guys... and their opinions on southern accents



  • nbhobbes
    For most women it adds a bit of character and charm to them..
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    not a guy- but I love southern accents- on a man or a woman! I'm told I have one, but I don't really notice it- guess that's b/c everyone speaks the same round here!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So, out of nowhere I get told that I sound uneducated and stupid just by the tone of my voice and incredibly thick southern accent. This rude comment was interrupted by a guy who said he thought accents were incredibly sweet and sexy. Then this turned into a debate of about 30 men all with very different opinions. So I have to hear it from my MFP people since you all seem to be brutally honest.... Yes or no to a girl with a southern accent. And you have to tell me why. I am beyond curious!

    I love a sexy woman with a southern accent, certain British and French accents, very hot. Whoever said that to you should be beaten.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Grew up in Louisiana.

    There are unattractive southern accents out there, but a sweet one reminds me of warm honey and slow sex.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    The warm honey and slow sex comment is spot on. There's nothing sweeter than being called sweetie or darlin' (or any other number of terms of endearment) when it comes from a girl with a Southern accent. Gives me that warm fuzzy feeling like laying on the grass on a warm day without a care in the world.
  • rburgess7
    rburgess7 Posts: 53 Member
    I say be proud of your accent and where you come from. Believe me some people in the north have accents that can make them sound not to bright, so it is not just a southern thang!
  • kmarie0614
    kmarie0614 Posts: 102 Member
    I love you guys! your all so supportive! Best people to go to for advice! Thanks!
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I'm not a man, but...

    I think there's a huge difference between a southern accent and a southern drawl. Whenever I hear someone with a drawl, I can't help but think they're uneducated and trashy...Honey Boo Boo-esque...but a more genteel southern accent can be quite attractive!

    I find this to be true of most accents, regardless of the region of origin.

    Being from the south ( I did not grow up in the south, but I've lived here my entire adult life from the age of 14) I completely disagree with these first two sentences above^^ A southern drawl is a TYPE of southern accent and has nothing to do with poor grammar or being educated or uneducated. It has to do with the way some southerners drag the end of each word/sentence and make some words sound elongated.

    That being said, I do think some southerners sound uneducated (as well as some people from other parts of the world) and there is far more poor grammar here, than there is in other parts of the US. I do find men with southern accents sexy (my boyfriend) SOMETIMES. They must still sound educated though, and believe me there are PLENTY of educated southerners despite what media tries to portray.
  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    Nothing wrong with a Southern accent at all. I have a friend with a serious Georgia accent and I could listen to her read the dictionary all day long. She is well aware that most men go crazy over it and I have definitely seen her use it to her advantage many times.

    I don't think my accent is too bad, but I get asked at least once a week where I'm from. My dad is full-on Cajun, my mom is from the South, I was born and raised in southeast Missouri, and have lived in northeast Florida for 20 years. Guess it's some kind of hybrid accent. I worked a couple of years in radio and was constantly told I needed to ditch the accent.

    To me it's more about the quality of words coming out of a person's mouth than how those words sound.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    just cause someone sounds like a hick doesnt mean there uneducated..

    i sound like one and im very much educated.


    and p.s. who doesnt love a southernbelle?
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    just cause someone sounds like a hick doesnt mean there uneducated..

    i sound like one and im very much educated.


    and p.s. who doesnt love a southernbelle?

    You mean "they're"?
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    The George Bush accent makes me shudder. Oh a real heavy hick drawl is just... ugh. On the other hand, when I went to North Carolina last year (Winston-Salem then Charlotte), I liked the way the gents talked there.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    just cause someone sounds like a hick doesnt mean there uneducated..

    i sound like one and im very much educated.


    and p.s. who doesnt love a southernbelle?

    You mean "they're"?

    A southern gentleman would not have pointed that out...though I was sorely tempted.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    just cause someone sounds like a hick doesnt mean there uneducated..

    i sound like one and im very much educated.


    and p.s. who doesnt love a southernbelle?

    You mean "they're"?

    A southern gentleman would not have pointed that out...though I was sorely tempted.

    haha,its cool. i always get there,their and they're mixed up!
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    Born and raised in NC and I have that "country" accent that makes you sound redneck. :tongue: I have tried hard to shed it but its impossible....even went so far as to marry a yankee! haha

    Seriously though, I have found that my accent makes it difficult for me to be taken seriously in job interviews, etc. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Information Systems and I was a gifted student. Prior to my current position as a Software Developer, I worked in technical support. Now imagine the times that I had to call Microsoft and talk to a person in India. Yeah...neither one of us could understand each other. However I was very good at my job and most people loved me because my slow drawl made me seem very patient.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    * Swoon *
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I love my southern accent and I get compliments on it all the time. Some think it's cute and some find it really sexy. I just think it depends on the person. I was born and raised in Southwest Virginia and I say ya'll and darlin and all those other really cute southern words. And if anyone doesn't like Southern accents I have 3 words for ya "Kiss my grits!!!"
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    I love my southern accent and I get compliments on it all the time. Some think it's cute and some find it really sexy. I just think it depends on the person. I was born and raised in Southwest Virginia and I say ya'll and darlin and all those other really cute southern words. And if anyone doesn't like Southern accents I have 3 words for ya "Kiss my grits!!!"

    Haha! Love it! Love your ticker too! GO STEELERS!
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I love my southern accent and I get compliments on it all the time. Some think it's cute and some find it really sexy. I just think it depends on the person. I was born and raised in Southwest Virginia and I say ya'll and darlin and all those other really cute southern words. And if anyone doesn't like Southern accents I have 3 words for ya "Kiss my grits!!!"

    Haha! Love it! Love your ticker too! GO STEELERS!

    Thank ya sweetie I love yours too!!!!
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    southern accents have always been a slight turn on, well any accents for that matter. there's something sweet and inviting about a southern accent that usually comes to mind first before uneducated