How do you guys consistently track you food?



  • dldnvr
    dldnvr Posts: 22 Member
    I figure, if the food is important enough to me to put in my cakehole,
    then it's important enough to record.

    But that's just me
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I prelog my food up to a week in advance and that's what I eat. It may vary slightly but I update right a way or send myself a text on my phone so I can refer to it later.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    Many days I eat sort of the same pattern of stuff, like days when I work, so it isn't hard to recall I ate yogurt and flaxseeds for breakfast AGAIN, but if I go away for a week with the rockstar/musician buddies or out to eat a lot in a weekend etc., I make a category called 'best rockstar guess' or something like that where you can use those 'quick calories' or other things, and I just guess how much stuff is, based on the fact that ordinarily I log every tiny thing at home and am used to the fact that an ounce of cheese can be 120+ or so, and if I eat ten crackers and six ounces of cheese or whatever standing around, that adds up to a huge meal. Seems like different things work for different people, but if I didn't log stuff every day, which tells me how many calories are in things that I would never have guessed, I would completely lie to myself myself and guess really low. I think that either making notes to yourself during the day, or apps if you have that kind of thing, might be helpful. I think getting into the habit makes all the difference, just like with anything--especially with things like glasses of water! I write that down at work, since how would i know otherwise if I just fill it up a few times or a lot?? Good luck!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You have to get into a habit of doing it right there on the spot. Pull out your phone and log it. I hear my friends say they can't be bothered. At most, it takes 5 minutes. Usually much less time. But, if you can't do that for some reason, remember. Saying you can't remember what you ate is really indicating that you don't pay attentioin to what you eat. I know exactly what I eat because I make very purposeful decisions about it. Even when I eat wrong, it's a very concious decision I make to do that at that moment, so I never forget.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I use the MFP app on my android smartphone when not at home. At home, I write everything on a pad of paper I keep on the counter and log on the computer as soon as I can. Do that for food and exercise.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    Tracking while eating isn't always an option - if it were, it would be easy to do. During the school year I'm usually out of the house from 8am until about midnight (because I go strait from class to work). What I do is keeping a running total of everything I eat as a Draft text message on my cell phone, adding to it throughout the day so I don't leave out anything I eat. I make note of the time as well so when I do get home and input it I can fill in my diary accurately.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Yes. Logging doesn't always have to mean online. Any method is fine. Pen and paper work brilliantly if you can keep it with you all the time.
    Tracking while eating isn't always an option - if it were, it would be easy to do. During the school year I'm usually out of the house from 8am until about midnight (because I go strait from class to work). What I do is keeping a running total of everything I eat as a Draft text message on my cell phone, adding to it throughout the day so I don't leave out anything I eat. I make note of the time as well so when I do get home and input it I can fill in my diary accurately.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    How do you guys consistently track you food?

    Log it when you eat it.
    I mean seriously?

    No, really, log it when you eat it. If you have a smartphone or tablet it's pretty easy to do. I wouldn't joke about this.
    I always forget to write down my food and then I forget what I ate by the end of the day.

    That's why we log it right away. He's an alternative. Log your food in the morning before you leave the house. You probably have a pretty good idea of what you're going to eat that day.....if you don't that's part of the problem. So pre-log, and then you only have to remember the things you ate that were off track. This is a really good way to do it if you don't have a smartphone.
    How do you stay motivated to track your diet?

    I look at a picture of myself or I look in the mirror. Then I compare that to how will look if I handle my exercise and diet business correctly, week after week. Also I hang out on fitness tumbler sites for inspirational purposes. Sort of a combo of what I could look like and all the hot women I wanna hang with. Try
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    Planning out my meals/snacks and having the app on my phone have helped me stay on track. Good luck!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I eat mostly the same food and same portion sizes every day which makes it fairly easy. One day out of the week I take a break and don't log at all.
  • ginbookus
    How do you guys consistently track you food? I mean seriously? I always forget to write down my food and then I forget what I ate by the end of the day. How do you stay motivated to track your diet?

    I log right after eating or while eating. If I'm not at home or by a computer, I write it down if I don't think I'll remember. If you're 'forgetting' to write it down... no offense, are you really that focused or committed? I'm constantly thinking about what I'm going to eat and how I can make my meals healthier. I stay motivated to track my diet because I WANT to lose the weight and be healthier. If you're just getting started it can be a little tough to adjust to, but try getting a small notepad or something for keeping track of your food especially if you aren't around the computer a lot. Or you could try out the mobile app for Fitness Pal. Sometimes I also pre-log what I plan to eat. Then don't vary from that. If you pack a lunch for work or something, log it when you pack the lunch.

    Hope it helps, good luck with your weight loss!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I'm like many others here. I log asap after I eat and sometimes if I'm packing my food and I know what I'm packing I enter it a day ahead. It helps me plan the next day. If I change my mind on what I eat I can change it.

    I use the phone app when I'm out and about and I use the computer app when I'm home working on the computer.
  • ginbookus
    You have to get into a habit of doing it right there on the spot. Pull out your phone and log it. I hear my friends say they can't be bothered. At most, it takes 5 minutes. Usually much less time. But, if you can't do that for some reason, remember. Saying you can't remember what you ate is really indicating that you don't pay attentioin to what you eat. I know exactly what I eat because I make very purposeful decisions about it. Even when I eat wrong, it's a very concious decision I make to do that at that moment, so I never forget.

    Very well said. :)
  • RSuta
    RSuta Posts: 60
    Sometimes when i dont have time to track my food I take a picture of it and send it to my email with a subject of breaksfast, lunch, or dinner the email will have the date so youll know what day to track it.
  • CarmenLynn75
    CarmenLynn75 Posts: 118 Member
    Use a smartphone app!! They're free and awesome :) Or, log ur day prior as a means of planning what you'll eat then only eat what you planned!!
  • rsboyd
    iphone in hand after or soon after every meal. in order for it to work it has to be religion....
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it's a pain at first but you get used to logging so that it becomes second nature.

    what also helps is that MFP keeps track of your recent items, so if you eat the same things there's very little searching you have to do.

    i'd say in all, it takes me 3-5 minutes a day to log my meals in
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    How do you guys consistently track you food? I mean seriously? I always forget to write down my food and then I forget what I ate by the end of the day. How do you stay motivated to track your diet?

    By logging it as I'm preparing it. Usually with the barcode scanner. Why write it all down and then input it later? Making twice the work for yourself and making it less likely you'll be able to keep up.
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member
    Just make it a habit. It's hard for the first couple of weeks, but then it becomes second nature. And it really helps you to think about it WHILE you are eating it, which can lower your portions. And don't worry if you don't get things 100% correct - if I am eating at a local restaurant and the info isn't in the system, I just approximate. It shouldn't take an hour to log in your food. :)
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    I try to track it when I eat it.. But then i try to track what I am going to eat for the day! That is so much easier for me!!