Men's advice please....



  • ndwyer0910
    ndwyer0910 Posts: 86 Member
    i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?

  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    I am a Dating Pro. My First and Last Rule of Dating is:

    "People do what they want to do!"

    If he's not calling, it's because he doesn't want to. If he calls, it's because he wants to.

    So... if he's not calling, it's because he's not interested. I suggest your forget about him and move on right away.

    There are many rules in between the First Rule and the Last Rule. But these are the most important ones to get your head wrapped around. Until you can deal with the emotional reality of these two rules, you will suffer emotional heartache all throughout your dating experience.

    When you do accept these rules as truth, you will have a lot more fun and you'll truly know when someone is interested in you and wants to spend time with you.
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?

    if she likes him what is the harm in saying hello, if he doesn't respond then F him. He now could never say "well i never heard from you either" Remember i said he should have texted one way or the other no matter what. Don't get me wrong i see your side of it.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    If you liked him, call him yourself.

    I've always been a go-getter, and I don't like waiting around. I would text him just to say hi. He may also be wondering if you're still interested, hoping he'll hear from you so he doesn't look needy. :)
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I'm in the "Do Nothing" camp.

    Guys are hunters. That's what we do. If we want to go get you, we will. If we don't, then why waste your time?

    i go with this.
  • Tiffers44
    i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?

    We have a winner! Thank you fcp1234!!
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?

    He has a wife?
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    he doesn't want you and you're bugging him.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Here's and idea.. CALL him rather than text.
  • allishax9918
    lol wtf?!
  • Tiffers44
    Thanks ~ eienmatt!

    Little old fashion when it comes to that :)
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?
    Assuming it went down the way it was said. He was the last one who said something. He said "she didn't talk too much" and she was sweet or something. Maybe he is waiting for her next text.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    My advice is to do NOTHING. If he's interested, he will call. Btw, I don't think it was a good idea to send a text message saying you talked to much. That shows insecurity. I personally would be annoyed if you did that.

    Now, everyone is different and he may not have felt that way. If he's interested, he'll call. In the meantime, keep looking for other dates.

    Times have changed so maybe he was thinking you would answer back. I still think that if a guy is interested, he will do anything to get to you. IF not, he''ll continue walking.

    In the end it doesn't matter if it's the woman's or the man's responsibility to call. IF A GUY IS INTERESTED, HE WILL CALL. Go on to other dates.
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    Why is it always the man's responsiblity to reach out? He may be thinking the same thing about you. You could call/text him asking if he's free sometime this weekend and if he doesn't respond, let it go.
    Agreed! Very smart woman here!
  • oneworkoutatatime
    I am not a man, but here's my opinion...

    Do nothing !!

    If he is interested, he has your number..If he is playing THe game, he has your number..Dont sit there waiting for him, go on other dates, go out with friends. If he really wants to, he will contact you.

    I am a man and I agree with this..
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    I don't think there is any harm in reaching out to him (whether by text or call or whatever) but like many others I fear he's not that into you. I know, you're wondering how it could all gone so great and then it's like he's doing a 180 on you right? I can't explain that, but I know if I was in his shoes and it went down the way you say, I would have reached out by now. Good luck!
  • harr3mi
    harr3mi Posts: 87 Member
    It sounds to me like he responded the way he did to get OP on the line. Now that she is hooked he is waiting for his ego boost when she begins to relentlessly pursue him because she got advise on men from a bunch of women who told her to take chase. Its a simple game of Cat & Mouse.

    I say do nothing.
  • drsean
    And thus the request for Mens advice. Although Women believe they know Men, they do not. There is no "cut out" one guy is just like another, regardless of what some people believe.

    I will say that a lot is dependent on his age, thus his maturity, and since you are not a teenager then he is probably not either. As we age, Men that is, we get set in our patterns and sometimes simply do not remember to do "new" things. Perhaps he is not usually a dating kind of guy and does not want to come off as being pushy? Perhaps he wants to give a bit of time to make the heart grow fonder? Perhaps he is trying to find the right opportunity, event, to take you out to? Perhaps he doesn't know how to recall your number on his cellphone, my father can't do it? The real answer is, only he knows why he has not called you yet. So, if you like him and would like to see him again then pick up your phone and give him a call and invite him to a Starbucks, or some other non-romantic, brightly lit, general meeting area and see what he says. If he says anything other then "Yes" (or words to that effect) and he is not telling you that he is hospitalized or under medical care, then unfortunately he does not wish to pursue this opportunity. If he says "Yes", then he is interested in you because no man will go to a second date with a woman they did not like on the first.

    Hope that helps, and regardless of how he feels..enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and have a great day.

    Bravo beat me to it...great post. Its more grey than black&white. My goodness the poor guy might have had an accident and is in the hospital and CAN'T reply to you. You won't know until you call. It's ok to ask and its not one gender who holds that role or responsibility in relationships. Don't make assumptions about why he does not him and find out.
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    I am not a man, but here's my opinion...

    Do nothing !!

    If he is interested, he has your number..If he is playing THe game, he has your number..Dont sit there waiting for him, go on other dates, go out with friends. If he really wants to, he will contact you.

    Typical woman response.
    If you like the guy, pursue him. IF he responds, WIN. If not, move on.

    Another good post here! Go after what you want, if you actually want it.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    continue with whatever you were doing before the date. If he wants you he'll find you but he should've at the very least responded which is rude and maybe not even worthy. I agree with do nothing, his loss