WHy are the first 5lbs the harded??



  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I really do love to use my crock pot and make
    Stuff on the weekends. But because I have a small
    Kitchen and keep the puppy in their during the day he likes to jump up on the counter and get everything. So during the day while I'm away cooking food in the crock pot isn't going to be a good idea unless I wanna come home to a puppy covered in food with a mess of a floor.

    Then put the crockpot in the bathroom and close the door so the puppy can't get it.

    (opportunities vs. excuses)

    or crate your dog. or put the dog in the bathroom while your gone.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member

    You're my hero!! lol I have one kid, one dog, work full time, and I'm going back to college in the spring. I'm a single Mom during the week, my husband is on the road Monday thru Friday. I do really well with food choices, but I struggle with the motivation to work out.

    To the OP, for me it fell off in the beginning. I lost like 6 pounds the first week I think. But I was a huge soda drinker. I think just cutting that back is what dropped the weight off initially. Recently my weight loss stalled. I was struggling with the same pound for about two weeks. I started watching my carbs more closely. I have been under my goal everyday this week, and have lost about two pounds. So maybe that is something to look at.


    thanks. really, one of the best motivators is the scale going down........I dont' want it to go back up!!!
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I don't understand why you can't just let the dog play outside for an hour while you exercise... If he's stuck inside all day I'm sure he would appreciate the fresh air. it's not abuse nor neglect, the only one you are neglecting is yourself. The first 5 is allot easier than you think: eat non processed healthy foods on a deficit, hold yourself accountable, drink plenty of water, and get off your butt and move.

    Everyone is here to help you, we have all been there, I used to catch myself saying "I don't have time.... I'm exhausted by the end of my day.... I am too busy to prepare meals.... I have no one to watch my kids....". Till one day I realized those were nothing more than excuses. I MAKE it a point to exercise, I make sure I have time to cook my food, if I'm tired so what it has to get done I'd rather be tired than fat, no babysitter? The kids "work out" with me. I also have two dogs, one is a Pomeranian that requires allot of attention (he's like having a 3Rd child lol) but I'm learning I can't take care of anyone properly if I'm not taking care of myself first.

    Edited to add: I am married and do get a little help but he is in the military so most the time things fall on me, but I still manage to get my exercise in and eat a home cooked meal :)
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I think it gets easier once you get into new habits. I was super strict when I started because I had got to the point where I needed to draw a line!
    Also, find some exercise that you really enjoy which has a high burn. I run, I did Couch 2 5K last summer. I work full time and have 2 kids, so I used to get up at six and pound the streets before everyone else woke up. I get up early on weekends and run.
    Other people have mentioned that you might have quite a lot of sodium in your diet if you eat processed food. That might be worth tracking in your food diary so you can see what your sodium levels are.
    Good luck!
  • BeckySue1977
    BeckySue1977 Posts: 91 Member
    I really do love to use my crock pot and make
    Stuff on the weekends. But because I have a small
    Kitchen and keep the puppy in their during the day he likes to jump up on the counter and get everything. So during the day while I'm away cooking food in the crock pot isn't going to be a good idea unless I wanna come home to a puppy covered in food with a mess of a floor.

    Then put the crockpot in the bathroom and close the door so the puppy can't get it.

    (opportunities vs. excuses)


    My thoughts exactly.
    Every piece of advice I have seen given here has been met with a "reason" why you can't do that. Interesting...
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    My thoughts exactly.
    Every piece of advice I have seen given here has been met with a "reason" why you can't do that. Interesting...

    I'm seeing the same pattern. People are giving you great ideas, OP, and you're squandering it. You cannot be too busy to get healthy NOW. This is your body. You only get one. And you're wasting everyone's time coming up with excuses for why you can't change.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    The first pounds were the easiest to lose for me!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yes I agree, all I've read so far are reasons why you can't plan ahead, why you can't eat unprocessed food, why you can't exercise more. I honestly am not sure why you are on here? If I had to I would get up an hour earlier and do a workout before my working day began. I would plan ahead what I was going to eat and ensure I took it with me to work. Pretty much all of us are busy with jobs, kids, pets, etc etc but you just have to make the time work for you. There is NO other choice if you want to loose that weight. It feels a bit sucky at first yes, and you will be tired at the start but watching the scales decrease should be fantastic motivation. Good luck.
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    All day I have really been pulling for you. However, I'm over that. You don't really seem like you are interested in the advice you have been given. If you have time to play video games on most nights then you have time to exercise. I understand that you want to spend time with your friends and family by why can't you be active while you do that? Wouldn't they be thankful to know you are keeping yourself healty so you will be around to spend even more time with them. You said you spend time with your nieces. If they are children thats awesome because children love to run and play. I think it's great that you walk your dog and don't want to neglect it but how about jogging with it instead. What kind of dog is it if it can jump up on the counter and get into a crock pot? As long as you have this woe is me, nothing ever works out, I just can't do this mentality then you will not be able to acheive very much.

    IMO you spend your time and money on things that are important to you.
  • sassycurlzss
    sassycurlzss Posts: 47 Member
    I went through and read all the posts because I have been dieting and exercising for a little over a month and have gained 6 lbs!! I thought someone could give me advice and came across a few tips and help. I found you to be full of excuses and VERY defensive!!:angry: You asked for advice and now you are getting it! I have posted for help many times and no one responded so count yourself lucky to have help:frown: . First if you want to lose the weight you need to stop with those excuses!:huh: Im a full time Dental Hygiene student my life is school till May. I get up two to three hours early to workout, study and get ready. (i have to be to school at 7:30 am) Im in school till 1 or 5 depending on the day. I come home and do homework and study. We all are busy you just have to decide what you want for you to make it work and if you dont make cahnges you wont change. Prep your food the night before it only takes 10-15 min to make a better lunch.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Not everyone loses a lot at first. I started off at the usual 1-2 pounds per week, even though I'm really heavy and most people would figure I'd drop a lot more. Five pounds per week is not the norm. You're losing at a good rate, especially since you haven't changed much, so don't freak out.

    Also, I have never seen so many excuses. Ever. Everyone here is dealing with work schedules, families, and other commitments. EVERYONE. That's why this is called a lifestyle change. You have to change your habits, and that means figuring out a new way to do things instead of making excuses while begging people to help you. We can't help you if you're just going to tell us why you can't do something. I worked full-time while going to school full-time, and I still had 30 minutes here and there to exercise, cook, play with my cats, and so on. Was it hard? Yes. Was it impossible? No. It's called time management.

    Stop attacking people who are trying to give you ideas. If you want to lose weight like the rest of us, maybe you should listen to us. We've been there, and we're trying to tell you what worked for us. If you don't want to hear it, don't create a topic like this to ask for help. It's obvious you don't want help; you just want to lose five pounds per week without any effort. Sorry, but that's not going to happen.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I went through and read all the posts because I have been dieting and exercising for a little over a month and have gained 6 lbs!! I thought someone could give me advice and came across a few tips and help. I found you to be full of excuses and VERY defensive!!:angry: You asked for advice and now you are getting it! I have posted for help many times and no one responded so count yourself lucky to have help:frown: . First if you want to lose the weight you need to stop with those excuses!:huh: Im a full time Dental Hygiene student my life is school till May. I get up two to three hours early to workout, study and get ready. (i have to be to school at 7:30 am) Im in school till 1 or 5 depending on the day. I come home and do homework and study. We all are busy you just have to decide what you want for you to make it work and if you dont make cahnges you wont change. Prep your food the night before it only takes 10-15 min to make a better lunch.

    Judging from your progress pics (sorry I stalked your photos lol) you are definitely losing inches :) I'm not sure what type of advice you are looking for but you seem willing to listen to advice so if you have any questions I can try to help best I can :)
  • annathomas88
    annathomas88 Posts: 27 Member
    I see in your diary that you like to munch on carrots and ranch dressing. Try hummus instead of carrots or if you don't like hummus try greek yogurt veggie dip. Delicious and less fattening than the ranch. Now that i have switched, i prefer it. :) Best of luck to you!
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    I really do love to use my crock pot and make
    Stuff on the weekends. But because I have a small
    Kitchen and keep the puppy in their during the day he likes to jump up on the counter and get everything. So during the day while I'm away cooking food in the crock pot isn't going to be a good idea unless I wanna come home to a puppy covered in food with a mess of a floor.

    Then put the crockpot in the bathroom and close the door so the puppy can't get it.

    (opportunities vs. excuses)

    That would also be a good idea if I actually had a counter in te bathroom and now just a sink.

    No excuses. Just stating a fact. And plus I don't think leave things plugged in while im not home.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I really do love to use my crock pot and make
    Stuff on the weekends. But because I have a small
    Kitchen and keep the puppy in their during the day he likes to jump up on the counter and get everything. So during the day while I'm away cooking food in the crock pot isn't going to be a good idea unless I wanna come home to a puppy covered in food with a mess of a floor.

    Then put the crockpot in the bathroom and close the door so the puppy can't get it.

    (opportunities vs. excuses)

    That would also be a good idea if I actually had a counter in te bathroom and now just a sink.

    No excuses. Just stating a fact. And plus I don't think leave things plugged in while im not home.

    Yeesh! I was pulling for you. But I think the excuses are winning. Forget the crockpot already! Do you have a microwave? Truth is there is always a reason why you CAN'T. YOU have to figure out how you CAN.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    That would also be a good idea if I actually had a counter in te bathroom and now just a sink.

    No excuses. Just stating a fact. And plus I don't think leave things plugged in while im not home.

    Oh my god... are you being deliberately dense? Put it on the floor (move the rug) or on the floor of the shower (move the curtain). This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say "excuses". You're making everything 500% more difficult than it needs to be.

    Leaving a crock pot plugged in will not cause a fire. If it runs out of liquid, it will simply dry up and smoke a tiny bit. It will only run out of liquid if you accidentally set it to High or put in the wrong amount of time. Crock pot fires are extremely rare, especially with modern crock pots. If it has an automatic shut-off, then there's absolutely no reason to worry because it will shut itself off or switch to "warm" when it's finished.

    Even if you don't want to use the crock pot, there are hundreds of meals you can pre-pack without having to cook them first. Check Pinterest for lunch ideas. Alternately, if you use the crock pot on the weekend, make enough for dinner all week. Use your freezer.
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    If everyone thinks I am wasting time on here by making "excuses" please stop posting and wasting your time on making comments and you are irritated with.

    Someone posted about if I have time to play video games I have time to exercise. If you read the post about the games maybe you would have realized the ONLY games I play are ones that require exercise.

    I don't make excuses, I'm just stating facts.

    So please unless you have something nice to say and give me real advise rather than telling me what to do, please
    Stop posting and maybe I would t react the way I sound.

    Life is difficult. Yes I make my own decisions. I simply only asked why is it that the first 5 lbs seemed the hardest to lose, not all this crap.

    Some people I can truly take their advise, and I can't change in only 8hrs, so give me time. But some have had some rude comments and if you reread from someone else's eyes you could see the same thing.

    I started this post, and if someone isn't going to be nice instead of being rude, please
    Stop posting.
  • annathomas88
    annathomas88 Posts: 27 Member
    Also there is a Jillian Micheals DVD you can get called "30 Day Shred" it is an awesome 20 minute workout that burns major calories. I got mine at Target for $9.99. So 20 minutes. You can do it at home. It doesn't matter if it's light out or dark. And its reasonably priced, in fact i am pretty sure someone mentioned that you can even download it for free. I'm not sure about that but look into it. Most important thing is NEVER give up! Keep going. Sweat everyday. And soon enough you will get the results you are looking for!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    If everyone thinks I am wasting time on here by making "excuses" please stop posting and wasting your time on making comments and you are irritated with.

    Someone posted about if I have time to play video games I have time to exercise. If you read the post about the games maybe you would have realized the ONLY games I play are ones that require exercise.

    I don't make excuses, I'm just stating facts.

    So please unless you have something nice to say and give me real advise rather than telling me what to do, please
    Stop posting and maybe I would t react the way I sound.

    Life is difficult. Yes I make my own decisions. I simply only asked why is it that the first 5 lbs seemed the hardest to lose, not all this crap.

    Some people I can truly take their advise, and I can't change in only 8hrs, so give me time. But some have had some rude comments and if you reread from someone else's eyes you could see the same thing.

    I started this post, and if someone isn't going to be nice instead of being rude, please
    Stop posting.

    Honey...here is my honest, non-snotty, totally straight from the heart advice:

    Take a good hard look at your replies and own your excuse. Acknowledge that you are being really defensive and you are making excuses to FAIL.

    That's the truth. It's not rude, it's not mean, it's not hateful.

    You asked why it's hard. It's hard because you are setting yourself up for failure.

    All of us who've been there have been where you are. And we can all look back and realize that there was a point where we were making excuses, too. I used my kids as an excuse for a long time. And my husband. And my job.

    If you cannot own that you are just making excuses to fail, then you aren't going to lose that first 5lbs.

    The early weight is the easy weight. If you REALLY want to lose, you need to own your choices, stop making excuses, and go for it.

    But only listening to what you want to hear and not taking ownership if your actions is going to make you fail.

    Again.........where do you want to be in a year? The same weight you are now? Or would you like to look back a year from now and go "Dang! I lost 40lbs!"


    I don't mean this to sound awful.......but for a girl who can't even lose 5lbs, I would think you'd want to listen to the folks who were able to be successful. WE are the ones doing something right. If you ask for advice, maybe you should listen to the people who've been successful at the thing you want to achieve. That's always been my motto...find the folks who have what I want and model what they do. I'm just sayin.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    You asked why losing the first five pounds is hard.

    In order to help, people asked about your food and exercise habits.

    You told us.

    We tried to say, "You could change this, that, and this, and here's how."

    You got super-defensive and made a million excuses.

    People offered other options.

    You got super-defensive and made a million excuses.

    More people offered even more options.

    You got super-defensive and made a million excuses.

    See the pattern?

    If you're simply looking to vent about how hard it is, Facebook is that way.

    If you want actual advice, recipes, and exercise suggestions, stick around.