What's the most polite insult you've recieved?



  • paleirishmother
    "you're normal sized, all of us are fat"
  • jon40084
    jon40084 Posts: 175 Member
    How about a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago. She said it you chopped my head off you'd never know it was me :-)
  • fancyacuppa
    fancyacuppa Posts: 66 Member
    The classic... '...but you have an amazing personality...'!
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    Has anyone told you, you look like John Travolta
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    You move quick ..its surprising.considering your size....Or I think people look worse blonde.when I have just gotten highlights
  • cblevitron
    "You look really good for someone that had a kid."

    What, i can't just look good?
  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    I was told by a 21 year old (I'm 26) "Wow, I did not know you were THAT old, I mean I could tell that you were older, but not THAT much!!"

    Me: "Umm... I'm only 5 years older than you... :huh: "

    I'm 25 and had a 20-year-old tell me "Wow, you're 25? I hope I'm as well preserved as you when I'm that age!"
    Weirdest. Compliment. Ever.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    "You look like your dad."

    Not sure if it was a compliment or insult. At least I know that I don't have to go onto Maury to find out who my father is.
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    "You're pretty flexible for a chubby chick." -__- Thanks.
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    "Aw, you never told us you were pregnant!"

    Em, no, I never cos I just found out it's impossible for me and I comfort-ate myself fat!
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    My cousin...at the time was 14 I think lost a LOT of weight over summer using the special K diet to the extreme (she'd sleep all day and eat one bowl of special K, no milk at night, then sleep when she started getting hungry)
    I on the other hand at 16 had to work it off.

    I'd finally managed to get to the same size as her (though it took slightly longer) and had to borrow a pair of jeans from her after I'd wiggled them on my aunt said "oh look you've managed to get in them, how you squeezed yourself into those...lets just hope you don't stretch them too much, might have to shrink them in the wash"

    yeah sharing clothes is an official no-no now
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    A guy in a parking lot of a gas station comes over to hit on me while my boyfriend is inside. He made 3 attempts at hitting on me really and each line got worse and worse.

    "Hey beautiful lady, (wait for it...) you are gorgeous, you know, (wait for it...) I'm sure you don't hear that very often." WTF?!?!
    "Actually I hear it all the time, but thank you."
    "I know you big girls don't get enough love." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    "Actually, I get plenty of love thank you very much."
    And here is the line that really made the rest pale in comparison ...
    "Yeah, but I know most other guys only probably hit on you because they know fat girls are easier, I just want to get to know you."

    This ruined my whole week.

    oh.my.god!!!! what a jerk!!
  • brealschaff
    And my personal non-favorite:

    "You're such a plain Jane, it's so nice to talk to someone who's not a supermodel or thinks she's all that." I've gotten variations on this one for the past 20 years, from guys who think that the way to compliment me is apparently to tell me I'm not attractive.

    Um...thanks? :grumble:

    ^^This. UGH.
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    i think for me the one that springs to mind was when i was sitting in the Dr's waiting room and some little old man points to a !weight loss" poster and said "thats what you need".....i was so gobsmacked...i know he was old maybe not the full ticket, but i still want to hiss at him when i see him lol...

    oh and i get the "you carry your weight well" and "you look great for having had 5 children" i never know how to take that...
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    "The difference between you and other big girls is that you're in proportion..."
    Oh great... so I'm big all over, instead of just one fat leg... thanks! LOL.

    oooooooh i get that too lol.....
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    "ohh no your not fat, your just a little chunky"

    "your just a little chubs, but thats fine...your boobs make it hard to notice." -_-

    err thanks ?...really
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    On my wedding day, not 1 person (including hubby) said I looked nice. However EVERYONE said to me ''Your dress is lovely'' I mean it's my wedding day, lie to me!!!!!!!! Hubby said my nails looked nice.

    And the other one which men say is ''You've got a great *kitten*!'' or ''nice body, shame about the face!''
    Also had as a chat up line ''I really like birds with small t!ts''
    Really! Really!
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Not weight related but here goes ...

    "You're really pretty for a black girl!"

    WTF does that even mean??

  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    How could I forget this one?

    "You look good, but with a little diet and exercise, you'd look great!"

    First date with a guy that could have stood to eat a few more meals!

  • samantha8jean
    samantha8jean Posts: 18 Member
    The one I got yesterday... " the more weight you lose, the bigger your eyes get. You're so cute now."
    Uhhhmm thanks, I think?