Drinking soda to Help diet!

First, let me start by saying that as of right now, I don't drink soda very often. I probably drink soda about 1-3 times a month.

However, I had a thought this morning.

My worst eating time of day is at night and I was trying to think of something with 0 calories that woud get me full. And I couldn't think of anything else beside diet soda.

I wouldn't drink it every night, but a few times a week, until I get better at night snacking. It is worse when my fiance works nights and I'm alone, I eat to comfort myself.

I was hoping to hear some opinions on this, I know that some of you will probably be mean, but I just ignore those people.

Has anyone added soda to their diet and had it help them succeed???

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Not me, I assume someone who has been drinking regular soda and switched to diet probably got weight benefits from it.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I also don't have it very often, but when I do have it, it is because I am craving something naughty and I just have it to make myself feel like I am having a treat. I say if its helping and you are only doing it every once in a while, its probably ok :)
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    If you're going to drink something with 0 calories to get full, why not just make it water? I mean, same idea-- liquids filling your tummy so you feel full. But a WAAAY better choice. Even though diet soda has zero calories, it has all that other crap in it- like aspartame and other artificial sweeteners/colors/ etc.

    If you're going to drink to get full- make it WATER. It will help in your weight loss for sure! Keep everything inside you all lubed up and moving! Good luck!!!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    The only thing I would caution you about with that is that soda has a lot of sodium in it and might make you retain water weight.

    Can you reserve some calories from your day for a late-night smoothie? I use almond milk and some frozen fruit (Jamba brand smoothie mixes are nice, too...they're really just frozen fruit, but the strawberry-peach-mango is SO GOOD).

    You could also try 100-calorie popcorn bags or veggies such as carrot sticks, celery, etc.

    Whatever you decide...good luck! :)
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I do drink diet soda sometimes, but I don't think it would work well for a filler. The zero calorie is nice but you would probably be better off eating something low calorie (fruit, yogurt, veggies). It will stick with you longer. Also for some people the dt soda can lead to a sweet craving. If that would happen to you, you may end up eating a sugary snack anyway.
  • Brandi1168
    Brandi1168 Posts: 105 Member
    When I was doing WW forever ago, I would drink diet cherry Dr. Pepper to satisfy my sweet tooth. It did help somewhat. I couldn't have it at night though, I would never get to sleep. Sugar free jello and light or FF cool whip was my other go-to. It wasn't zero calories, but it was low. Nowadays, I eat grapes after dinner or save some calories if I know I'm going to have something sweet.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I say this a lot on the forums. But switching from soda (including diet) to seltzer/water was one of the best life changes I ever made.

    The seltzer is a good balance because it doesn't contain artificial sweeteners but it still has flavor.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    If you're going to drink something with 0 calories to get full, why not just make it water? I mean, same idea-- liquids filling your tummy so you feel full. But a WAAAY better choice. Even though diet soda has zero calories, it has all that other crap in it- like aspartame and other artificial sweeteners/colors/ etc.

    If you're going to drink to get full- make it WATER. It will help in your weight loss for sure! Keep everything inside you all lubed up and moving! Good luck!!!

    I agree with the water- that's what I do. But with that being said- I also drink diet soda. I drink about 2 a day....they are filling and the nasty things in them won't hurt you as long as you are not drinking 30 cans a day! :tongue:

    Everyone is effected differently by the things you put in your body. All you can do is give it a shot. I don't see how drinking a diet soda is going to hurt you- if you drank that instead of the chocolate cake in your fridge! :laugh:

    Good luck to you!
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    I like a cup of tea in the evening :) Same idea as the soda without the artificial stuff. Do what you feel comfortable with though. Everybody has their own things that work for them....
  • ultrahush
    ultrahush Posts: 23 Member
    I agree completely!

    Edit - Oops, didn't have the post I was replying to. I meant about the seltzer water!!
  • sportybrewerschick
    YES! thats me totally!!

    First, let me start by saying that as of right now, I don't drink soda very often. I probably drink soda about 1-3 times a month.

    However, I had a thought this morning.

    My worst eating time of day is at night and I was trying to think of something with 0 calories that woud get me full. And I couldn't think of anything else beside diet soda.

    I wouldn't drink it every night, but a few times a week, until I get better at night snacking. It is worse when my fiance works nights and I'm alone, I eat to comfort myself.

    I was hoping to hear some opinions on this, I know that some of you will probably be mean, but I just ignore those people.

    Has anyone added soda to their diet and had it help them succeed???

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Zainia
    Zainia Posts: 59 Member
    I've never drank soda so I know it wouldn't help me. I'd warn you to be careful getting calories with any drink and even though diet soda has no or low calories, the manufacture is using chemicals and artificial sweetners. I would suggest drinking seltzer with some squeezed lemon/lime/orange if you really want a bubbly drink.

    The following is from wiki if you are interested:
    Many consumers are concerned about possible health effects of sugar substitutes and caffeine overuse.[3][4] The effectiveness of diet soda as a weight loss tool has also been called into question.
    Changing the food energy intake from one food will not necessarily change a person's overall food energy intake or cause a person to lose weight. One study[5] at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, reported by Sharon Fowler at the ADA annual meeting, actually suggested the opposite, where consumption of diet soda correlated with weight gain. While Fowler did suggest that the undelivered expected calories from diet soda may stimulate the appetite, the correlation does not prove that consumption of diet soda caused the weight gain. The ADA has yet to issue an updated policy concerning diet soda.

    In an independent study by researchers with the Framingham Heart Study in Massachusetts, soda consumption correlated with increased incidence of metabolic syndrome. Of the 9,000 males and females studied, soda drinkers were at 48% higher risk for metabolic syndrome, which involves weight gain and elevated blood sugar. No significant difference in these findings was observed between sugary sodas and diet drinks. The researchers noted that diet soda drinkers were less likely to consume healthy foods, and that drinking diet soda flavored with artificial sweeteners more than likely increases cravings for sugar-flavored sweets.[6]

    A preliminary abstract presented by the University of Miami's Hannah Gardener linked daily consumption of diet soda to a 61% higher incidence of "vascular events" such as strokes and heart attacks, although Gardener acknowledged that these results could not be conclusively linked to harmful effects of diet soda itself, and may be the result of other behaviors.[7] The author stated that confirmation was required prior to drawing conclusions. These studies were published as abstracts and presented at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.[8]

    Among individuals who drink several regular sodas per day, diet soda may be a better choice, according to a website on dieting.[9] Studies have also indicated that body mass gain is an unlikely consequence of artificial sweetener consumption.[10][11]
    Studies in cattle and rats suggest that artificial sweeteners cause body weight gain, theoretically because of a faulty insulin response. Rats given sweeteners have steadily increased caloric intake, increased body weight, and increased adiposity (fatness).[12] Adding saccharin to the food of calves increases their body weight as well.[13]

    A study of almost 60,000 pregnant Danish women found that preterm birth was more common in women who drank diet soda than in those who drank sugar-sweetened soda. The study was not designed to establish a cause and effect relationship.[14][15]
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I used to drink a lot of diet soda (and still do drink a moderate amount) for a similar reason because it helps take away the snacking craving. So I would say try it and see if it works - you can always experiment for a few weeks and see if it helps.

    BTW I was finally able to switch about half of my soda habit to seltzer water - apparently, I just like drinking things out of a can. :)
  • pinkyleigh83
    pinkyleigh83 Posts: 148 Member
    No. I cut out soda, diet or otherwise a long time ago. I know people that cut all soda out, diet included, and lost weight.

    I'd try tea, not a diet soda. It's full of crap. There are quite a lot of tea options that could help curb your sweet tooth & you'd be getting some water in too.
  • ajohn252
    I crave diet pop more than I crave any sweets
    or unhealthy food, so if it takes a zero calorie drink
    to get me through my cravings I'm more than okay with
    that! I figure its better than eating some greasy fatty
    snack or something sugary.
  • UncleRiotous
    A lot of the current research on diet shows that sugar (rather than fat) is the big problem with weight gain largely because it spikes your insulin levels and that makes you feel hungry which sets up a vicious spiral where you eat something sweet and end up craving more sweet stuff. I don't think anyone has done a serious study into whether sweeteners do the same thing to your insulin level but there is a good chance that they do and if so then there is a chance that trying to satisfy that hunger with foods that contain sweetener will make it more difficult for you not to eat.

    On a personal level I've found that a couple of times when I've had a diet soda (other than at dinner times) I end up wanting to snack but that's hardly scientific and it might simply be coincidence.
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    I agree with seltzer water. I'm going to assume you thought soda because of the bubbles, therefore giving you a full feeling faster compared to water. I would say seltzer water and flavor it yourself. You could add lemon, lime, or any citrus, or berries. Apples and cinnamon (real cinnamon stick not powder) would be good too. I do this with regular water to change things up a bit. You are adding calories adding fruits but not much.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I get a product called Izze Fortified. It's fruit juice with just a little sparkling water and no added sugar. It's like having a soda or a sweet treat, it's not zero calories, but it's not a lot......90 I think for the Clementine Orange. I just reserve some calories when I know I'm going to have it in the house. :)
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    Yeah, chemicals are a great way to curb food cravings...what?? Eat some grapes or a banana!
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Also, this is not for everyone, but I've also found that a very light beer (i.e. Miller 64) can make me feel relaxed in the evening and like I am 'treating' myself without as many calories as other snacks.