People telling me that I'm too I'm MAD!



  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    :) ive been there too and it is extremely frustrating. dont let it bring you down though; i had to learn to just become oblivious to it. now i could care less!

    the fact of the matter is that you are hot and in shape and they are clearly jealous because you're doing this all while eating. theyre living in a different world than you and are simply ignorant. try to feel bad for these people instead; or maybe even explain to them a bit what you are doing and how you work out and such. maybe they will be inspired :)

    take a yoga breath :D
  • Penfoldsplace
    Maybe they are genuinely worried about you but express it in the wrong way, some people can be insensitive without realising. Then again they could be jealous as well. You look great in your profile picture so maybe they are worried about you if you got thinner.

    If your happy with what your doing i would just ignore and change the subject. Its none of their business
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I've have found my people!

    I have had 3 different people come up to me yesterday to tell me that I need to stop losing weight. I'm 5'5" and currently 137. I have 7 more pounds to goal, I've increased my calorie intake to match my exercise, I'm never hungry and I'm a size 6 currently.

    I think it is from people who lost weight and put it back on. AND here's the kicker--I learned to dress for my body type oh about 24 years ago. So I have always looked thinner than I actually was and now I wear under clothes that keep the "loose flab" in place. Truly people cannot tell what work I have to go, so they assume that they are right and I am wrong.

    It's very irksome really! I know they mean well really I do, and I always start a conversation with "Ask me anything", and I have talked about my loose flab and tightening underclothes, and still these comments persist...especially on jeans Fridays--I just love my size 6 jeans!!!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hahaha! I totally relate! I'm 5'7" and 136lbs and I have a lot of muscle so I look like I weigh less than I do. And I'm a school bus driver so I'm def the minority in my trade lol. When I tell people I eat 2000-2200 calories on work out days they think I'm lying. And I absolutely DESPISE being called "skinny"!

    I'm about to do my own rant on the backlash against "skinny"...there's a pic going around on FB that says something like being beautiful does not require the word "skinny"...and I agree but it makes me feel like my heavier counter parts resent me for not being heavy! When I was obese in the 80s, the rest of the world was thin. Now that I'm thin, or rather FIT, the rest of the world is heavy. I can't win! Go figure...
  • MadeInHeaven83
    I don't blame you for being annoyed about that. I know it's hard, but just ignore them, or better, tell them it's not any of their business (because it really isn't!) I have a coworker who does the same thing. She's just totally rude and has no filter about ANYTHING, but she eats nothing but fatty, starchy food all the time and is constantly grazing and has put on at least ten pounds since I started working there, but she has the nerve to tell me I don't eat enough and am too thin just because I made the mistake of letting her overhear me tell another coworker that I was on a diet. I LOVE food and am always hungry, and when I forget myself and make the mistake of saying so, or saying I'm hurt or sore from one of my workouts, she has the nerve to tell me I'm "crazy" for dieting and working out. I feel like being super bratty and quoting something my friend said once--"Right. And that is why *I* look like ME and YOU look like YOU."

    Honestly, you are doing great and should be proud of yourself. People like your coworkers are simply ignorant, and it's worse for them than it is for you. Remember: your habits and discipline are why YOU look like YOU and THEY look like THEM!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Im not thin.......not by a damn long shot. I still plan on losing 100 pounds if that tells ya anything. However, I get the same kind of crap at work. When I refuse to join in their candy treat days, or sweet laden lunches et al, I catch hell all day. Randomly people will tell me I dont need to lose any more weight........that I look great the way I am...........that at my age it doesnt matter......that they cant picture me skinny.....blah blah blah

    It just appalls me that others feel so free to judge someone else who is trying to regain their health....someone that is eating healthy and exercising. Just yesterday I was offered a homemade double fudge chewy brownie with fudge frosting and Oreo's on top. when I turned it down the woman said to me"Oh now you're too good to join us"

    I hear your frustration

    STAND STRONG you're doing what you need to do for you
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    I'm getting some of that too. I'm 5'8" Small frame, 150. I've gotten a lot thinner, but I'm still kinda pudgy in my stomach, thighs, and butt. One of my coworkers said "When are you gonna quit shrinking?" My dad and sister scrutinize my healthy food and eating schedule. Just because I share that I'm losing weight doesn't mean you get to scrutinize my food; it's just plain disrespectful.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I would probably say something snarky like, its better than being in the obese range on the weight scale. or, i am so sorry that you are jealous that I have a killer body and actually like myself enough to work hard to keep it that way. wow, that lady that said you were emaciated was a total *****. maybe say my doctor says I am at a healthy weight and staying there will help me to not have to be in a wheel chair when I am older unlike you. that would shut her up. im so sick of people sticking their noses into every body elses business. she needs a big dose of stfu



    If you've been polite for far too long, make a rude comment back. I often find female women I'm surrounded by will make comments about the way that I look... these are usually women who're overweight, covered in spots, and generally don't take any care of themselves. I've now started saying "I always think it's rude when people make comments about the way people look for no reason, don't you?" and then they start saying "Oh I didn't mean it like that!", but the comments reduced.

    One manager at work took it too far, however. He thinks he's Gods gift to women, and is an arrogant *kitten*! He was making comments, so I made comments back about how maybe he should use a sunbed to upkeep his holiday tan, and to blast his acne. He pointed out one spot and said it was something else, and so I said "...but what about all the other ones on your face?". Well, the look on his face was just priceless, everyone laughed, he got embarrassed and walked out shortly after. He didn't say any other rude comments to me after that!

    Be polite at first, then mention how it's rude to make comments about people, and then if it continues... point out something bad about the way they look, and mention it to them. They soon don't like it and stop the comments. :wink:
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I have to agree with you. It does get very annoying when people bug you about your weight. I had a woman go so far as to say that she thought I had an eating disorder. REALLY people just be supportive.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    My first instinct would be to return fire, but hunneric brings up very valid points. Just because they hurt you doesn't make it right for you to make comments that hurt them, and it certainly wouldn't improve the relationships with your coworkers. Some people don't realize that comments about being underweight can be just as hurtful as comments about being overweight.

    I have never been accused of being too thin, but I have people in my workplace who are way too interested in my eating habits. My boss made a comment the other day about me "eating all the time", saying every time he turns around I am eating something. It really honks me off, but I didn't say anything. I eat breakfast, lunch, and one or two snacks at work everyday. I happen to eat them in my office. What he doesn't realize is that even though I eat more now, I am taking in far less calories than I used to. Oats and Greek yogurt with fruit or lean ham and egg whites on a whole wheat English muffin for breakfast, grilled chicken and veggies for lunch, a piece of fruit with cheese, fresh veggies with hummus, or a protein bar for a snack does not even make a dent in the calories I used to consume. I just remind myself that there are no health and fitness experts in my office, and the way I live is working for me. Fortunately for me my boss is a no-frills country guy and one of the nicest people I have ever met, so I know he is not trying to be snarky. He just doesn't always filter what comes out of his mouth, lol.

    Do what is best for you, and try not to let their comments bug you too much.
  • lazywriter
    If you hit the gym every day and are eating 1200 calories a day, you ARE underfed.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    You give them so much control over you when you allow their words to make you mad.
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    Some of them say it because they care. Others say it because they're nasty, and that's what bothers me. The one lady at work the other day was saying stuff to me and I told her how much I weigh and i was like "130 is at the upper half of the healthy weight range for my height" and she goes "for what, an emaciated person? yeah, okay..." Umm who do you think you are, lady!!

    She is just jealous, probably doesn't even realize that she is being so insulting....Just keep doing what you're doing for YOU and screw everyone else! :glasses:
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    There are some who just like to hear themselves speak. Some think they have all the answers and some are just plain judgemental. In any event smile and let them know in kind or not so kind words that their advice or comments aren't needed. You look great and look very fit
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm getting some of that too. I'm 5'8" Small frame, 150. I've gotten a lot thinner, but I'm still kinda pudgy in my stomach, thighs, and butt. One of my coworkers said "When are you gonna quit shrinking?" My dad and sister scrutinize my healthy food and eating schedule. Just because I share that I'm losing weight doesn't mean you get to scrutinize my food; it's just plain disrespectful.


    I have a small frame but still have weight on my hips, butt and thighs that need to go. So really, I COULD stand to lose another 7 lbs or so, people just don't notice it because I wear scrubs all day and cover it up. I do have quite a bit of fat in those areas though that needs to be blasted away and that's why I'm still trying to lose.
    SASSYnCHICago Posts: 98 Member
    Sounds like you get caught up in office drama, and this should be about you and your heathly life style.You are doing great and others tend to have to say something when they see changes. Keep up the good work, and don't let them get to you.

    I lost 25 lbs and I actually like all the complements I receive at work, but like you I now get "you are getting too skinny" - and all I've been doing is toning up w/o weight loss. I like the changes I see so that is all that really matters.

    My boss did say: you are looking lean these days!, I loved his comment.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Jealousy is a strong emotion. They just envy you for being able to eat a lot and still have a good figure.

    She doesn't eat a lot though.

    After her exercise she only nets 1000 calories on average from what I've seen her in diary... and thats nothing.

    It only looks like she eats a lot because she snacks all day.
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    Jealousy is a strong emotion. They just envy you for being able to eat a lot and still have a good figure.

    She doesn't eat a lot though.

    After her exercise she only nets 1000 calories on average from what I've seen her in diary... and thats nothing.

    It only looks like she eats a lot because she snacks all day.

    I eat around six times a day to keep my metabolism going.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Jealousy is a strong emotion. They just envy you for being able to eat a lot and still have a good figure.

    She doesn't eat a lot though.

    After her exercise she only nets 1000 calories on average from what I've seen her in diary... and thats nothing.

    It only looks like she eats a lot because she snacks all day.

    I eat around six times a day to keep my metabolism going.

    Which is a total myth.

    You don't need to eat 6 times a day.

    Metabolism is determined by lean muscle mass... so if you do weight training(be it body weight or actual weights) then your metabolism should be fine. If you do only cardio and no resistance training at all, then you could potentially be in trouble.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    Jealousy is a strong emotion. They just envy you for being able to eat a lot and still have a good figure.

    She doesn't eat a lot though.

    After her exercise she only nets 1000 calories on average from what I've seen her in diary... and thats nothing.

    It only looks like she eats a lot because she snacks all day.

    I eat around six times a day to keep my metabolism going.

    Which is a total myth.

    You don't need to eat 6 times a day.

    Metabolism is determined by lean muscle mass... so if you do weight training(be it body weight or actual weights) then your metabolism should be fine. If you do only cardio and no resistance training at all, then you could potentially be in trouble.

    ^^She is right, the 6 times a day theory is a myth.