Seeing a lot of rude comments about 1200/cal....



  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I think it's more an issue of people who have 1200 as their goal, then exercise excessively and don't eat back their calories. If your burning 600+ of your calories a day we don't want to hear you whine that your not losing weight surviving on the 600 unburned calories. And we don't "hate" on the people who eat so little, we offer advice then see that they don't take it and then me get annoyed. Basic rule of thumb: EAT ABOVE YOUR BMR AND BELOW YOUR TDEE FOR A HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS!!! If your not doing this your doing it wrong.
  • kristinabp1973
    if someone hasn't replied yet, 1200 is pretty low, considering that the "average american" eats a 2000 calorie diet. way to go!
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Ignore them. I've been on 1200 calories per day since I started here in early June. Have slowly lost 28 lbs. My cardiologist also recommended 1200 calories per day for weight loss so I wouldn't worry about starvation mode. There is a lot of good calorie dense food to be eaten everyday on 1200 calories. Doesn't leave much room for junk and processed stuff but lots of good fruits, vegetables and lean protein choices. You have to eat smarter.

    For the record just an average 53 year old who needed to lose 20 lbs to be healthier.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do what works for you, don't waste your time with the "haters". I've noticed lots of women say that MFP figures they should eat 1200 cals a day...hmmm...sounds like its more than a coincidence.

    Totally agree.

    MFP puts a lot of women at 1200 calories - especially if you're near goal. The important thing to remember is that what MFP gives you isn't a magic number - it's what the average person with your specs would eat to lose weight. I've heard some people say they need to eat slightly less. For me personally, if I eat less than 1325 daily, I can't lose. We're all different. You need to find what works for you and if 1200 is it, no worries.
  • tjlightbulb
    I get this a lot actually. My co workers and friends give me a hard time about counting calories and being healthy. But just ignore it. most of the time its people who lack disipline to do what we do. Stay proud and focused and youll be fine!

    PS anyone can add me im looking for new friends!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    everyone starts off at 1200 calories

    No they don't. That's the default minimum.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    I posted the message below but didn't see it posted so I may have done something wrong. Anyway, if this message shows up twice please forgive me.

    Don't even think about other people, just do what you have to do to lose weight in a healthy way and ignore everything else.

    I can't eat 1200 calories because that's too many for me and I don't lose weight. I have a thyroid problem and my medication is changed every time blood work is done. I'm at the highest level of thyroid medication and the doctor told me to try to exercise more than normal, (which I can't do until my foot heals from hurting it 8 months ago), and to lower my calories a little at a time until I begin to lose weight. My magic number is around 1,000 calories daily and my doctor is fine with that. Everyone is different so do what works for you.

    Keep a positive outlook and don't let anyone make you feel bad.:flowerforyou:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Okay, I'm sorry, and I hate to be one of the mean people... but some of the replies to this thread are ridiculous. All of the "haters gonna hate just do what works for you everyone is different stuff" is kind of BS. Yes, everyone is different. However, weight loss is alos a science. We all have this wonderful thing called metabolism that keeps us burning calories. I guarantee that 99% of the people eating 1200 calories, have a metabolism much HIGHER than 1200 calories. Therefore, if you keep eating under 1200, you're going to bring your metabolism down eventually. That's not speculation. That's not "what works for me." That's SCIENCE.

    MFP is not the end all be all in weight loss. It is an amazing tool, but it does a simple math forumla to find your goals, which can often be inaccurate. If you say you want to lose 2 pounds a week, and you only have 20 pounds to lose, it's going to tell you to eat 1200 because theoretically that's how much you'd need to eat to lose that fast. However, that doesn't mean it's healthy for your body to have that few calories.

    Educate yourselves. Find your BMRs. When you find out that - surprise - your BMR is above 1200 calories, start eating more. And - surprise - you'll keep losing weight. There are some VERY RARE exceptions but this will work for 99% of people out there. All of us mean people are usually trying to help. I know I am. But it also gets tiring seeing people perpetuate the same "just keep eating less" crap every day.

    Surprise! My BMR, according to MFP is 894 and according to fit2fat is 1052. So if I net below 1200 calories sometimes, I am still good regardless of which number I believe; and that is how I reached my goal. I didn’t have much to lose and I am very short. So we are all different and we should do what is best for us.
  • 3lisab3
    No ..everyone does not start out at 1200 Cal. I started at 1400! I have lost 57 lbs. I am 5'9" and am now on 1200 Cal. I was losing about 2 lbs /week. Now I am losing about 1/week. Its all about the math! 3500 Cal=1 lb. Don't worry about what others say about your program/process. The rude comments are the reason most people keep their weight loss adventure a secret instead of asking for support. We positive folks are here for you..keep up the good work!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I think in most cases you're probably seeing a lot of frustration by MFP members who have witnessed countless people follow this route:

    1. Start out with a goal of 1,200 calories;
    2. Eat 900 calories on average;
    3. Exercise like mad for the first 4 months;
    4. Lose weight;
    5. Celebrate their success;
    6. Metabolism begins slowing from netting 300 calories for 4 months;
    7. Post thread lamenting how they've hit a plateau and can't understand what's going on.
    8. Spend the next four months eating at TDEE to get their metabolism back in order.
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    If you new and haven't done so already take the time to read and understand this---

    Under 1200 calories a day is considered starvation mode. If what you're doing works- it works. However you can't "be in starvation mode" for a long time. If you are- your body will start slowing down the weight loss/plateau. Also if you are active and working out regularly- your body needs those extra calories for fuel for those workouts. Congrats on your losses and best of luck to you :)
  • Danayle
    Danayle Posts: 74 Member
    Lifecycle of an MFPer

    1. Start out at 1200 calories
    2. Complain about how you're "stuffed" at 1200 calories and don't understand why everyone wants you to eat more
    3. Make a post calling out the mean people
    4. Gradually up your calorie goals when you grow tired of being "stuffed" on asparagus spears
    5. Realize that you're still losing weight and feeling much better
    6. Try to help 1200 calorie people
    7. Get called an arrogant ahole one too many times
    8. Retreat to chit-chat forum more or less permanently, only occasionally emerging to lay down a burn

    Hmm, I must have it wrong because I only did 1200 calories for two days to make up for a bad day. I actually started out at 1500 calories.
  • jbaca9602
    jbaca9602 Posts: 64 Member
    I started out with a 1200 cal goal and figured that was something I should try to stay below. That was easy - I almost never ate that many calories! But... regardless of exercise... my weight wouldn't move. I found out that 1200 is really the minimum, as far as overall is concerned. It's okay if you're lower than that occasionally.

    When I started eating right, my appetite grew. It takes way more salad to fill me up than cheeseburgers, naturally. I always ate mostly healthy but still had room to improve. I learned I'm lactose intolerant and cut refined sugar & white flour out of my diet, and everything changed. I ate like a vegan for a few days while getting some workouts and my appetite shot straight up. Now I can manage 1400-1500 calories a day regularly in much more healthy food. I'm also finally losing weight like it's supposed to happen. So is 1200 right for you? Only you will really know that. Your weight responses to food and exercise, your energy levels, your appetite will tell. Give it time though, and if 1200 is right for you, rock it!
  • Tiffikat
    I think 1200 is what MFP sets a lot of people at. It set me at 1200 calories and I also struggle some days to eat it. Other days it doesn't feel like enough so I eat more. I base it on how I actually feel. I also try to eat most if not all of my exercise calories back. I'm currently losing weight and gaining muscle and that has made a huge change already in my figure.

    My plan is to slowly increase my calories as I lose weight. Once I've lost 10 lbs I plan to increase to 1300 or 1400, but slowly so it doesn't add too much weight gain. At 20 lbs I will increase to 1500 or 1600 and stay with that until I reach my goal as long as I am still losing. Then I will switch to 1700 which is maintenance for me.

    This is how I lost 70 lbs after I had my first son, except I really didn't exercise much just some walking. After my second pregnancy I never really lost the baby weight I gained and even though my eating habits are generally good I needed to add in more exercise as I've gotten older. I also ate a lot more fast food as quick lunches in between classes at school. School is over and so are those fast food lunches so I'm changing that. I only have 35 lbs to lose this time and I've just started back at it.

    I would say take things people say with a grain of salt and adjust what you are doing so that it works for you. Talk with your doctor to get their opinion on your calorie and activity levels. Check out the links people post and adjust accordingly if need be. The more information you have the better.
  • larisabones
    Okay, I'm sorry, and I hate to be one of the mean people... but some of the replies to this thread are ridiculous. All of the "haters gonna hate just do what works for you everyone is different stuff" is kind of BS. Yes, everyone is different. However, weight loss is alos a science. We all have this wonderful thing called metabolism that keeps us burning calories. I guarantee that 99% of the people eating 1200 calories, have a metabolism much HIGHER than 1200 calories. Therefore, if you keep eating under 1200, you're going to bring your metabolism down eventually. That's not speculation. That's not "what works for me." That's SCIENCE.

    MFP is not the end all be all in weight loss. It is an amazing tool, but it does a simple math forumla to find your goals, which can often be inaccurate. If you say you want to lose 2 pounds a week, and you only have 20 pounds to lose, it's going to tell you to eat 1200 because theoretically that's how much you'd need to eat to lose that fast. However, that doesn't mean it's healthy for your body to have that few calories.

    Educate yourselves. Find your BMRs. When you find out that - surprise - your BMR is above 1200 calories, start eating more. And - surprise - you'll keep losing weight. There are some VERY RARE exceptions but this will work for 99% of people out there. All of us mean people are usually trying to help. I know I am. But it also gets tiring seeing people perpetuate the same "just keep eating less" crap every day.

    Surprise! My BMR, according to MFP is 894 and according to fit2fat is 1052. So if I net below 1200 calories sometimes, I am still good regardless of which number I believe; and that is how I reached my goal. I didn’t have much to lose and I am very short. So we are all different and we should do what is best for us.

    I think the only recurring theme with people who are eating 1200 or less is that they are all very tiny (short) people. I am very tall so my body would definitely go into starvation mode if I ate 1200. Based on my own experiences, I feel faint if I eat anything below 1400.
    It is science whether people like it or not, but ultimately it is about your individual body type, the 1200 cal thing is like a generalization that the majority of people fall into.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I honestly don't remember what I set my weight loss goal too. I think 2 pounds per week, but I am only 5'3, and have 100lbs to lose. And I'm stuck behind a desk 10 hours a day. Does that make more sense for me to be at 1200?
    Don't be broken-hearted if you don't lose 2 pounds each and every week. That's a really aggressive goal to keep up for a long period of time. It's not a bad idea to start off with a bang but perhaps adjust this goal to 1 pound a week once you get enough success to stay motivated. You're going to have weeks where you stay the same. Just keep doing the right things and it will keep coming off at a steady pace.You're not "stuck" unless you have a 3-4 week period where you don't drop.

    I don't see anything wrong with 1200 a week given your stats and goal. You'll need to make adjustments to this the closer you get to your goal but you should be able to do fine with this. I think the real issue a lot of women have with 1200 is that they feel super hungry and start binge eating and cheating. Yeah, you people know who you are. For these people it's better to eat a higher amount and lose more slowly than to try to lose quickly and risk not having the will power to see it through.

    People will tell you your metabolism will slow down and of course that's correct. If I was carrying around an extra 100 pounds I'd be burning more calories all day long too. No joke it will slow up as your body becomes more fit and more conditioned to do exercise. That's just a "duh" obvious assessment. You will not go into some sort of starvation mode unless you're super thin and eat minimal amounts of food. It doesn't sound like this is an issue here.

    I've been following MFP recommendations and it works fantastically well for me. Ignore the haters. Start off doing what MFP suggests and make adjustments from there as you see fit. Everyone is different and we all need to start somewhere. Best of luck.
  • tyraskanks_
    12,000 is the amount of calories I'm on too--Today I went way over, but generally it is a good number. As you said, more food than you would "normally" eat. I guess what works for one doesn't necessarily work for all, but since what you're doing is working, I would sure keep it up if I were you!

    Wish I could eat 12000 calories! haha :P
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    People who are never hungry rarely lose weight. Also food for thought.

    Be careful of blanket statements like this. I'm never hungry.
  • library_fiend
    everyone starts off at 1200 calories

    Not depends on your starting weight. I forget what I started at (1700 maybe?) but I'm down to 1590. It totally depends on your weight and how much you want to lose per week.
  • nicolecwesthoff
    Some people eat very healthfully and YES eating 1200 calories of mostly fruits and vegetables is hard and you ARE FULL. So yeah.