nearer my goal weight.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    One day I was at work, calling my list of patients to confirm for the next day's appointments. A patient came up and tried to talk to me, but could see I was on the phone. As soon as I hung up she said "How far along are you?", I looked at her puzzled because why would she care how far along I was with my day's work, and the rest of the conversation went as follows:

    me: "Far along with what?"
    her: "Your pregnancy!"
    me: ".... Um... I'm not pregnant".
    her: "Oh, I just thought... with that shirt... I know how hard it can be to loose weight"
    me: gets up and walks away

    Just. Stop. Talking.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    'You look so much prettier without your glasses.'

    I've had this a few times, from people who genuinely seemed to think they were complimenting me.
  • sjeannot
    You can do it. Somebody even bigger than you did it. ( I know I'm big already. That did not need to be made apparent. SMH!)
  • YoungerNextYear59937
    Gee, you look great now that you've lost weight. Your stomach doesn't even look fat anymore! :noway:
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 171
    I got carded by a server and she looked at my license, then at me, then back at my license and as she handed it back she said, "Wow! I would have never guessed you were that old." Uh, thanks? I think...
  • Nichole_Renee
    "You've lost how much weight? Wow. I didn't realize you were so big before!"

    Um. Thanks...I guess...
  • Alamaug
    Alamaug Posts: 21 Member
    your feet are long because they fit your height. if they were short, you would tip over.